Thursday, March 29, 2007


In seeking an answer to why, for no f*cking reason, I developed my first side stitch in approximately a year during my run today, I found this helpful bit of info on runnersworld. I tried EVERYTHING EXCEPT of course what they tell you to do. Never would have thought of that myself. I hope I don't have to use it on my next run.

So, thanks for the positive mojo power. I made up for my slack-ass run last week and look to put in a total of 24 mi. this week. If anything, running 4.75 mi. with a stabbing pain (hey Sybil, is that you with a kitchen knife running behind me?) in my side will make my 9 miler this weekend easy-peasy.

Peace out, kiddos! SANDI WHERE ARE YOU???????????????

1 comment:

Sixpack Chopra said...

Thanks for the info! I like the part where you should call a doctor if your shoulder pain continues, but only after you have finished the run!! Is this why the occasional runner has a heart attack while running a marathon?