So, I know you're probably thinking-who is this stroller motor and she never types anything. We'll, I've been feeling like a slacker with my running so I haven't posted anything (a little bit of guilt there too). My comments the past couple weeks would have sounded like whining since I haven't been feeling well. So, yesterday, I finally went to the doctor and found out that I have walking pneumonia. Training will just have to wait a bit as my family and work takes my last bit of energy each day.
However, my running that I'm training for isn't marathon length-actually, I'm working on a 5 mile race. My goal is to complete it with some dignity. I had been running before I got sick and I typically ran at about a 10 minute mile pace. I'm not a born runner although I played sports in high school and college. I used to think that putting the words "fun" and "run" in the same sentence was absurd-I'm starting to get over that. Another side effect that I'm hoping for is to reverse the effect that gravity, baby, and food has had on my back side!
Anyone know how long one should wait to run after having pneumonia? I take meds for 5 days but supposedly it stays in your system for 10.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Who is that?
Posted by
stroller motor
8:13 PM
How to see a PT
Well PP One way to see a PT is to go to the doctor and let him know of the reoccurring pain in your knee. If you've had it for a week or two say a month. Maybe mention something about the lower back. That's all it took for me. I keep having set backs but it's better than me just saying " I'm tired I'm gonna go home now" then turning my bearded flannel wearing ass around and heading back to Greenbo Alabama. I liked the Pt's so much I now volunteer at the clinic and think I'm NO I am going back to school hopefully fall of 08 to be a PTA. Actually PP we have people coming in with all sorts of different things from little two visit fixes to like me a couple of month's to work the kink's out. Don't be afraid to come right out and ask the doc to send you. Well I'm going to go stretch for a while then go to bed, this cold is kicking my ass. Feeling a little bit better hoping tomorrow I can get a decent run in before I'm so far behind I won't be able to catch up.
Any pointers DRILL SERGEANT. Nick I think you need to change your name, I like this, It's like asking to be yelled at. PLEASE!!!!!
Overall Impression: Sixpack is a SHOE WHORE!!!!!(SiaSW!!!!!)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
1:01 AM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Because I Can Run Again!
I've finally figured out the role that Nick plays in this whole affair. I was about to post a message about how excited I was to be able to run again, but that post would include a discussion of present difficulties. I thought to myself, "Nick must be getting sick of my whining!" And then it came to me. With his scant two comments to people he has become that silent drill seargent (How does one spell that word?). He's the man that screams in your ear when you can't make it another mile, but there are four more to go. The beauty is it's different wordes for each of us. Tell me he hasn't gotten under your skin. So, it's my theory that Nick is the Bizarro Chopra. The yin to Sixpack's Yang. The satan to DJ's Pope. He keeps, at least me, a little more in line.
That said, I'm going to whine now. I went out to today to run the 5 miles I'm prescribed to do. This workout called for a 1 mile warm-up run, 3 miles run at 7:55, and a final cool down run. Mind you, I haven't even walked around the block in the better part of two months. I knew it was going to be tough, and after Tuesday's run I was having some knee pain. I figgered if I kept them hips pushed forward, and concentrated on speed, I might come close to my goal.
After the warm-up mile I decided to walk a lap between miles. The first mile went well, and then mile 2 kicked my ass. Another 1/4 mile walk and Mile 3 kicked more of my ass. Suffice it to say that by the end of mile 4, mile 5 was no longer considered a "cool down" but more of a "SURVIVAL MISSION". I finished the 5 miles and with only a little of the knee pain that has plagued me for months. I did find if I followed all of the tips the PT gave me I could severely reduce that pain. Hips forward, head back, lean forward, and shoulders out. I'm sure he's just auditioning me for porn!
Distance: 5 miles (6.25 if you count the walking)
Total time: 48:16
Average Pace: 9:39
Impression: Holy Shit I Just Ran 5 Miles! (HSIJR5M)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:57 PM
In seeking an answer to why, for no f*cking reason, I developed my first side stitch in approximately a year during my run today, I found this helpful bit of info on runnersworld. I tried EVERYTHING EXCEPT of course what they tell you to do. Never would have thought of that myself. I hope I don't have to use it on my next run.
So, thanks for the positive mojo power. I made up for my slack-ass run last week and look to put in a total of 24 mi. this week. If anything, running 4.75 mi. with a stabbing pain (hey Sybil, is that you with a kitchen knife running behind me?) in my side will make my 9 miler this weekend easy-peasy.
Peace out, kiddos! SANDI WHERE ARE YOU???????????????
