Finally, scientific confirmation for what we Drunkrunners already knew:
"Guinness good for you - official"
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Scientific Proof
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
8:10 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
OOOOOOOOOOOOOKLAHOMA where the wind comes sweepin' down the plains...
I have pulled out of running the Houston Marathon.
Here is my justification to those of you (read: Deetschei), who are grumbling and disappointed:
- 12 weeks to train for my very first marathon was just a silly and painful idea - no rest weeks leading up to the big day, no rest weeks from my 12 mi. run to my 20 mi. run, no rest week in between back-to-back 20 mi. runs, ... etc.
- I waited way too long to buy a bib. The bib-exchange is ridiculous. People are selling bibs starting at $100 and then the organization tacks on another $40 exchange fee. I like running, but I do not like it enough to pay a minimum of $140 in order to punish my body. I can do that for free!
- The job market put me behind on my training and I pushed myself too hard to catch back up and have developed some knee issues (see various previous posts about 2 ACL surgeries, 1 meniscus repair, and 1 meniscus removal).
I have good news:
I will be running the Oklahoma City Marathon on April 27th. The even better news is that Ginifer and my as-of-yet-unmentioned-sister (who I will let come up with her own drunkrunner name), will be running the half-marathon!!!! Woohoo!!!! This will be the first time any of us have run these distances and run them competitively. While I am trying to stay a Positive Polly, my only concern is Oklahoma in late-April. It could either be freakin' cold (which I actually wouldn't mind) or it could be freakin' sticky and hot (which I mind greatly). But I shan't think about that now. Gotta keep my eye on the prize.
I took the last two weeks relatively easy, because I still have not recovered entirely from my 14 miler - which kind of scares me... However, I ran just over 9 miles yesterday at a 9:22 pace, so I couldn't have broken myself too badly. But the knee pains persist, and I have developed an unpleasant stabbing pain* in my calf/ankle. It might be time to really invest in a good, expensive pair of shoes. I think I might have come to learn finally what all this IT band hooha is about, unfortunately. I went for a run the other day, stopped to catch my breath and when I tried running again, I had this sharp stabbing pain* run down the side of my leg from my hip to my knee. Hmmmm. Not pleasant. When I tried putting my foot down to move forward and put weight on it, my leg felt like it was going to buckle. Scary. But that was the other day and I didn't have the same problem yesterday, so hopefully it was just a fluke.
Anyshmoo. I am going to do some "fun runs," as Sixpack would call them, and try to work in a few longer runs (12 & 14) for the next couple of weeks, before my training plan for the OKC marathon begins.
Ho ho ho. I wish you all a happy holiday and hope that your stockings are stuffed with lots of fun running gear. I, too, have loaded the list with new running apparel as well as a request for weights and a weight bench. Soon I will be stealing back my skinny runner's legs from Sixpack!
Deetschei!!! When is your race? Good luck to you and Sevey!!!! Be sure to drink lots of beer at the finish line (as if I needed to tell you!)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:03 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Questionable Running Foods
To the long list of Questionable Running Foods I would like to add this menu item: Sauteed Happy Family.
Just had to share that typo. I love them!!!!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:55 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
quick post
I know i owe you a real post (and this isn't going to be it), but I just wanted to drop in realquick and tell everyone how great it is to hear about you guys sticking through the bad times running. Very inspirational! How was the 16 miler, Dr. P.P.?
I am frantically trying to get ready for my flight to the USA tomorrow so I can't publish anything substantial, but I have resolved to compose something during the voyage. This means that sometime in the next few days you will get to hear about my recovery week (ooh!!!!), some new running gear I received for Christmas (aaaaahh!!!!) and my verdict on a new entry in the series of questionable food before the run: steak and onion pie (huzzzaahh!!). Keep up the good work, and don't forget that we run because we enjoy it :)
Posted by
dr. deetschei
4:27 PM
Skinny Runner's Legs and 6 miles down!
I'm working hard here trying to get back on track. The best part is, I'm running for fun these days. I left the house this morning with the plan of running 5 miles. I had the plan of running to Glen Park and then climbing back up the O'Shaughnessy Monster. It's 1.5 miles uphill, followed by another 1.2 up to the top of Twin Peaks. By the time it was all done, I had actually run 6 miles. It was awesome!!! It was fun! That was the best part. I had a great run.
I also noticed I have developed a serious case of skinny runner's legs. Yes that is right. I somehow managed to lose all of my fat from my legs. They are downright twigs. Rather interesting. I've always had those farmer's thighs. Now they seem to be disappearing. I'm hoping they don't go too far, but in the meantime, I'm loving my new life as Lance Armstrong.
Just chiming in and letting you know I'm feeling a little better.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
2:55 AM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Inadequacies of the Internet
The point of this ramble, you ask me? Well that scene perfectly describes how I felt on the first half of my 6.43 mile run today. I took Tuesday's 2miler off, because I was still in pain. However, thanks to nature and those good ol' endorphins, the pain gradually became bearable and almost forgettable. More to report after Sunday!
I agree with Sixpack, didn't running used to be fun??? ;)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
11:58 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Nike+ Video
Seriously funny Nike+ spoof video. Check it out: Nike+ Spoof.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:06 PM
Week 12 and General Update
Body For Life, Round 1 is over. It was 12 weeks, most of which were pretty close to the prescribed plan. Although in retrospect I have to say I could have done a few more workouts and probably would have seen better results. In the end, I've lost 15 pounds and am in great shape. Thanksgiving and that IT incident really through a wrench in the works, however.
Between visitors from out of town and parties and what not, I fell off the running wagon big time. Yes, I conquered the fire trails, but that was about it. As a result I WILL NOT BE RUNNING HOUSTON! I've had to think long and hard about that one, but it's the best decision. Forest will not be running -- he's in too much pain and decided to move the surgery forward. If I ran it I would probably injure myself--not something I want to do three times in a row. I want to come out of the next marathon healthy and ready to go. This means longer training. Instead of forcing a marathon to happen that would probably be a bad idea, I've decided to take a week or so and just run for fun--something I haven't done in a very long time. Then I will begin a slow training program to get ready for a marathon in June (perhaps one in Santa Cruz.)
