Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Welcome 4 more!

As your spiritual leader, I have been busy of late with evangelism. With the help of brother Forrest, we have added 4 new DrunkRunners in the past week. Yes, it is true. My entire family are now followers of the DrunkRunner way (although not all drink). They are yet to establish nicknames, but I'd like to introduce to you, Sandy Patti (sister Chris), Emo (father Emery), Rosie (mother Rosealee), and Mouse (twin sister Dawn).
All of our new inductees are working hard to lose weight and make their way to the top of the Hayes Street Hill!!!! And they will do it. Word is they have established a competition for the "Biggest Loser" in the Backman clan. Hopefully they will share the results as the competition continues. Emo and Sandy are really hoping to run the race. so, lets all give them a DrunkRunner Welcome as they log on register with their various new nicknames!!!!

In other news, I'M IN TAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how happy I was to only run 3 miles yesterday. It was a glorious feeling. Tomorrow it's 5 miles, but nowhere near the ordeal of two weeks ago with 39 miles in a week. Of course, I'd better get used to the idea if I'm going to make it to Boston. Don't forget. That's the goal! I won't report on the run, but will share that I am very confident that things will go well in San Diego. I'm hoping to break 4:15, which would mean I still need to chop off an hour before Boston, but it can be done.

Nothing else here.


Sandi F. Patti said...

Thank you for the warm welcome!! Someone's God will bless you for this!!

Sixpack Chopra said...

LOL. I am the God. Have you learned nothing?