Tuesday, January 30, 2007

16 Weeks to Bay To Breakers!!!

Today was 16 weeks from the Bay to Breakers. It's time to plug in your present times to get a training schedule at Runner's World (sorry I'm too lazy to program it here, check the link to the left.) Be honest with yourself and see what it gives you. 16 weeks is plenty of time to get ready.

Oh, and if you needed incentive..... There will be a beer bash at Casa de Twin Peaks after the race!!!!


tomodachi said...

i can't decide if i want to do the moderate or the hard training... hmm...

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

I went with the moderate training, but totally cheated on my current pace for a 5k, so that the training plan will put me at my goal for the race (doing the 12k in 60 mins. or less). That is just one suggestion. Don is still trying to toy with the options... Looking at the moderate schedule, I feel like it is still going to be really challenging.

tomodachi said...

cool. well, if any of you figure out some good options, please lemme know.

Sixpack Chopra said...

I have done some messing around with the training program tool. Here's what I came up with:
If work with any distance you want for the "race time" you can change the times until it gives you a program that will result in your goal pace. THE KEY TO IT ALL: Look at the PACE for the TEMPO RUN on week 15. This should be at or near your goal time. If it's not, you need to speed up or slow down the race time you entered.
This program was entered at a 7 minute mile.