That's the long and short of life for me right now. I'm exercising a lot and looking for the time to do a little more. Running is stable but uninspiring. I need to get the drive back. That is what I will work at doing over the next few weeks.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:43 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
I Done Did Went and Broke Myself
In response to Deetschei's glorious achievement of the allusive 100 Mile Month, I have yet to reach this goal. If you count literally from say October 22 - November 22, the closest I have come has been just over 90 miles. I imagine that in the next few weeks, as my long run distances increase, I might just hit the Century Club - oh wait, doesn't that involve 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes? Well, I already belong to that club. This will be my second Century Club then.
Back to the 14 miler today. I was a bit disappointed that my time increased over the 12 miler I did two weeks ago, but it was 83 and humid today [don't even get me started] so I take some solace in that - my avg. was 9:43 (up 38 seconds from the 12 mi run). I am much faster when it is cold, really. But, at some point along the way, I decided that finishing the distance was my biggest goal, as the furthest I had run up to this point was 12 miles. So I consider this a minor victory today and am pleased that I didn't break down into a messy shamble on the side of the road and have to call Ben to come pick me up! Yay! Hooray for minor victories. Plus, I burned a whopping 1547 calories (according to this handy website: Map My Run that I stumbled across and am posting a link to via our website. For people without the Nike Plus, this is a handy alternative to route mapping and calculating your workout. I would hesitate to save your runs though, as that seems like an ingenious way to let perverts and rapists find out where you run!) On the downside of things (because you know that with me there always has to be a downside...), my calves are killing me and my knees aren't feeling the best. I won't go into great detail, but upon coming home my body wasn't sure which end it wanted to expel things from first. I am pretty sure that I might have been dehydrated, despite carrying 32 oz. (2 lbs) of liquids on my run. If only the public park's water fountain had actually been working. That was a dirty, dirty trick on the part of the city's Parks and Recreation crew. They are due a very nasty phone call tomorrow.
Sooo, despite my sudden lack of faith in my ability to actually finish a marathon after only running 14 miles, I think this week has been pretty good. Hopefully the temperature will cool down and next week's 16mi won't be quite as daunting.
Distance: 24.05
Time: 3:46:42
Avg. Pace: 9:25
Overall Impression: Clearly I am doing something wrong, as I only had one car honk at me today. Must investigate.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
4:27 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
It's All About the Benjamins*
Saturday night Tessa and I went to a swanky wedding party in London for two friends of ours. One of them writes for a big tabloid here, so we were both optimistic that either Kate Moss or Martians would be there.
Instead, we found copious amounts of free wine.
The alcohol servers were proficient in what we like to call "Olive Garden" pours. This is where the wine clings to the rims of the glass, desperately waiting for something to break the surface tension so that it may spill over. Terms like "tenuous" and "meniscus" come into play. Needless to say, after drinking countless glasses, we both lost track of everything, missed our cab, had to find another cab, and stumbled to bed wearing socks on our ears and pancakes on our feet. And I had to run ten miles the next morning.
I didn't run. I stayed in bed until 2PM. I wanted to die. The whole shebang.
The real consequence, though, was that I had to push Sunday's run to Monday, which meant I had my first Monday-Friday running schedule since, possibly, forever. Five day running weeks are okay. Five-day-in-a-row weeks are a pain in the ass. After 10 miles on Monday, I had 4, then 3, then 6, then 3 again. After today's (Friday's) run, I actually did a little break dance to celebrate my ONE DAY OFF tomorrow. Which comes before another ten miles on Sunday. I believe this is what they call "the grind".
The reason I was so insistent on maintaining my mileage this week was pretty simple- If I didn't drop a run then November would become my first one-hundrend-mile month this year. And although three miles felt like thirty by the end of the week, I got there:
I checked my running log from last year, and I only hit the "centenary club" twice. I cracked ninety miles twice this spring, but just couldn't push myself over. I'm pretty pleased I squeezed it out.(I think Dr. P.P. might have joined me with an additional one hundred this month. (oder?))
There's not much else to report, other than this drunk runner is going dry for a little while. Saturday night put the smack down on me, and I need to detox before the annual "Christmas Family Drunkfest". Long story short: I'm into temperance for now, suffrage shall follow.
Here are the last five runs:
Overall Impression: So Glad to See Sixpack Healthy Again and So Glad to Rest Tomorrow (SGtSSHAaSGtRT)
(* I had to google the name "Benjamin" because I didn't think I knew how to spell it.)
Posted by
dr. deetschei
3:50 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Musing About the Nike Plus
Don just observed a little quirk about the Nike Plus that occurs to me relatively often: I run to a certain point on the horizon, say four miles away. Then I turn around, and at the end of my session have to run about 200 yards past my front door in order for the sensor to register another four miles. Going out is always a shorter distance than coming back. Trust me, I think about this a lot when I'm not more concerned with other pressing issues semi-related to the Spice Girls reunion.
My humanist-based attempt at reason is this: The thing assumes you run somewhat like a metronome over the course of the run. It allows for slight variations, but since it must use an equation to determine how far you go (variable distance =constant pace x constant time) things can screw up if you run with negative splits (which i usually do, and Don certainly did running up and then down a giant hill.) Ironically, if you speed up then you have to run further than you should to get to your goal because the little computer is trying so hard to maintain pace as a relative constant, that the variable distance gets compacted in order to maintain the same balance in the equation (i.e. the nike plus figures you ran for 40 minutes out to get to your halfway point of 4 miles, so it's not going to let you have 4 miles in 34 compromises somewhere in between...say 3.9 miles.)
I must say that the difference is usually minimal for me . After ten miles on Monday, I had to run an additional .1 miles, for example. But the fire trails behind Berkeley are a many ways. The size of the discrepancy between the two split times usually determines how inaccurate the distance is. I think the Nike Plus still contains so many fantastic features, that you couldn't expect more of something at that price, without GPS or an accelerometer. Our challenges and the goal system alone have done so much to inspire me to keep logging miles.
Anyway, that's my hypothesis. If anyone reading this happens to be married to a chemical engineer or something, or has an otherwise basic grasp of things, then I would like to hear how misguided I really am and get to the root of the dilemma. Perhaps our legs are just longer when we run home.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
7:54 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Back on Track!
