Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Trust Me, I'm NOT a Doctor!

I have several theories as to why the health care system in the U.S. lags behind that of our brilliant European counterparts. Case in point: $30 copay, an hour and twenty-five minutes waiting to see the doctor, and 10 minutes actually spent with the doctor, I was no better off than before I entered his office. (The total cost of my visit was actually $175!!!)

These are some of the "gems" of wisdom that one apparently gathers after years of arduous medical study and practice:
"Take 2 Advil or Aleve twice a day."
"It should feel better in a few weeks."
"Stop running."
"Buy good shoes."

Um, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do doctors feel the need to "hate" on running - don't get me wrong. I loved to get fired up about a good "hatin'" but this seemed wrong. Where are the kudos for getting out and exercising? (Oh wait, here's another gem: "You aren't exercising. You are training!!! Olympic athletes have trainers. Do YOU have a trainer?") I can't believe how bad I was made to feel when I revealed that I wanted to run a half-marathon and a marathon this year. His jaw practically unhinged when I divulged that I run on asphalt. I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking him if he was planning on writing me a prescription to sit on my fat, lazy ass in front of the tv while stuffing my face with deep-fried chimichangas and hunks of extra sharp WISCONSIN cheddar. (That does actually sound really deliciously naughty!)

Anywho, the long of the short is that Sixpack has an amazingly wonderful miracle docotor, who actually listens to his problems and sends him to P.T., while not making him feel like an "evil-doer" for running. If the "2 Aleve a day" and the "stop running" doesn't help, I am going to see a sports doctor. NOT RUNNING IS NOT AN OPTION.

I should have asked for some snake oil before I left the doctor's office. Blast!


Sixpack Chopra said...

I've got some snake oil for you. Or is that worm at the bottom of the bottle? Whatever the case, find yourself a sports doctor. And never! Never ask for permission to train for a marathon. You tell the doctor that is what you are doing and find out what you need to do! Pardon my French, but if running is so fucking bad for you, how is it that Bill Shorter is still running marathons 30 years after winning the Olympic marathon? Explain that to me Snake Doctor!

Oh, sorry, I got sidetracked. P.P. the Aleve should do wonders, but if you are having knee issues and such, you might need a sports doctor/P.T.. Check it out.

tomodachi said...

*whispers* ohmygawd, i run on asphalt, too! and I'M training for a marathon, too! and wouldn't you know it, the incompetence of some doctors blows me away, too!

dr. deetschei said...

hey! i'll go off on the doctor later, but i would immediately look into the shoe issue. it sucks, i know (remember when i had to buy a new pair right after buying a new pair after feeling like my foot was going to snap in half?). Find a running store in Houston where they either film you run or have you run in front of them so they can see how you land on your foot, and then see what they say about the shoes. Maybe you can get inserts? Anyway, you don't want to fuck up your feet.
On another note, here's a link that discusses Nike + with the HDD iPods. Looks like they're trying to keep it to flash drives, whcih actually makes sense while sucking at the same time:

Having said that, I'm sure we can find a software patch somewhere...

Clyde S. Dale said...

The doc I see applauded me for training for a marathon. I'd find someone different.
As for your choice of cheese, I'm really DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!! Coming from a Wisconsin dairy farmer and pardoning MY french why the fuck would you eat vermont cheddar when an aged wisconsin sharp cheddar is so much better? Inquiring minds want to know, especially those of us CHEESEHEADS.

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

My apologies. I forget the company I was keeping. No worries here, I am no cheese snob. No sir! I love cheese, all kinds of cheese, from anywhere. Extra super tangy aged Wisconsin cheese is just fine by me.