Thursday, January 11, 2007

40 Must be a Time for Drastic Change!

I would like to thank everyone for the warm welcome into the Drunk Runners. I jokingly said 6 months ago (or a little more) that I should quit smoking and try to start running in order to join my brothers in the Bay to Breakers in May '07. Now, I've really committed myself to it. On Jan 2, 07 at 3 pm I vowed to be a non-smoker. Although that in itself seems to be a battle. I'm finding that living without smoking isn't so bad. My experience says all habits must be replaced, not quit. So now I'm walking soon to be running to save my life instead of smoking it away. I'm totally pumped since the whole family is going to be involved. Hopefully, all have committed and will look forward to this, too. I decided that if my Mom and Dad were going to do it, then I had to. I hope that this all leads to an even better life, at least a better way of life. I've always been the one sitting in the stands wishing that was me, but now it's going to be me. No more idleness and watching everyone else. I'm seeking the freedom of perseverance and sweat!! I'll be looking here often for nudges, pushes and shoves in the right direction. I'm disappointed in myself for letting all the hard work go to waste that I put in a few years ago. Starting this training would not have seemed like so much work, but I can't look back now. Just focus on the Bay to Breakers: running with my Dad and spending an amazing time with my family in an amazing city!! That in itself is enough to motivate me for now! Starting from scratch and praying for strength!! Sandi


tomodachi said...

welcome, and cheers! good on you for taking this on (you won't regret it) and i look forward to meeting you at the Bay to Breakers.

Clyde S. Dale said...

welcome Sandi, I raised my glass in a toast for you, I may do it again tonight just so you feel really welcome. So now that you are a follower of Sixpack Chopra does this mean when we are in SF for bay to breakers that you will stay awake in the evening, for go your sixteen hours of rest and join us in a run or will you still sleep late and read the paper with Steve and praise your god instead of our spiritual leader? HUH!

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Yay! Welcome to another offspring from the Wisco Clan. Congratulations on quitting smoking. Running has been a big motivating factor for me to "stay quit". [Sixpack - insert Brokeback joke here]. You just come to realize that your lungs will be much kinder to you when pushing your way up the Hayes Street Hill without the ol' smokey-smokey. Anywho, stay with it!!! We'll give you all the nudges you need. Cheers.

Sixpack Chopra said...

Welcome Sandi!!! Keep it up there, girl. No smoking + lots of running = the ability to climb stairs!! You'll need this when you get to the Hayes St. Hill. But together we can hate it and run it!

You'll do great, and we are all there for you.

Your leader,