Friday, January 26, 2007

The Risks of a Marathon (according to 'Grey's Anatomy')

Hear ye, hear ye. Listen up and take note all you marathon trainers and tv addicts. If, like me, you believe EVERYTHING you see on CSI, ER, and Grey's Anatomy,then you will understand my shock and horror at last night's episode. A young man arrives in the hospital after having collapsed and passed out after 12 miles of the Seattle marathon. He hurts his knee. Everything seems kosher. No biggy.


His legs start to swell at an alarming rate and they CUT HIS LEGS OPEN WHILE HE IS STILL AWAKE in order to relieve the pressure.

[GASP and GAG!].

Anywho, let this be a lesson to all of us, fake tv doctors warn us that taking aspirin the morning of a race can KILL YOU DEAD! ;)

This is our poor, fellow runner.

Luckily, he survives! Whew! What would I do without fake tv medicine?

In running news: I have been watching tv. ;) Once my job interviews are over (next week), I will be back pounding the pavement.

This Week:
Distance: 4 mi.
Time: 36.12
Overall Impression: Hate the Treadmill when it rains. Run faster outside. Grrrr! (HTTWIR.RFO.Grrrr!)


Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Ok, this blog thing really works. After I posted my lame numbers for the week, I felt ashamed. I decided to see if I couldn't get my ass to run a few more miles. I felt like someone had strapped concrete blocks to my legs, but I made it! An extra 5 miles tacked on at an 8:45 pace on 5 hrs sleep and strong out on caffeine!

dr. deetschei said...

wow! you go girl :) good luck this weekend and thanks for the reminder of how lucky we all are not to have our legs sawed open. :)

Sixpack Chopra said...

Way to go, PP!!!! Keep up the running. You are doing great!!

Too bad that guy wasn't on House. They would have discussed sawing his leg off only after a spinal tap, 4 CT scans, and 12 failed drug treatments, at least two of which sending the patient into shock requiring a Code Blue! But at the last second House would have realized he just had a cold.