After a week of terrible disappointments--I wasn't feeling up to running until yesterday--I'm back on track. Today's run was somewhere in the area of 8 miles, yet my iPod only rated it as 7.3. It's a little goofy. Going uphill on the Berkeley fire trails I ran until it told me I was half way, then turned around and ran back downhill. For those, not in the know that's 4 miles uphill and 4 back down. However, my trusty iPod measured 4 miles up and 3.3 miles down. I was exhausted and decided that was close enough for Jazz!
I'm psyched to be back out running. The IT still seems a bit tenuous, but I'm stretching and hoping for the best.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:40 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My Life in the Suicide Ranks
Yesterday was one for the record books. It started with an attempt at a run around 3 p.m. It didn't go so well.
I left the house with big plans to run the 8 miles I was scheduled for. Everything went well until 1.25 miles in. I mean, I was a little sore from my leg workout the day before, but I didn't think it was going to kill me. Then it hit me. Something akin to having your hip joint stabbed with a dull knife and your lower leg put in a too-tight-tourniquet. It seemed pretty clearly IT Band, and it also seemed pretty clear pretty fast that I was not going to make it another 6.5 miles. I ended up turning around and walking home. Sucky, Sucky, Sucky.
At 5:30 -- still moping from my unsuccessful run -- we sat down to dinner. It was a nice light dinner of Cornish Hen and potato salad. You didn't think you could eat that on Body For Life, but you can!!!!!! It was all great having been prepared by my wonderful partner. Then things went sour. Something didn't go down right. I tend to eat a little fast, and I think it finally caught up with me. Suddenly, I could swallow no more. That was it. I was hoping it would pass through, so I sat at home pretty miserable for 2 hours. Imagine a world where you can't even swallow your own saliva.
At 7:30 it was finally decided (A beautifully germanic phrase) that the only thing that would cure me was a trip to the emergency room. Sparing you the gory details five hours later I woke up after being knocked out so they could shove a tube down my throat and push the obstruction into my stomach. Ugh! Add Cornish Hen to the list of foods this Drunkrunner will not be eating for some time.
It turns out that I wasn't exactly being a glutton. I've been diagnosed with a hardened stomach sphincter (or something to that effect), which means that this was probably going to happen sooner or later anyway. I have to go back to the doctor next week and see what I need to do from here. In the meantime, I'm enjoying my new found freedom of being able to swallow, and I'm eating soft foods!
This is all to say that I will not be lifting weights today, and that my run has been postponed for a second attempt on Thursday. Today I will stretch the IT and see what happens.
Peace out, and remember: Chew your food!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:30 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Electrolyte Madness
I'm writing this response to PP's concerns in the open forum in order to spread the word as far as possible.
1) GU. I love it! However I have found that I need the more mild flavors. My favorites are Espresso Love (mild coffee flavor) and Vanilla. The thought of Lemon Madness or whatever that flavor was turns my stomach as I sit here at my desk. This has been my experience with other products at races as well. Go for mild flavors. In the end you really don't want to taste much, and you definitely don't want an aftertaste.
2) Gatorade-esque products. My guess, PP, is that you poured gatorade straight from the bottle into your fuel belt. Bad idea. If you are going to use it out of the bottle mix it at 50% water, 50% gatorade. I have found it much more economical to use GU2O which I can mix myself. (It's a little tricky to mix, as it congeals quite quickly in the bottom of the bottle, but the shaking of running keeps it well mixed and works out any lumps before I reach the bottom of the bottle.) My favorite flavor is Raspberry! Awesome!!!! It ends up tasting a little watery, which isn't pleasant sitting in the living room, but is perfect for running. I think Deetschei's paté experiment and PP's recent Gatorade and GU experiments affirm that the body doesn't care much for intense flavors, textures, or richness during a run. If they could make these items a little less flavorful than baby food I think they would all be perfect.
3) Running vs. Stopping! With those handy squeeze bottles I don't stop for a second. I have no problems maintaining a decent pace and drinking on the fly. In the end you do gasp a little bit, but it's quite efficient. At least for me. Works just fine.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
8:08 PM
Food, Part II
I meant to add something in my post about Sunday's post-race meal, but forgot. Since the Germans never made good with the Indians and would probably steal their corn to this very day, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Germany. But since I am spoiled by my wonderful wife, I get to insist that we observe it. We are actually celebrating twice this year, and the first round was on Sunday. The whole nine miles I was counting the calories I was burning for lunch in advance! And I gorged myself in a way that no-one else at the table could understand. They just thought we were having a nice lunch. They didn't realize the rules state you had to have six portions of it.
As I was running it occurred to me that the average American consumes about 2100 calories in the Thanksgiving meal alone, which is more calories than some llamas take down in a month. The cool thing is, the three of us burn through that many extra calories every week! It pays off to be a drunk runner!!!
Posted by
dr. deetschei
7:41 PM
Trying out Gu and Fuel Belt
- I have not suddenly become a morning runner. There is a whole new schedule you have to develop in order to be a morning runner that requires waking up early enough to eat, consume some liquids, void that food and liquid, and hit the road before it gets too warm. I am NOT that person. I am the person who didn't run the evening before because she was celebrating the Dynamo's back-to-back MLS championship!!!! and had to push her long run to the following morning. I am the person who gets up, gets dressed, pees, takes a sip of water, and then proceeds to try and run 12 miles. Hmmm, what was missing there, besides Zwiebelmettwurst? OH, that is right, breakfast!!!! No fuel in the tank = no vroom vroom.
- Lemon Supreme Gu shots activate my gag reflex and make me want to SPEW Lemon Supreme Gu all over someone's driveway of sidewalk. BLECH BLECH BLECH. Help! Anyone have a better flavor they can recommend? Although, it wasn't so much the flavor as the consistency. Gu is a very apt name for their product, or perhaps it should be called BLECH BLECH BLECH, I WANNA PUKE. Doesn't have quite the same ring, does it? Obviously this was my first time to actually use an energy supplement while running. I recently bought a Fuel Belt - which I will talk about in a minute - and decided to try Gu while I was at it. I think I should have gone with the Clif Shot - Margarita did sound tastier... I realized that I definitely need the liquids to help wash that stuff down and to get the taste out of my mouth. Did I mention, BLECH? So, calling all Drunkrunners, give me your tried and true alternatives to energy supplements. What flavors and what brands? I would have almost rather eaten a big ol' brick Clif bar and have that thudding around in my stomach!