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
1:12 AM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
New Day, New Run, New Motivation
OK, you got me. I kind of didn't tell the whole truth yesterday. Yes, I got new FASTER running shoes, and Yes I rode my bike to the bike shop to buy them, but what I left out was the fact that I bought two pairs of shoes yesterday. So this morning it was really hard to decide which pair to wear. My shiny, new, awesomest of awesome, faster running shoes:
or, my hot new, coolest of the cool, you can't touch this, John Fluevog shoes:
In the end I came to my senses and wore the running shoes, even though I'm dying to break in those Fluevogs. For those that are counting that's only 4 pair. for the run I went down to Kezar Stadium, former home of the 49'ers and first tried to calibrate my iPod again. it's pretty accurate, but fell about 25 yards short on a 2 mile run. I'll keep trying. It was a great run. The two laps I ran to calibrate were at 2:00 each, that would have been an 8 minute mile!!! I ran instead, 2 more miles in 18:22 for an average pace of 9:11/mile. The goal on my training plan, which I'm already realizing might be a bit ambitious, was 9:26. So, I beat the goal.
It was awesome to be back running, and I hope my return will be long lived. I'll train for B2B then will look at the calendar for the next marathon! I'm so excited to be back in the saddle again that I almost want to go back out and run again tonight!!!!!
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 18:22
Overall Impression: Damn Them Shoes Is Fast! (DTSIF)
P.S. PP you can do it!!! Keep up the work it will pay off. Bad weeks happen, just don't let it push you off and discourage you for this week!!!!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:19 PM
When Bad Weeks Happen to Good People
I am not entirely sure what happened last week. It could have been a combination of factors: pollen count is high; still not accustomed to time change; it was recovery week in my training plan, etc. As I said, it could have been any of those things. But the fact remains that I had a terrible, unmotivated week.
Of the scheduled 12 miles for the week, I only completed 8 mi. I could not bring myself to run the last 4 mi. I can only explain it by saying I must have hit the proverbial wall and it sucks. However, since the whole point of the recovery week is to "recover" I am certainly going into this week with fresh legs. I've got two "longish" runs scheduled this week (7 & 9) and I absolutely intend on completing those.
Sooo, send your positive running mojo thoughts my way this week. Especially around 6 pm (Central) when I try to convince myself to get off the couch and hit the pavement.
Weeks Stats
Total Miles: 8
Total Time: 1:06:22
Avg. Pace: 8:17
Total Mi. since Jan: 141.5 (So getting crushed by DJ)
Observations: Too lazy to make an observation (TLTMAO)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:41 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
New Shoes, New Hope!
Well, it's been forever since I've run regularly. There were a few short runs after the January Marathon, then Basto! I've been struggling with this bruise. Yes, if you can believe it it still hurts, but a few test runs and I've been doing OK. So, in hopes that I will be able to start an 8 week crash course to prepare for the Bay to Breakers, I went out today and bought a new pair of shoes.
What an ordeal! He had me try on 5 pairs of shoes. Each more comfortable than the first. Each pair required a 2 block run to try them out, and 2 of the pairs were tried on multiple times. I ran at least a 1/2 mile just trying on shoes. When was the last time you combined exercise and shopping? Not bad, huh?
In the end I've got another pair of Brooks. I opened my mind way up and tried on Asics and Saucony and Brooks. After my 1/2 mile process of elimination we settled on Brooks with an orthotic. They are way comfy and should be great for my run tomorrow. I'm supposed to do 2 miles at 9:26 minutes each. I think I can do it. I'm psyched and ready to go. An update should arrive later this week.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
10:31 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
fart·lek (färt'lĕk) n.
An athletic training technique, used especially in running, in which periods of intense effort alternate with periods of less strenuous effort in a continuous workout.
A workout using this technique.
[Swedish, speed play : fart, running, speed (from fara, to go, move, from Old Norse) + lek, play (from leka, to play, from Old Norse leika).]
I have know more questions. I finally found out how to use this computation machine for something besides porn. Who would a thunked.
I didn't mean to cause so much controversy over Nick. From here on out I'll keep my mouth shut. NAAAA I'll never do that, it's against my nature. I always say what's on my mind even if I might offend. Sometimes especially if I might offend. My family and friends can attest to that, huh guys. Stroller Motor this a prime place for you to make your first comment and yes I was laughing my @$$ off when I saw the question asked of you for your profile. I was really looking for more of an answer as to what it was made of. Something like recycled school paper or recycled flowers so it smelled as pretty as I.
