See, this page was once nearly called 5 Drunk Kenyans in honor of Julie's rather convincing argument that the key to Kenyan dominance in marathoning is directly attributable to the amount of vodka they drink the night before. It was a pretty simple equation: As the Vodka increases, times decrease.
Ultimately our lawyers weren't having it, for PC reasons beyond my comprehension, and we were thusly dubbed DrunkRunners.
Out of concern of cosmic imbalance set about by Don's recovery, I decided (subconsciously and intuitively, apparently) to up my own alcohol intake to test a modification to Julie's theory. I'm recursively naming it the "Beer a Mile" hypothesis, and it simply states: "For Every Mile You Run on Sunday, You Must Drink A Corresponding Amount on Saturday. This will make you fast. And stuff."
I tested this inadvertently by drinking five imperial pints (2.5 liters) during a disastorous FA Cup Match on Saturday Night, deciding not to eat dinner, and subsequently rationalizing all the behavior as "Science".
LONG STORY SHORT: I took it easy, didn't overexert anything, and still managed my five miles with an 8:44 avg. Imagine my pleasure! (The hypothesis seems to have been proved, but I hesitate to add it may only be safe for shorter distances.)
Anyway, for those of you keeping score, last wek was my first week back from the infirmary (excluding two days of running to end 2006), and it didn't begin until Wednesday. I still managed 12 miles through Sunday, and the IT Band is holding up alright. My fastest 2 miles were at an 8:22 avgerage, and my fastest mile was an 8:05...Let's keep our fingers crossed that I can meet all of my monthly goals on the ol' Nike+ and then start training for that Halfie. (Speaking of Nike+, I need to calibrate mine. I'm pretty positive it's calibrated for 10 minute miles somehow, and any time you run different than that, it affects the distances. I've gotten 3 different readings for one 2 mile stretch in the past two weeks. Granted, they are all within .1 mile of each other, but I think it's time for calibration anyway.)
Monday, January 08, 2007
Return to your Roots
Posted by
dr. deetschei
8:00 AM
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I sooooo knew their was truth behind my Kenyan theory! HA! Since I am already drinking for Chantelle, I might as well add Don to my list. Drinking for three is practically a full-time job!
Thanks for the Sacrifice, both of you. I feel lame, but will be back in the swing of things at the end of this eternal 30 days. I somehow have the feeling that I will be stuck on Groundhog Day forever, making this less like a month a more like a lifetime.
Glad to hear about the calibration issue, Dayton. I need to do the same. I think the miles are pretty accurate, but last week for a stretch that I had measured at 4.6 miles, someone with a GPS system measured it at 4.8. I'll be calibrating this week.
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