- TMI: Either I am one mucousy mother f*cker or Gatorade + Gu = very very evil! I would have brought water, but I know that I need the electrolytes in a sports drink. At least I am a very conscientious spitter and always try to aim for either grass or the road but never anyones driveway or the sidewalk. I think that balances out the vulgar activity, right? Besides, spitting makes you look really tough (and nasty) which helps keep the crazys away.
Other than that, this week has been pretty uneventful. My times are still coming down, which is nice, but like Deetschei, the fatigue is starting to set in. My calves, no matter how much I stretch, have stopped loosening up while running... Hmmm. Probably not a good thing. I think this next week will be spent focusing on maintaining my current speed and maybe even slowing down a bit to avoid aggravating the problems.
Miles: 20.3
Time: 3:04:28
Avg Pace: 8:57
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
6:49 PM
He Runs, He Blogs, He Conquers
Last week was the fifth week of my fifteen week training plan for the big half-marathon in the desert. After five weeks of running, the schedule always becomes an incomprehensible jumble of miles and minutes to me. Each run sort of melts into the next while anxiety about increasing distances on the weekend lingers in the back of my head.
The thing is, I’m officially not at the beginning, which means I am beginning to forget what life was like before I had to magically add hours into my day so I could log those “4.5 miles at 8:54 pace with six minutes total uphill time” at all costs. (Because if I don’t run then the terrorists win). However, I’m also pretty far from the race itself, so I can’t actually visualize an end to the madness, either. If I could plot my training plan onto a map of America, with the first week located in Boston and the fifteenth in San Francisco, I would now be firmly entrenched in Ohio.
Last week was more or less a recovery week, so there weren’t a lot of notable runs, except for maybe Sunday. We spent the weekend in Germany with Tessa’s family, which meant two things:
I ran 9 miles along the Rhine (again!) and
I experimented with more spreadable meats directly before embarking.
Running: Luckily for everyone who is tired of hearing how much I love running there, I didn’t run in Cologne itself. Tessa’s grandmother lives about ten miles south of town, and although I debated running directly to the city center, I didn’t want to negotiate the tram system back home in near zero weather with soaking-wet clothing. Instead, I ran through old asparagus fields until I hit the river, then aimed myself vaguely towards Amsterdam and ran until the little voice in my headphones told me to turn around. Around then a really big wind picked up that almost froze my face off, but I found shelter behind a row of trees that were both big and strong like German women. I made it home without any major problems, but the whole run was marked by that other reminder that training has already lasted over a month: fatigue. The wind didn’t help matters, but even if the day had been completely devoid of weather I would have had a hard time lifting my big, leaden legs. I generally seem to skip most of the aches and pains, and I’m really thankful for that. Instead it’s just the whole “moving the feet” thing that is somehow beyond me.
Food: I learned a valuable lesson from eating duck paté last week: One should not toy around with eating spreadable liver before running. That is why I switched to a chemically-treated raw pork spread on Sunday morning. I always have a hard time explaining to people who don’t eat a lot of German food what Zwiebelmettwurst is, and generally when they see it they shy away because it looks like raw ground beef.
But if you have ever had it, then you are nodding your head right now in tacit agreement with me that it rocks, and that it is completely incapable of ever doing any harm to anyone, anywhere. You simply spread it onto a roll, sprinkle some pepper on it, and then eat your way into oblivion while forgetting all your cares. I think America may have banned it because it brings such joy in a package that’s not easily taxed without angering the futures markets, which is why we don’t see it at Safeway. Anyway, I hereby state clearly that it did not interfere with my run in any fashion. I was on the road less than ten minutes after eating, and I was never hit with the bowling ball in the stomach. I can honestly say that when I write my dietary book on “those other running foods”, I’m putting Zwiebelwurst on the cover.
Last Weeks Runs:
I should have clocked around twenty miles or so, with the long one being nine. Next week I run about 25. I should be comfortably running thirty miles a week by the end of training, which is where I want to be when I begin training for the London Marathon...Only problem is, I'm not entirely positive I'm getting in. Which means I need to talk to Tessa about a possible Plan B (Paris, anyone?)
PS: I just noticed that my run tracker is in German...I have no idea why...sorry guys!
Posted by
dr. deetschei
6:18 PM
I've been terrible the past few weeks, and I'm starting to feel bad about it. Someone cheer me up!
Two weeks in a row I did my Tuesday speed work, but then got sucked into the vortex of free time that is a long weekend. Although I had 4 days to get it done in, I never managed to get out for my long run. My bed was just too comfy in the mornings and it just wasn't worth getting up.
This puts me a little bit behind schedule for the marathon, but no so much that I'll die. I've got to get my ass in gear this week though. NO EXCUSES! I wish some or all of you were here to kick me in the ass!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:25 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Skinny on Weightlifting
As promised, I'm finally sitting down to write up a little note about weightlifting and its great benefits toward running. It has now been 9 1/2 weeks (yes, pun intended) and we have been on Body for Life every day! The program calls for 6 days of eating well. Actually better than well. It's a diet that consists primarily of protein and carbs, with hardly any fat. Calorie intake for the day is generally in the area of 1500 calories. With those calories one must workout 6 days a week. 3 days of weight training, 3 days of cardio.
A two week schedule of weight training functions like so:
Monday - Upper Body
Wednesday - Lower Body
Friday - Upper Body
Monday Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body
Friday - Lower Body
Thus, in a two week period you work each half three times. The exercises are pretty intense there's an example here: BFL Exercise Plan.
The beauty of the plan though is that you often have long stretches of time when you are not working a set of muscles, i.e. the Wednesday workout is not repeated again until Monday, and the Friday workout doesn't get repeated until Wednesday. This allows for long recovery times and lessens fatigue. Granted adding the lower body week to an already packed marathon training schedule is tiring to say the least, but the following week allows for considerable recovery.
Over the past ten weeks I've stayed mostly to the running plan, and have skipped a few of the workouts. However, my legs are much stronger. Yesterday's speed work was downright easy to accomplish. Nothing like the days of Drunkrunners almost hurling on the track. It was great! I couldn't believe it went so well. I had no problems at all maintaining the speeds I was supposed to be doing.