Nothing to report as Sybil has locked me in the attic, I'm wondering now if my bad knee is from her pushing me down the attic stairs. I'm starting to worry I think Sybil and Kathy Baites are becoming good friends. If I write to ya'll telling you of how I've been hobbled, PLEASE send help!!!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
10:08 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
20 Minutes on the Torture Device
Sick and tired of being held back by this fucking bruise-- Yes, it is still yellow, and yes, it still hurts to walk down stairs -- I decided to climb today onto the medieval torture device Steve keeps in the living room. It looks like this:
While watching a documentary about Eastern Musicals during the Cold War -- Yes, there is such a thing, who knew? I didn't. -- I climbed on and swung my legs back and forth for 20 minutes. Something akin to Nordic Track, but leaves one feeling a bit more like a 5 year old girl at the park. I guess there's just something about a grown man swinging his legs as wide open as they will go, that's wrong in oh so many ways. The good news about it all though is that this motion does not hurt my calf, so I can do it more often. I will continue to try this device until I can get out onto the road. I'm gettig stircrazy, and fat, so I'm hoping that's pretty darn soon.
Miles: 2 floating miles, a la Care Bears.
Time: 15 minutes
Overall Impression: Musical Documentary While Performing Barbie Exercises? Have I Hit A Gay High Or A Gay Low? (MDWPBE?HIHAGHOAGL?)
Also: A welcome to Stroller Motor, thus making it 11 Drunk Runners with our strongest chapter in Wisconsin (5 members).
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
When Forest met Sybil
My knee hurts I should stop running and walk back........ You've already taken a total of two weeks off because of your back............If I don't stop I could make things worse......... If you do stop you may fall behind and we are coming into crunch time.......I need to stop... I don't want to stop.... you have to stop........ I can't I have to push thru this. OK OK I'LL STOP. You are such a bitch, you always win. Why won't you ever let me win.......huh I wonder why?
OK this went on for a mile before I finally stopped and walked back home. I am icing my knee as I write this. I guess it's better to miss a short run or two but keep up with the long runs. This is what I'm going to tell myself to help ease my disappointment. Part of me thinks maybe I jumped into this a little fast, maybe I should have tried a few smaller runs instead of jumping in head first. Well, I'm in the water now I have to keep pressing forward.
OK I know I'm dedicated to doing this, I knew I'd have some ups and downs, Just didn't know the downs would come one right after another. OK I'm done whining! On an up note, next Tuesday is supposed to 70 plus one. I'm gonna run like a man possessed.
Time....not sure, Sybil had me all upset
Pace...... Why do you keep asking me all these damn questions? Can't you just leave me alone
I've asked before with no reply, who is this Nick? I've only read one thing from him and that was him dogging Mrs. Mockingbird. If he's a member wouldn't we now be 11 Drunk Runners?
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
10:48 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
Drumroll, please....
To answer the most eagerly disputed question of the past week:
We counted 207 runners!!!! Unbelievable, but made more believable by the fact I counted around 80 yesterday in absolutely horrible conditions. Even allowing for the few repeats, which we were pretty good about avoiding, that's still an ungodly amount!
Forest wins for guessing the closest amount of runners, and Julie gets a backup/birthday prize for being close with the total people. Send your addresses to my account and I'll get you guys some German "care packages".
Posted by
dr. deetschei
7:37 AM
So, when I went out on my balcony yesterday it was raining, borderline sleeting, and cold. Needless to say, I didn't want to run in it and the ensuing inner dispute actually culminated with the conclusion (I swear I am not making this up): "Well, Forest would run in it."
So off I went. (I gave Tessa the day off due to conditions, and she thankfully scurried upstairs and spent the next hour in a hot shower.)
Basically, in terms of weather, imagine Bizarro-Last-Week. I could tell from the ripples in the canals that the wind was literally constantly against me. If I switched directions, so did it. I turned corners, and it did too. (I even twirled in a little circle once and THAT induced a small tornado that uprooted a rose bush.)
I was working both a watch and the Nike(Plus) because I knew that the battery on my iPod was dangerously low and I wanted to be able to register my time in the event that it died (Note: This led to me periodically saving runs on the iPod and starting new ones so I wouldn't risk losing the whole thing if it didn't last. As a result, my 9 miles reads like 350,000 little runs. After my laptop crashed, I am officially Backup obsessed.)
ANNNNDDDD, at about three miles, it started hailing just as the wind picked up hard, meaning I was getting pelted directly in the face by sharp balls of ice. I ended up among a small group of runners, all of which (including me) were running with our arms up in a sort of cross formation, trying to shield our faces from permanent ice-induced disfiguration.
It was kinda funny.
Anyway, things calmed down and I finished without too much event, but Tessa had to follow me around the house placing towels under me in order to protect our newly cleaned floors. I was dripping water everywhere.
The Run:
Distance: 9.1 miles
Time: 1:08:37
Average: 7:32
Somewhere in there I had a really fast mile, because Paula Radcliffe piped up at one point (she lives in my iPod) to tell me I established a new PB in the mile, but when I checked it looked the same as before...Other than that, I was chirpy all day for running that well when things sucked so much, and we celebrated by spending the afternoon in the Netherlands.
