Saturday, January 19, 2008

Post #300!!!!!!

Yes, it's true, this is the 300th post on Drunk Runners!

Congratulations for all those miles, all that kvetsching, and all those typos!

Now, down to business. It's been a pretty good week here, although, I'm feeling a little sluggish. The week started well with a 6-miler, and a couple workouts then Friday happened. For those not in the know, which I think is all of you. I was diagnosed with a Schatzki Ring in November. It's kind of like a knot in your muscle, but instead of tightening your shoulder it can cause obstructions in the esophagus, see my November 21, 2007 post for further details. I've spent the last two months working through the insurance hoops, flaming hoops, and all other obstacles placed in my way, so that I could go in yesterday to have the Ring fixed.
  Well, my precious, in order to fix it they had to go back in with an endoscope and then blow up a balloon to expand my throat until the knot broke and "relaxed" the muscle again. Although I never complain about anesthetic, the recovery can be a bit taxing. I was groggy all day yesterday and am still not feeling 100% today. I will, thus, go for my run tomorrow. 8 miles! Can I do it? Yes, I do believe I can and will!  I'll keep you posted.  In the meantime, I'm feeling really good, and can swallow anything, thanks for asking.


Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Very happy to hear that the procedure went well. Don't rush things too quickly, but I am sure you won't. Good luck on the 8-miler!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that all is well.. Don't rush back into it and add to your recovery time. I speak from experience.

dr. deetschei said...

damn, dude. you went through the hell with that medical hitch. definitely not something you ever see coming-
anyway, your miles are impressive and your resolve is (as always) enviable! keep up the good work!