My recovery times also seem to be much shorter! I can't recommend enough the exercise program. I wish I had begun lifting sooner.
On the vain side: I've lost 14 pounds. Steve has lost 30! And we have a few weeks left of round one. After 10 weeks we both feel much better. We're also quite sure we will not be giving up on the program when it is over. I will more than likely continue for at least one more round, then re-evaluate as to how to bring life back into a more normal mode. The weightlifting is here to stay though. My joints aren't aching like they used to, which means it's probably helping me in that area as well.
Conclusion: Get thee to a Gym!!!!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
12:24 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Just putting in the miles
So, I ended up still adding miles to supplement my training schedule, but I am still keeping myself to running 3 days a week. I don't know how accurate my times are, because I have a sneaking suspicion that Google maps is exaggerating my distances - the times just seem to fast for what I feel I am/should be running. I might have to borrow Ginifer's fancy-schmancy GPS running watch to get a more accurate reading.
Since I don't have a cool interactive chart, you are just going to have to settle with the ol' stats:
Distance: 20.6 mi
Time: 3:07:19
Avg. Pace: 9:05
Overall Impression: Sometimes it is nice to have someone breathing and sweating hard next to you!
Oh, Ginifer recently mentioned the Oklahoma City marathon (end of April) as another possible running opportunity. (Being from the state whose license plate sums up the experience of living there: "Oklahoma is OK." Mind you, it isn't "great" or "fantastic" or "amazing." It is just "ok.") We discussed running the half-marathon, but I would like to point out that Oklahoma City is just as flat as Houston. I don't think it is a qualifier for Boston, but I can promise you that there would be lots of barbecue and beer (sadly mostly fake 3.2 Oklahoma beer). The only downside to this race is the potential "stickiness" factor. Late April isn't too bad, but it might already be warm and humid.... Just tuck that away in the back of your minds for now.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
12:42 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
fuel for the run
I want to mention today's breakfast of toast completely saturated in duck paté as a part of my sporadic series of entries dedicated to unsuitable foods for running.
I must admit, I initially felt good about the choice because it seemed to check every box I had: Was it starchy? (yes). Was it ducky? (yes). Unless I missed something, it seemed like the ideal meal immediately before anything. Wash it down with a pot of tea, and you have whatever comes after the superlative.
Perhaps I should have been wary when the act of bending over to tie my shoes caused a fantastic symphony of burping. I was a little surprised when walking down the stairs to the front door caused me to cramp. But being the optimist that I am, I decided I could handle it. I was flying down the street to the best of my ability when, as I was trying to dodge puddles and remind myself from which direction the cars were coming, it hit me. The bowling ball in the gut. The Homer-Simpson-cannonball -shot-from-close-range. I knew it would get better if I could work myself into a rhythm, so I kept running. Which is when it started getting unbearably warm.
I'm not sure how the weather is in the Bay Area right now, and I'm completely clueless what Texan weather is like. I imagine its like regular weather but with a side of hot sauce. Right now in London, we seem to get every season in a day (But only if the year had three seasons and summer got left out). You have to layer your running gear, but do so with the knowledge that you will undress as you progress. You can't put on too much, because it becomes a big heated burden and a hassle to take off. But shorts and a running shirt won't cut it either, unless you're okay with otter-pop-knees. Soooooo, today was a classic day in which it started semi-wintery and ended up really warm. By the time I hit the turning point in Greenwich, I had to stop at a bus station and strip down to my shorts so I could rearrange my jacket and ditch my blue-sleeved lycra superhero top. There I was: cramping, topless and bloated from paté. Everybody was walking to the restaurant for their Sunday dim sum, and I stood there doing my own enticing pasty dumpling impression. London must love having me in town.
Anyway, the run home got better. As usual, the cramping ran itself out and I managed to find the right combination of clothing. I think I finished right at 9 minute miles. Like I said earlier, I'm in a recovery week so my "big run" was only five miles. It felt like having a birthday all over again, and I'm already looking forward to Tuesday's run, knowing I won't have dead legs.
On a non-related note; I'm not sure if anyone else is interested, but I would love to hear more about Sixpack's weightlifting regimen. I have always been terrified to lift with my legs because I feel like I only have so much strength to spend over the course of a week. But, if it's working for the boy, then I would definitely be up for trying something new.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
6:35 PM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Training for another Half-Marathon
I realized last night while reading a post on Don's Facebook page that I had promised to blog something. Two weeks ago. And promptly didn't. Oh christ, I can't believe how bad it's become (forgive me Sixpack for I have sinned). Basically, I've been trying to churn out words every day for something entirely different than running related prose, and the result is a complete evaporation of mental capacity by 5 PM. And my prime blogging period has always been between 5:15-5:17:30 PM GMT.
These pictures aren't the best, but I'm only "borrowing" them anyway...
Basically, all my runs thus far end up in Greenwich. The park is 2.5 miles from our apartment, and I've found a few additional miles within the park itself. It exhausts itself after about 9 though, unless I want to start running in circles...which I generally don't enjoy. Eventually I will need a new plan, but until then all roads lead to Greenwich, which is way okay with me.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
8:53 AM
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Good News / Good News / Bad News / Good News
Good News / Good News / Bad News / Good News
The good news: I was running today. Doing the 6 miles prescribed by my program, and although it was difficult I’m finding the speed workouts to go quite nicely. Not too fast for these old bones of mine. Even better is the fact that the leg pain is slowly backing up the leg. That is to say the original progression went from lower back to gluteus maximus, to thigh, to knee to shin to foot. It’s headed its way back up the leg and now only presents itself in the gluteus maximus occasionally, which has given me cause for celebration. It may be working itself out. WOOHOO!!!!!!
The good news: I’m right on track for training and although I would like to have run a 20 miler before the marathon—the plan has me running one 18 mile run—I’m willing to accept that in exchange for the trip to Houston and the chance to chase Haterella across the finish line. I’m feeling so good about the race that today I was musing about the next marathon I was going to run. I looked at the race calendar in my head and thought I would run the San Francisco Marathon! I was pretty excited about the idea, because I would have another 6 months to train for it after Houston. And then....