The rest of the week's training went pretty well. The speed work is a bit tricky, and I have to write notes on my hand to remember how many laps I have to do at "Cruise Intervals" and how many I do at "Speed Intervals"(?!). Of course, sweat blurs the ink to the point that every number looks like it says either "stop", "slow down", or "Wouldn't you rather be drinking a beer?". I'm not sure exactly how many miles I ran, because I don't always bring the iPod to the track (I'm far too uncoordinated to make it work with everything else, particularly while deciphering my Rohrschach splits). Also, I might have to stop running with Tessa on my optional days, because my legs are on the verge of total revolt. (Don't worry, I'll bike):
Logged Miles: 23.51
Time: 3:03:48
Average: 7:48
Best Weekday Run: 2.1 Miles (14:52)
Overall Impression: Pretty Pleased But Fatiguing (PPBF)
Basically, the blog must be working. If it wasn't for the fact that I read constantly about everything Forest runs through, I would have spent all day either A) in bed, or B) drinking beer in Maastricht.
So cheers, Forest, for helping me run when the conditions are horrible. And cheers, PP, for making me want to be faster, and (as always) cheers to Sixpack, for inspiring me to slog through an ungodly amount of miles.
(And cheers to you too, Tequila, for your comments and general fantasticness.)
Posted by
dr. deetschei
6:28 AM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Soryy P.P.
I was going to start this one by welcoming a friend, but after P.P blew my hair back like she did I thought I should write a retraction to my earlier post. I would like to sincerely apologize to our beloved Pavement Pounder for not including her in the people who have posted as of late. PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR THIS TERRIBLE MISTAKE, I TRUELY AM SORRY. I would also like to apologize in advance for anyone else I may PISS OFF after they read it. Thank you Forest F. Gump. and That's all I have to say about that!
OK back to what I was here for in the first place. I would like to be the first to welcome a new member to the Drunk Runners Wisconsin Chapter. I'll call her "The Stroller Motor", she has been a friend of mine for......... well a long time now. She has supported me through all of my goals and helped me achieve my first 5k by running it with me. By the way she beat me! About a year ago she and her husband had a baby and she has found it hard to get back into running or just about anything. But she is trying, She will be training for Crazy legs here in Madison for the UW sports boosters, whether she likes it or not( this is me supporting her). I have told her how much fun and help you've all been.
So please lets raise are glasses and give a big Drunk Runners welcome to " The Stroller Motor".
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
11:50 PM
My Bones Are Weary
You want stats, I'll give you stats. Granted Forest, after your 31 miles for the week, my 18 look quite pitiful.
Today, Ginifer and I did what has become our weekly run together. We hit Memorial Park in Houston (yes, they have parks in Texas). Actually, it was really reminiscent of Golden Gate Park, including the high traffic of runners, walkers, dogs, and apparently it is the "meat market" of fit Houston people. Since Ginifer is going to wait to start posting until after she gets her laptop, I will share with you what AMAZING progress she has made over the last 4 weeks. She is now running 6 miles as her long distance (something she remarked she had only done one other time in her life and after that she decided to stop there!) and has brought her time down to the 9 min. range (and even faster for her speedwork). Yeehaw! Granted, I think she underestimated herself when setting up her plan, so it is really no surprise to me that she went from doing 11-12 min. miles to 9:30 miles. But I digress.
As for me, my body has held up despite my entrance into the 30s. I made up the tempo run that I should have done on my birthday on Sat. (6.6 miles) and then did my distance run today, Sunday (8 miles). All I can say is: they give you "rest" days in between for a good reason (I know Deetschei defies all logic with his crazy running-everyday-routine...).
This Week:
Total Distance: 18.6 mi
Total Time: 2:36:44
Average Pace: 8:25
Best Run of the Week: 6.6 mi at 8:01 pace
Overall Impression: Eh, can't complain. Legs are still attached and bionic knees are functioning. (ECCLASAABKAF)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
11:04 PM
Starting to feel my age!
Well folks, this week has been a good week in training. Well sort of........... no it's been good but my aches and pains are really reminding me I'm not 24 years old anymore. Actually when I was 24, the only running I did was from bar to bar and I could drink most under the table. Now I drink seven beers and pay for it the next day. I wasn't hung over but I was dehydrated and it made Fridays run real tough. This ones going to be short, I'm hoping by me posting so much that others will start to post. Right now it seems that only Dee and I are running, come on guys SAY IT AINT SO. My long run for the week was 14 miles, the last two were tough but I kept the pace up and finished. I'm glad I've got 7 - 8 weeks left before the big day.I'm going to need it all to get prepared for it. Well the stats for this week are as follows.
