Don and I have alluded to the Nike + in the past, while giving snippets of information about the hardware and its basic interface on the iPod. I went ahead and took some screen captures on my iBook so that everyone could see the website, which is really the more dynamic/fun aspect of Nike (+). You may click on the pictures for larger images.
The first shot is exactly what you would see after uploading a run. Its extremely simple. Once you plug the iPod nano into the computer, a prompt asks you if you want to visit the Nike website. All data is automatically uploaded for you, and usually within miliseconds. Sometimes it takes whole seconds:
The graph loosely corresponds with your speed over distance. You can see where you are slowing down, where you are speeding up, and your mile average at each mile marker. Usually, if you have run a distance multiple times, then a second graph appears titled "My Best Run". This allows you to compare your most recent run to your best (fastest) run.
Each run is cataloged and can be acccessed or viewed against other runs in month, week, or day formats. If you slide the cursor over each bar, then the information for that group of runs pops up. It will tell you how far you ran, what your overall time was, your average speed, as well as the calories you burned. Nifty, nifty:
There are three tabs on the right side of each personal page. The first links to your runs, and the second links to your goals. There are three different types off goals you can set: Distance, Speed, and Frequency. Each goal is represented by a bar that shows your progress, while simultanesouly displaying where you should be in relation to whatever goal you set. If you want to run 10 times in four weeks, it will let you know that you're behind a run. I cannot stress how much I have enjoyed this function in keeping me focused on where I want to be over the course of a month:
Finally, since we are all competitive types at heart, the third tab links to a challenge forum. This lets you search through the ether to find whoever is running and challenge them to a variety of races. Don immediately took up the opportunity and set up a race to 300 miles. Because 250 was just too short ;). My favorable positioning right now is mostly attributable to the fact he didn't bring his chip to the marathon:
If personal goals don't convince you to run, or you're just ridiculously competitive like a lot of us, then this function alone is a blast. I'm challenging Don to a trans-atlantic 5K as we speak. Should be interesting.
I'll post about my runs later this weekend (Frankfurt actually was amazing, and I didn't see a single barge), but wanted to take this opportunity to show everyone a little bit more of what Donno and I are going on about. I realize these things (Nike Plus kit) are not cheap if you don't already have a nano, but they do kick a certain amount of ass, if you're into ass kicking.
Friday, February 02, 2007
More about Nike +
Posted by
dr. deetschei
3:06 PM
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that's really really cool and i do covet this set-up. thanks mucho for spending the time to go into so much detail.
is there a way to get the shoes+ without the nano? i already have a shuffle and don't need a new ipod... but love the idea of my shoes keeping track of everything for me.
Oh Daytonio... Are you sure you aren't on Steven Jobs payroll? ;) I, too, find it to be quite impressive and handy, but like Tequila, I don't "need" ("want" - yes, I "want") another ipod right now.
Dude. That little pace plot is pretty sweet. See if you can give yourself a heart attack and then show us the plot. Pavement Pounder, I think I recognize your photo, you're also a drunken bowler if I recall correctly? A drunken German scholar bowler runner? Skulking: totally underrated.
(To P. P.) "Need?" "Want?" Who wrote that, Ben? Humans don't "need" anything but bread, water, and maybe a blanket (see Nick's immediate influence? :)). Oh, and vodka. Go out there and get one sister, but tell your hubby its a present for him ;). But only after you come to our wedding.
(to Tequila) Yeah, unfortunately the shoes are the one thing you actually can avoid. You can buy a change pouch and put the sensor in that, then strap it to your laces. BUT, it needs a nano for the menus, and a larger iPod has a hard drive with moveable parts (as opposed to flash-based nano). Like I said, it gets expensive if you don't already have a nano, pretty much because you need to buy the nano! :/
(To Nick) Done and done. I'm sold on Fartlekking (hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha). Tell me good way how.
On the shoe issue. I didn't even buy a change pouch. I actually just shove the sensor under the laces of the left shoe as I'm tying them up. I was way nervous the first time, but it's not an issue at all.
I got the whole deal for $230. And got an iPod to boot. At least that's how I phrased it to Mr. Money Bags.
you think mr. money bags would buy that line coming from me? or would he, as they say, put his foot down?
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