The bad news: I’m going to be in Beijing at the time of the marathon. That’s right. I’ll be stuck in Beijing NOT having the time of my life at the Olympics. No, I will be working hard and won’t ever see the sun, let alone the gymnasts. It’s not going to be pretty. :-)
The good news: I can still train for something before I leave, I just have to figure out what. I’ll look at the official calendars since the one in my head only has races I’ve either wanted to run or have already run.
Looking down the road to marathon number 3 I think I’ve actually learned a few things.
1) Never train too quickly for a race. The faster you do it the harder your body rejects.
2) I’m not a world-class athlete. It’s true. I love running, but I’m never going to be the guy way out in front. This doesn’t change the beauty of crossing the finish line in any way. It just means I cross it much later than the guy that takes home the cash.
3) Injuries need to be taken seriously. The more you ignore them the more they come back to haunt you.
4) Weightlifting is worth much more than I had previously given it credit. Over the past 7 weeks my times have gotten consistently faster, and my recovery is almost down to nothing. Sunday I ran 9 miles, Monday I did a leg workout at the gym, Tuesday (today) I’ll be running 7 miles and don’t expect much trouble with it. Not bad. Two months a go I couldn’t run three miles very easily.
5) I am a runner. When I don’t run I feel bad. I may skip a run, but that just increases my resolve for the next run. It’s that simple. Like Deetschei I’m looking to figure out how to keep doing this for years and years to come. Imagine running a marathon on your 50th or even 70th birthday. Did I hear Boston?
6) Which reminds me, this all started with a challenge to qualify for Boston. Will we ever do it? I’m not sure. I’m sure trying. With any luck I’ll survive Houston without an injury and be able to train for another marathon right away. Perhaps even in May. Consistency and lack of injury is clearly going to be the key.
I’m through being intro/retrospective.
Weekly miles: 16 and rising
Average pace: ~10:00
Overall Impression: Sometimes Its Nice Having Someone Breathing Heavy Next To You! (SINHSBHNTY!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:26 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
Happy Birthday Deetschei and Some Running Stuff!!!!
In other more drunkrunner-like news, I successfully finished another week of training, bringing my two week total miles to 44.1. Woohoo. That is more than I have run in probably the last couple months. Well, almost.
The week went well, although the shins are up to their usual antics; however, after about half a mile into my runs, I am fine and the pain gradually migrates to the back of my mind. I even added an extra 3 mile run into the mix, mostly because the dog needed exercise. Speaking of the pooch, he is becoming quite the drunkrunner mascot: he accompanied me for a total of 11 miles this week. Although, I think the 5 miler was pushing it, but only because we had to loop by the house a couple of times and he kept wanting to turn into the driveway. He displayed his confusion and mild disdain by looking up at me and nipping at the leash. Well, at least he knows where he lives!
The 9 miler started out tedious and kind of boring - it wasn't like I had oxygen to spare for a little chit-chat, but sometimes it is nice just to have someone else breathing hard next to you. But around mile 6, things got easier and I just slipped into the mindless running mode. I got a late start, what with the whole fall backward time business, and ended up finishing in the dark - I think I have mentioned before that people in this town seem to think that street lights are an extravagance... I swear, if I twist an ankle...
All in all, a good 2nd week. My times are coming down (I curse that merciless speedwork) and the longer distances aren't as bad as I make them out to be in my mind the entire week leading up to them!
Week's Stats:
Distance: 20 miles
Time: 3:05:25
Avg. Pace: 9.16
Overall Impression: Too tired to have one :(
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:39 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Death at Olympic Trials
On this tragic day, I think I speak for all of the Drunkrunners when I offer a word of condolence to the family of Ryan Shay, who passed away today during the Olympic marathon trials. Yahoo! Artickle
Nothing else can be said at times like these.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
6:02 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Forest!!!
To one and all it is Forest's birthday today!!! He is turning, if memory serves me correctly, 38!!!
It was probably Forest who first encouraged me to run. I remember the glorious day in the mid-eighties when I realized I could run faster than he could! It was brilliant! Of course, it was tempered with the fact that I would eventually have to stop running, and he could just wait until then to beat me up, but for one glorious moment I lived that famous scene in Chariots of Fire. I WAS running. Running was me!
So for his inspiration a take my hat off to Forest on this, his birthday!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:39 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Twice in One Week???? What a Schock!
Just thought I would round out my last posting by filling you in on the rest of runs for the week. Ginifer came over and we did a challenging 3.5 miler. I have NO idea why we were totally gassed, but we were. I like to chalk it up to over training, but maybe that is just the cowards way out. The slower pace worked out well for me though, because I was sore from the 5 mi. the day before and had to run the 8 mi. the next day. So, I enjoyed plodding along.
I had some doubts as to whether I would a) actually run the 8 mi. and b) if I would actually finish the 8 mi. on Sunday. But, I am happy to report that I finished in one piece, my legs are still attached although my legs are rebelling and might secede to Mexico. I started out too fast, as always, but over the course of the run, I managed to slow the pace down so that I could maintain it. Not including stop lights, I only stopped about twice briefly. I still kept my avg. pace under the training plan by almost 2 mins., so I really do need to play with the numbers like Don mentioned. Starting this week, I think I am going to keep my running days down to what is prescribed on the plan, so that I can continue to walk instead of limp!
Final Report:
Miles: 24.1
Time: 3:53:07
Avg. Pace: 9:40
Observations: Looks like there is going to be a battle at the Alamo, if my legs don't start cooperating!
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:10 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
I Have Not Forsaken Thee, Oh Sixpack Chopra and Fellow Drunk Runners
For the last several weeks I have been averaging about 10 miles a week. Not impressive, but running is running. This week I starting training seriously with a training plan I put together at It needs some tweaking, because right now it has my pace at a painfully slow 11:55 for my 8 mile run tomorrow. I need to fiddle with the numbers a bit, because it still has me running in the 11s even right before the marathon. Is this standard? I know that race day adrenaline kicks in and people run faster than their training pace, but really?
So far I have run a couple or 3.5 milers and yesterday was a 5 mile tempo run. I managed to keep my average pace more than a minute under the 10.17 pace set by the training plan. Like I said, I need to tweak the numbers. Today Ginifer and I are going to run a nice 4 miler and then tomorrow I am set for my longest run (an 8 miler) since about May. I might be overdoing it the first week, because I have been adding extra miles to the plan, but I need to get my lungs and legs back in this game! It is the long runs that I find mentally daunting, simply because it has been so long since I did one. But I just need to put together a kick-ass running mix, eat my carbs the night before and load up on water (Note: I did not say cut out the alcohol!)