Total miles....31
Total time.....5hrs...9min...53sec
Pace..........10 min
Overall impression: My aches my pains, I will over come them and when I cross the finish line this will all be worth it. (MAMP,IWOCTAWICTFLTWABWI.)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
6:00 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Making 30 Look Damn Fine!
In honor of my entrance into the 30s, I hearby declare today a NO RUN DAY! That means that instead of running you are REQUIRED to drink your weight in margaritas or the beverage of your choice.
In honor of my 30th birthday, I have already had half a pitcher of cadillac margaritas - talk about knock you on your ass in front of your parent... Anywho, there will be NO TEMPO RUN today, as I can barely walk a straight line. (And that was just lunch!) If only I had had a Bloody Mary for breakfast... On the schedule for dinner are tapas and mojitos (or more accurately mojitos and then tapas). I think it will be the hangover tomorrow that makes me feel my age.
Additionally, I have decided that in the wise words of Justin Timberlake (who thought I would ever say that?), I have set myself the goal of bringing SexyBack and making 30 look better than it ever has. Soooooooo [slurred], watch out. That is all I gotta say.
Now I am gonna pass out before the next round of drinks!
I'll be back on the road tomorrow.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
9:35 PM
Labels: 30, Margaritas, Old
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Only in Wisconsin
I had to write a short post for you all, Sixpack will love this. Today on My way home from work at 3:00 P.M. it was 61 degrees outside, the sun was shining with a light yet warm spring breeze.As I drove down John Nolen drive Monona Bay was on my right with about two hundred ice fisherman sitting on five gallon pails Dressed like, well like it was winter in Wisconsin. on the bike trail next to the bay was about 30 runners dressed like it was summer. Shorts, sport bras tank tops and some with out tops at all ( but only the men). I really need to buy a digital camera so I can share these sort of things with everyone. This really is a seen only found in places like Wisconsin. For me it was another good nay great run, we've got a cold snap coming in but it shouldn't last long.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
1:03 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Blur o' Pope
First off: Come on Sandi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're all behind you! It may seem hard now, but you'll be able to grind through it and it WILL get easier!
Two things about Sunday's long run:
1) I felt great. I was concerned after drinking most of a bottle of white wine the night before while staying up late entrenched in a massive cribbage game/card tournament of attrition with Tessa. But when I woke up, I felt good. Super good.
This good:
Distance: 8 Miles
Time: 1 hour 1 minute 23 Seconds
Average Time: Can't say. The flex capacitor kicked in again, and I finished the run in 1955, effectively melting my watch. But I did get to help my dad meet my mom. So I had that going for me.
Seriously, the speed work has been working for this guy. But, in the interest of full disclosure, I only started hitting the track last week. Until then, I had been employing 30 Pack's genius method of counting telephone poles...Basically, I would pick a landmark during my run and sprint to it, then slow down until I found something else to sprint to. The next run, I would sprint to a landmark a little bit further than that...and so on. It was the best method of medium scale, unprofessional fartlekking I could muster. But it seems to be effective.
We've been developing a more scenic running route since a huge portion of the run was on not-so-pretty university property that has, in the last few weeks, turned into a giant bog of mud that probably houses rodents of unusual size. I think we have settled on one that takes us straight to the city's green belt via a residential canal system. It's absolutely gorgeous, and slightly downhill the whole way home. Which basically ensures negative splits. Which allows me to pretend I'm in better shape than I really am...
Anyway, we exploited the new path for this long distance run, and I really think that the right environment can contribute so much to a good performance. Running can suck sometimes; there might as well be something pretty to look at (and running with a mirror is so damn unwieldy).
I'll post something from MapIt as soon as I sort out the best way to do so.
2) The weather never turned too cold over the Winter (I'm so sorry I'm writing this, Forest, you can kick me really hard later). I was convinced I would have to join a gym before we moved here but, after bundling up, we never missed a run because of the cold. In the last week, it has really turned Spring-like though, and Sunday was the first "perfect" day for running of the year. The sun was warm, but it was still cool enough that you didn't overheat after a few miles. A lot of trees are trying to turn green again, while daffodils and little flowers that Tessa calls "Daisies" are growing all over the place. In fact, the weather was so great that half of Cologne decided to run as well. We were so impressed with the amount of people running that we, um, actually counted them and decided to make a game of it:
Game of it: Guess how many runners Dayton and Tessa counted over the course of their 8 miler! Post your guess in the comments box, and the person who is closest will receive a special "Drunk Runners Germany" surprise in their mailbox! (after the requisite time it takes for a small package to reach America from Germany.)
