I'm checking in for the week although there's isn't much to post about.
I ran 5 miles on Thursday, and it went well. Average pace of about 9:40, not bad, not bad. Then lifted on Friday. Saturday and today I was way too sore to do any running, so had to lay off.
This brings me to the point that I need to seriously re-evaluate my weightlifting during the week. I'm overworking my legs so much on the workouts that I'm unable to follow up the running the next day. So this week I will scale back to step one and see what that does for me. I'll be doing the whole workout, but without weights this week. Just the body. Maybe that is enough. I'll let you know. In the meantime, I'm happy to have run 5 miles and begun training for the race.
Keep up the great work!!!!!
Week in review:
Distance: 5.06 miles
Time: 48:59
Pace: 9:40
Overall Impression: Will Cutting Back Leg Workouts Jeopardize My Buns Of Steel? (WCBLWJMBOS?)
I hear you on the weightlifting. I did some squats and lunges with only 10 lb weights after my run on Thursday and I still hurt! I find this a bit surprising, given the amount of work I used to do with weights just last year. I think I will build up gradually and focus more on my runs, since I won't be asked to bench press or squat during the marathon. Unless the OKC marathon has some weird ritual of which I am unaware;)
Never fear, I think your buns of steel are safe!
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