Stats for the week so far:
Miles: 12.1
Time: 1:53:15
Avg. Pace: 9:21
Observations: Dear Running, I have missed you greatly these last few months. I hope you aren't angry that I abandoned you briefly. Can we still be friends? Sincerely, Dr. Pavement Pounder
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
4:46 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Houston, We have a Bigger Problem!
I went to the Houston Marathon website today to register for the race, and they are Sold Out!!!! I don't even know what to say, except: AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (a la Lucy from Peanuts).
What do we do? Another race later? Huh? HELP!!!!
I've checked a little further since my outburst this afternoon, and there is an option to transfer bids at the Houston Marathon! We are still in the game. Roughly 1700 people end up transferring bids, which means there are usually plenty to go around! Here's hoping it works! I've already put in a posting to transfer a bib. If you need one, you should put in your posting as well.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:59 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Houston We Have a Problem!
It seems the Houston Marathon is falling apart and I need some help!! I'm determined to run this marathon, and to beat my personal record! As it looks with Forest out of the running (pun intended) and Dr. PP (Dr. PeePee?) seemingly lagging in the polls, we clearly need a boost here.
I'll be running the Houston Marathon, but it is going to be a stretch. Mind you the race is in 13 weeks or so, and I just had a 12 mile week. Unbelievable, but it can be done! I don't know what kind of support we need, but we need something. Forest, would you still consider being Snack Bitch? Or even walking it? Deetschei, any chance of a flight across the pond? How about you Tequila? Where have all my Drunkrunner friends gone?
I've had a decent week this week. I posted about my Tuesday run, so I'll skip to yesterday and today. I ran a 6 miler yesterday. Average pace just under 11 minutes, which is right on track for my training schedule. The first mile was 9:30. That was a mistake, but it was Golden Gate Park and it was all downhill. I ran with the gay boys, as I do, and it was an amusing run. I left with the gang at 9 a.m. and I was clearly the last place finisher coming in. Except they only have a 5 mile course, so as I was coming in last, I still had another mile to run. As I crossed the 5 mile mark it was clear they hadn't yet had the end of the run powwow, so I headed off hopeful I might make it to the powwow. However, by the time I was finished with my run they were all gone!! That's right, they left without me. I guess they couldn't wait for me to finish my snail's pace run.
The great news is that I ran 6 miles and I'm psyched. Lance Armstrong also spoke to me again, and I was very excited by that. Weigh in today at was 189.5 pounds. That's 10 pounds less than last month and the first time I've been under 190 in a couple years. I was a vegetarian the last time I was under 190.
So, things are moving on and I'm doing great. 2 more runs scheduled for this week and I'm feeling more confident about the race every day.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:10 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Backman woes continue.
So I have been doing real well with my training, My times are in the 9:30's even on my 7 miler which is a full minute better than most of my paces last year. But I regret to inform that I will be unable to do the Houston marathon with ya'll. I just got back from an Orthopedic surgeon visit for my shoulder which has been giving me trouble for about 31/2 years now, normally a cortisone shot kills the pain. The first lasted 11 months, 2ND one 9 months, third 3 months and this last one 4 DAYS. I have to set up some time to get some bone shaved and a tendon repaired and possibly more if I tore a whole in my rotator cuff. The surgeon wanted me to have an MRI done, I asked if that would stop me from having surgery (knowing it wouldn't) and of course he said no, it was just so he knew what he was looking at. I told him I didn't want the out of pocket expense for a third MRI this year. I told him if he found more than what the x-ray showed while he had me open then well he should just fix it. I'll be asleep so I won't complain and you can tell me all about as a bed side story when I wake up. He laughed and said that's a bit old fashioned, but he liked my attitude. So I'll be down from running for a month or so depending on what they find in their, but I'll be off work for about 3months. So maybe I could be the nutrition packet bitch and cheer leader. I was really looking forward to this marathon. Well maybe next time.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
11:01 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Five Miles to the Top of the World
Today's prescription was for a five mile run. I was a bit hesitant, but decided to plow ahead. The schedule called for a one-mile warm-up, a 3-mile run at 9:23, and a one-mile cooldown. I really wasn't so sure about that pace, because it was a full 1:30 faster than anything I had run recently. It's at moments like this that I thank god for the treadmill. There's certainly something to be said for a machine that you just strap yourself to and it forces you to run the pace, no matter what.
I was able to complete the run with little difficulty. There were a few moments of stress in the middle where I was breathing heavy and praying for the finish line, but I got through them and continued on.
All in all a great run, and my longest yet. I'd also like to note that I was forced to run this one without an iPod, which means when I kick y'alls asses in the challenge, you will know that there were extra miles that didn't even get recorded.
Distance: 5 miles
Time: 50:08
Pace: 10:01
Impression: Next Time I'm Running My Marathon On A Treadmill! (NTIRMMOAT!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
8:43 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Body For Life Week 3
Since my life is presently wrapped up in my body (existentially, I guess it always has been, but sometimes we forget that) I'm reporting on all aspects of life this week. The marathon training started 4 weeks ago, and the Body for Life started 3 weeks ago. In the past three weeks I have lost 9 pounds, and dropped my body fat percentage to 20%--Next week's goal is to get that down to 19%. I'm feeling really, really great!
The workouts on the program are tough. I'm always exhausted afterwards, but feel stronger every day. I know that I have put on muscle, which is something that I probably haven't done since I was a bartender with too much free time about 6 years ago. I hope you want to hear all of this, because I'm now beginning to understand the passionate devotion to Body-For-Life that everyone you have ever known on it exhibited. The amount of energy you have, and the control you start to feel over your own body, and more importantly your life, just seems to grow every day.
The running is also going well. As you know I'm scheduled to run 3 times a week. I only ran twice last week, but I allowed that. I had two wisdom teeth pulled on Saturday, and aside from enjoying another round of vicodin, I've not really been in shape to run. I'm concerned the pounding and the breathing are maybe not the best things for a pulled tooth. So, that cancelled the 5-mile run I was supposed to do this weekend. The first two runs of the week went really well though!! Clocking in at 3- and 4-miles, I was feeling great. Both runs involved some pretty intense hills, but were conquered in average times of under 11 minutes, which has me very excited.