The contest ends Sunday, and no members of Drunk Runners Germany may enter. Either of them.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
7:41 AM
Monday, March 12, 2007
One Mile Run
Yes, it's true!! I ran a mile today. I've been nursing my leg and thought I would see what it felt like to actually run a mile. I had an errand to run and since we are having an amazing day of weather: High of 75 today. I thought I would get away from the computer and go for a little jog.
All in all it wasn't too bad. I was in pain most if not all of the way, but it wasn't pain that said I was injuring myself, just pain that said, "Would you just sit down, this hurts!" It felt great to get out and get some exercise again. I can't tell you how great I feel to have gotten out and just done it. I feel so great that I plan to do it again tomorrow! My pace was 9:24. Nice to see I haven't lost all of my fitness. I'm hoping some of it is still there after all of this time off.
Distance: 1.08 miles
Time: 10:09
Pace: 9:24
Impression: Praise Sixpack, Praise Pope Deetschei, and all hail Sandi Patti! I can walk! I can Run! It's a Miracle! (PS,PPD, AAHSP!ICW!ICR!IAM!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:09 PM
Labels: good weather, miracle, pain, running
Sunday, March 11, 2007
RUN FOREST RUN, why yes I did!
Hello all, it's a sunny Sunday afternoon in Wisconsin, It's supposed to hit 51 today. Wow it seems like just last week I was talking nay complaining about how cold it was. Oh yah it was just last week. I'll start by telling the horror story's, but first, Drunk runners we have a problem with one of our members. Folks our beloved Sandi has fallen, not like Sixpack, it's worse. She has lost her drive, she is still losing the weight but she is not exercising. I'm afraid if we don't all pump her up she won't be ready for B2B. So let's all give her a drunk runners push and get her going again.
I believe I posted Tuesdays run, hey I was complaining about the cold earlier this week, wow what a difference. Well Thursday I actually went out and did speed work, have I mentioned how much I hate speed work. NO because I had never done any before but now I can tell you I hate it, yet it already seems to be working. Hate it yet good for me so I guess I have to keep doing it. Friday was like the last month or so of Fridays, at work during the day things are good outside but when the day is done so is the good weather. Well this Friday was no different. when I was leaving work it started raining the temp was 36 degrees I thought I'm still running it's just rain. I got home let the boy's out to run while I changed and stretched. While I was in doing that the London fog set in. But I stayed the course and ran anyhow and it turned out to be a good run, helped out by Mother Nature. She came calling at about mile three and I had to sprint back to the house before the bitch kicked the door in. It's funny how fast a person can run with clenched cheeks and a stomach rumbling like the Blueberry pie eating contest in the movie "Stand By Me". For those worried I maybe didn't make it and those laughing hoping I didn't, I MADE IT!!! But after that I lost my drive and didn't go back out and finish the last 1.5 miles, can ya blame me?
This brings me to today, I went up to Verona to meet and run for the first time with a marathon training group I signed up with. It was a sunny 29 degree morning with no wind not even a breeze. I'm telling you it was a BEAUTIFUL morning for a run, you couldn't ask for more. Crisp, clean air, sunshine and birds singing. It was like Sixpack and all of you got together and got this weather just for me. I had a tear in my eye when I started the run. THANK YOU everyone THANK YOU!!! It turned out to be a great run all together 12 miles in 2 hrs and 31 secs, folks that's a better overall time than I got when I ran 10 miles for the first time two weeks ago. I wish you all this beautiful sunshine for your training as well.
This weeks report
miles 27.5
time 4 hrs 37 min 9 secs
pace 10 mins 5 secs
overall impression
I think someone snuck up and unhooked the plow with out me knowing (thank you). Now that the plows gone I need to shift gears till I hit road gear. (ITSSUAUTPWOMKTYNTTPGINTSGTIHRG)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
6:04 PM
Run Forrest Run!
A shout out to everyone who is still out there beating the pavement!!!! You people are amazing and are an inspiration to me as I work my way back out there. I thought I would chime in today, during this week of photos and share with you my lack of running for the past 11 days. On the way to the faculty meeting last week I went to fill up my scooter. While driving down a short stretch of sidewalk, I actually managed to drive off the sidewalk, at which point I tipped the scooter over. I've done it once before, but that was a lighter scooter and I was expecting it. this time was a mess. The scooter landed on my left leg. It was actually trapped under the scooter! I thought I was going to have to chew it off or something, but I realized I could just lift it with my hands that still functioned properly. Other than the leg all I managed to do was bounce my helmeted face off the pavement. Thank god for helmets.
Just to prove I'm not lying, here's a picture I took of my leg today.
That's what it looks like on day 11. Needless to say, it's taken my best effort to walk straight for the last week. However, I am not daunted and am hopeful I will be giving a trial run on Tuesday. (pun intended.)
