Thursday, January 31, 2008

The 50-Mile Month and the Attack of Pooperella and Mr. PP

It's been an exciting week. Earlier this month I made a resolution on Nike+ to run two marathons this year. As part of that resolution I was asked to set a goal for the month, which I did. That goal was 50 miles.  I didn't think it was even realistic, and then I took a look at where I stood last Saturday. 23 miles later and I reached my goal with 3 miles to spare!!!!! I'm totally psyched and feel like I've finally got some momentum going.

  This was the first 50 mile month I have run since completing the marathon LAST January, which has me feeling pretty good. Interestingly I logged a 57-mile December in 2006, after only getting my iPod on Christmas Eve. Yes, that is 57 miles in 7 days. It's been a long time since those days. I'm hoping to one day see them again.
  All three of my runs this week magically kept me out of the rain. It rained every day I ran, but I managed to get out and back before it all started. Not bad, not bad. Tuesday was 7 miles and it was a nice run. I was to do them in a 9:56 pace, and I managed to do that despite a massive attack of the Pooperellas and Mr. PP. At mile 4 I was considering looking for a bush, and when at 6 miles I finally got to Deetschei's favorite Berkeley port-o-pottie I was able to get Mr. PP off my back, but sanitary conditions precluded Pooperella. That would have to wait until I got back to the gym. I now know what Dr. PP would often go through. This was the only run I ever considered giving up due to bodily functions. Discomfort would be the best description of it.
  Thursday it was back to the Berkeley Fire Trails for a 9-mile run. Again, that's 4.5 miles uphill and then 4.5 miles down. It was intense to say the least. I still haven't reached the top of the Fire Trails since the now infamous JW Run. Perhaps I will find it at 10 or even 11 miles. I'm not sure. Either way, I must say there are few day-to-day running accomplishments that compare with the knowledge that at the top of that incredibly long hill, it's all downhill from there. I felt like Jack, as I hollered "I'm King of the World!" (Psyche!!!! I didn't make a Brokeback Mountain reference.)
  All in all a great week and more than I had expected this early in the game.  My times are good, my distances are better and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm still running with a Hip Flexor, but that is also getting better.

Week in Review:

Miles: 24
Overall time: 4:01:15
Average Pace: 10:03
Overall Impression: Marathon, I Thought I Could Quit You, But I Can't! (MITICQYBIC!)


scooter said...

Great month Sixpack. I got Angel (Kojac3) signed up last night when I saw her. so she should be logging in soon.

Sixpack Chopra said...

Nice, welcome Kojac.