Monday, January 15, 2007

You want an Update? You can't handle an Update!

Just kidding.

I was a total invalid this week due to my foot and the lack-o-snake oil. However, I woke up Saturday morning without the usual "f*&#@ that hurts" as I put my foot on floor, so....

Update Reponses:
ZERO = big, fat ZILCH

SUCKY SUCKY SUCKY distance for me in the grand scheme of things. Didn't feel good about it but my foot certainly feels better.

I did much better on the drinking bit. I don't like to talk numbers, but lets just say Smirnoff isn't going out of business anytime soon.

This was an honorable amount, especially since I have been given the task to drink for myself, Smells, and Sixpack. Whew! This is a heavy burden to bear alone!!!

Tomorrow's plan is to put on my old running shoes (until I figure out what is wrong with the new ones) and try to run 3-4 miles. Keep your fingers crossed and your snake oil at the ready.

Jogi-jogi and Forest, I will be putting tunes in the mail to you this week (Sixpack has given me your addresses). I won't try to defend my workout music tastes (No comment out of you, Deetschei), so take what you like and leave the rest! :)

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