Keep the inspiring stories coming and the pic of the Hayes Street Hill has me pumped. I can't wait to tackle it again!! I promise to inform you all of my progress as soon as I'm able to run again. In the meantime:
Miles this week: 0
Cocktails this week: Best not divulged. My mom reads this thing. I'll simply offer this as my proof:
Yes, Ladies and Gentleman that is my name on the side of a barrel of Makers Mark, and when that puppy is ready (6 to 7 years) there will be a big party. Too bad, I'll probably empty a few barrels that belong to someone else before then.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:43 AM
Friday, March 09, 2007
The Hayes Street Haters Rise Again
When I told you that I thought "gee, I miss hills" I certainly was NOT referring to the most "hated" of all hills:

Note: Do not let this beast in any way, shape, or form intimidate you. You are stronger than the hill. You are tougher than the hill. You will kick that hill's ass (if it had an ass). You will prevail over that hill!!!
Having survived the hill, I tell you in all honesty, there is nothing like the downhill side of that bitch! That having been said and in honor of your tackling the Hayes Street Hill, I am going to try to shave at least an extra 2-3 mins. off my goal when running in solidarity.
Last Weeks Stats:
Total Miles: 19.2
Total Time: 2:43:46
Avg. Pace: 8:31
Observations: Um... Ouch! (U...O!)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
10:53 PM
Labels: Hatin', Hayes Street, Hills
Thursday, March 08, 2007
One More Thing...
I just joined this running "event" on Nike Plus last week (as always, click to make legible):
Basically, it does nothing more than keep track of the miles you run before March 17th and convert them into beers you've burned off in advance (2 miles is 1 beer). I've made room for eight beers so far!!!! Let's see how we can all do before the 17th, and then toast ourselves for our collective progress!
Posted by
dr. deetschei
10:17 AM
Labels: St. Patrick's Day
Return of the Deetschei
Alright, first things first. Don might be attaining nirvana for his knee right now, but you do need to know that there is another, mortal, running source of strength for those of you in need:
Not yet deified, when I'm not busy conspiring to hide gnostic secrets about Jesus getting jiggy with it, I have been known to run a lap or two around the cathedral. In white loafers.
(Note: Requests for pictures of a running pope have not been ignored. We're just waiting to wash the costume. I can not stress how gross it smells. If you imagine rolling around in a Bourbon Street gutter for five days, then just pouring two beers over your head for would be half way there. I couldn't put the outfit on without passing out right now)
I expected Karneval to really wipe out the progress I made over the past two months, but it apparently had some reinvigorating, super-hero like effect on me. I managed to run through some of the pain, so I never actually dropped a week. The overall miles naturally dropped from the 20 mile week I logged just before, but I was able to tread water until we got to London for some much needed detox. It turns out that the wrong side of the road is the fast side of the road:
My best (non-weekend) run in the week leading up to and including Karneval, in terms of speed and overall feel, was a 4.09 mile run for 34:01, which worked out to a 8:19 pace. I was totally ecstatic with that. Then, however, things started getting faster (dare I say, ass-kickinger?). For the past two weeks, my average time has dropped below 8 minute miles on almost every run. I bettered my 4 mile time to 33:25, then 31:13, and finally 30:51! (AND, I need to add, the Nike + needs to be calibrated again which means I'm running further than I need, so I'm actually doing even better than the times's minimal, but I need to get that out there...I'm such a petty little pope.) Honestly, if I were a high school track coach and I needed to prepare my team for a meet in two weeks, I would have a hard time not taking them to Tijuana for a few days of drunken debauchery. The results speak for themselves.
Anyway, last week culminated with this run on Sunday:
It was relatively relaxed and I didn't need to thrust my hips too far in any one direction to sustain the pace, although I did make air-humping motions occcasionally to embaress Tessa, but I do that anyway. ;) Again, I had to run around the block an extra time just to get the iPod to register the six miles, so I actually finished in under 46 minutes. Not only that, but during that run I registered my fastest mile (7:26) and established my fastest 5K pace (23:48)! I figure I should be in good position for Bay to Breakers, Cologne Edition...However, those of us who can't make it to the actual race but who are running in satellite cities really should settle on goal times that take into account a lack of Hayes Street Hill. How much difference do you think it makes?
Last, but not least, I've started training for a Half Marathon in late April. I'm using the Intermediate Ultimate Half Marathon Plan from Runners World. It's going to be hectic, but I'm trying to beat my PB by at least 5 minutes. I must be nuts.
The Week So Far (includes runs with Tessa, she's getting faster too!):
Distance: 12.95 Miles
Time: 1:45
Average: 8:06 per mile
Overall Impression: Binge Drinking Make For Faster Pope (BDMFFP)
UPDATE: For those of you that are a little frustrated right now, I'm linking to a post of mine from October when I couldn't finish 2 miles without A LOT of pain here. And I would like to point out that my (then) estimate of needing a month to be able to log 20 miles in a week was off. I couldn't manage it until February! Running is just a world of heartbreak sometimes. But there's always reason for hope!
Posted by
dr. deetschei
9:03 AM
Labels: Half Marathon, Karneval, pope costumes
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Serious post
I ran for the first time in 8 days again, back is feeling better but this winter##&*%@&*(^$@!^. Sorry I needed to blow off a little steam. I guess the computer thought it was a web site. try and visit it to see where it takes you, probably a porn site. Hmmmm maybe I could make some extra money for bills as a porno actor. I could call myself Forest F. Hump, what do ya think.
Back to what I was writing before I got side tracked. Got home and yes it's a training day, the winds blowing about 8 miles an hour seems beautiful huh, well not when it's 21 degrees outside. Did I mention I'm sick of this CRAP. I used to love winter when all I wanted to do was hunt, now I want to run I want to RUN FOREST RUN but this damn weather won't let up. OK sorry, done whining. I ran 5.5 miles tonight and other than my nose going numb it went fine. The back felt good, a little pain in the right knee but some more hammy stretches should straighten that out. I've got a total of 26 miles to do this week, so hopefully everything stays healthy for me. wish me luck.
miles 5.5
time 57 min 9 sec
pace 10 min 24 sec
overall impression:
Looks like I lost one of the bottoms off my plow. (llilootbomp)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
1:38 AM
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
No Run No Post :(
Hey all,
As your spiritual leader, I feel I have let you all down. As I sit here today I have not run in over a month and I'm feeling it. First the flu, then a wicked cold, all the while Physical Therapy for knee pain. Now, I have hurt my leg again, and won't be running for another little bit. I'd detail the situation here, but I'm tired of whining to the forum.
KNOW that I am here to support you all and want every one of us to succeed!
KNOW that as soon as I can walk a straight line I will be out there running!
KNOW that I wish I were out there running as much as I ever have!
KNOW that if I must walk the Bay to Breakers on crutches, I will!
KNOW that you are loved and supported in your running/walking endeavor!
your leader,
Sixpack Chopra
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:26 PM
You asked for it Pavement Pounder
I was going to Wait until I actually ran. See I haven't been able to with the back and the snow and the whole blowing of the snow thing causing drifts. So all I have to report on is the weight thing, down to 176 lbs. haven't seen that since I was 19, don't remember all this extra skin back then. I guess 19 years of abusing my body may lead me to never being able to say I'm athletic and TONED.
So PP I've been standing naked in front of the mirror (that's how I noticed the skin thing) trying to figure out the hip tilt thing. I haven't come up with the position or figured out how it gives strength and power, well at least when it comes to running. But I believe I have found a few things that hip tilt can help with not necessarily speed but the power thing may blow your mind. I'm willing to pass this along to your hubby if you guys are interested. Hell I may need start a whole new blog, "The benefits of running; in the bedroom as seen by the partner" Well that's it for now, look forward to everyone else's posts.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
1:16 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
Checkin' In
Hey Everybody. This is just a quick post to catch up on how everybody's training is going. I just wanted to make sure everyone was getting the motivation, inspiration, opportunity to complain, etc., they need in order to keep on walking & running toward their goals. I would love to hear how everyone is progressing! So don't be shy with those posts, folks!
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
8:11 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Ode to the Sweaty Salt Crystal
You are so white.
You are so scratchy.
O, how you cake my legs and face;
My little, sweaty salt crystals.
Okay, so I am not cut out to be a poet. I'll stick to analyzing them instead of writing them.
Forest, I made a point to pay attention while doing my tempo run today. I realized that when I do speedwork, I shorten my stride. I don't know if this is common or if other people do it, but the shorter my strides the faster I find I can go. Additionally, I have noticed that if I tilt my hips I can also increase my speed/power. (I think Sixpack mentioned something about hiptilt in an earlier post). That was just my observation from today's run, which was surprisingly successful.
By the way, I know I am gonna hear about this, but.... MAN was it hot today! Geez. If this keeps up, I am gonna have to hit the pool early this season ;) A brilliant, low-humidity, 76 degrees, clear skies, and windy! SWEET!!! [Note: I expect to be fully chastised for that little brag when summer comes and I am bitching about 90 degree weather with humidity not unlike that of the Brazilian Rain Forest! and the Wisco Clan is singing the praises of the mild, pleasant Midwest summer ;)]
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
10:08 PM
Labels: Odes, Salt Crystals, Sweat