As you can tell, things are looking good!!! My back issues are minimizing and my inversion table should be here any day now. Nothing but positive mojo to report!!!!!!
Your Positive Polly,
Sixpack Chopra
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:53 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Starting to Hear Voices
On Saturday, I went for a 4-mile run and at the end of it, Paula Radcliffe (I wish I could write that in her cute little accent) congratulated my on my longest run. I was so proud, but then began to wonder if I wasn't just starting to hear voices.
The run went well. I went with the gay boys in Golden Gate Park. I took last place, but I was just fine with that. This was my first 4-mile run in a long time, so just finishing made me very happy. It was a beautiful day (we've been seeing a lot of them lately) so I really couldn't complain.
I ran another 3-miles today on the Berkeley Firetrails. Well, I ran very little on the Firetrails, because by the time Jenn and I (don't ask) had reached the Firetrails, we had already covered almost half of the run. It was a great run, although I thought my heart was going to explode before I got to the halfway point. 1.5 miles uphill at this point was very, very difficult, but that 1.5 miles downhill? They were fucking amazing!
My leg is still not 100%. In fact, I've ordered an inversion table and it should be here this week, and I look forward to seeing if that helps me get rid of this. Relieving the tension and pressure on my spine should help relieve the pinched nerve. At the very least, I hope it helps me maintain my training.
Peace out y'all.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
8:28 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Lance Armstrong Spoke to Me!
Well, it's week two of BFL, and week 3 of marathon training. So, after getting home from my painting class at midnight, I set my alarm for 7:30 a.m. and got up to do today's 3 mile run. I was a little worried, as the symptoms of my pinched nerve may have moved to the other cheek. I woke up this morning with the dull ache of a pinced sciatic nerve in my left glute.
Not to be deterred, I bounced out of bed, put on my shoes, and headed out the door. Then I had to come back in, because I had completely forgotten shorts and a shirt. It's a liberal city, but there are limits. I decided to go again to Kezar stadium for two reasons.
1) It's flat, and I'm still trying to gain some speed.
2) It's measured so I could check the calibration of my Nike+.
It was a great run. It's a beautiful day here. 76 degrees is the predicted high, and the sun is ashining! The track was beautiful, and not too crowded. The first mile went well, and before I knew it I was 1/2 way done. Then I noticed something! I was actually speeding up a little bit. According to my stopwatch I did the final mile in 10 minutes. Even Lance came on to tell me that I had run a new personal record for the mile!!!
I realized that this was a new personal record with the new chip, but considering my recent start from scratch I was totally psyched to hear him! My chip tells me my pace was 10:29! That's a 45 second improvement on my pace, since tuesday!!!!!!!
Now, an issue. The chip measured 3 miles at the same point the track measured almost 3.25 miles. I clearly need to calibrate the chip to get better accuracy. This improved accuracy would also improve my pace. According to my stopwatch my pace was just a hair over 10:00/mile. Woo Hoo!!!!
So, that's my excitement for the week. I need to stretch when I get home, because I'm still having those butt pains, but I've dealt with these for years. Especially when I was a bartender. I know how to get rid of them.
Run: 3 miles
Pace: 10:00
Overall Impression: I'm the Man, Man! And Get the F*%$, Outta My Way!! (ITMM!AGTFOMW!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
6:54 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Words to live by!!
As Ben Franklin said, "In WINE there is WISDOM, in BEER there is FREEDOM, in water there is bacteria."In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of watereach day, at the end of the year we would haveabsorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E.coli) - bacteria found in feces.In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of POOP.
However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor)because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
Water = Poop
Wine = Health!
Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid,than to drink water and be full of crap.
There is no need to thank me for this valuableinformation; I'm doing it as a public service.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
9:02 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Nike+ Chip
I've had to replace my old chip. I think it just decided to stop working because I shoved it in a drawer for 2 months. In fact, it probably still works, but my 2 hours of attempts to fix it, means a trip to the apple store, which I seem to be doing far too often anyway. Instead, I just bought a new one, and it is primed and ready to go for tomorrow!!!!!!
I'll be running 3 times this week, so look for my times and my distances right here. It presently has my last run as 7/3/07, because I didn't run with a chip for the last two weeks. I'll just hand those runs over to the gods, without recording them!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:28 PM
The 100 Mile Challenge
I've set up a Nike+ 100-mile challenge for the first to 100 miles. It's a motivator for those that are looking for the inspiration to get back on the road, and for those on the "Road to Houston."
If you would like to be added, I can do that!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:25 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Weekly Update
Body: I'm doing great. Lost 5 pounds in the first week, and I can already see my waist getting slimmer. I'm still sore from that evil workout on Wednesday, but I'm getting better.
Running: I biked on Tuesday. With a dentist's appointment in Berkeley. I biked to the BART station, to the dentist, and to campus. A total of about 7 miles all told. So I didn't run. Thursday I ran the 3 miles previously mentioned. Yesterday, I decided I was still too sore and that another 3 miles would risk injury, so I took the day off.
Tomorrow is another day and weightlifting begins again in earnest. I'll be upping some running miles, and hoping that the lack of miles this week doesn't hurt me too much.
Thats all from my corner.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:11 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
I do believe after today's run that the program we are on should be renamed the Body-Till-Death, as it is more appropriate to it's clear goal of driving me to my deathbed as soon as possible. Steve and I have been on the Body-for-Life program for 4 days now. I've done all of the workouts and they are tough. Let me tell you. The upper body workout left my arms tired for the rest of the day. And the lower body workout yesterday? I'm sore, sore, sore. I'm talking yesterday was a marathon sore. In fact, the 3-mile run I went on this morning was the hardest run I've had since the last three miles of the San Francisco Marathon over a year ago. It was hell!
I knew it was going to be tough, so I went to Kezar stadium where I could measure the run precisely, and most importantly it's flat. Having a level playing field, I knew, was the only way I was going to make it through. And boy was I right. In a three mile run, the fastest, I repeat the FASTEST mile, was 11:30. That's pretty slow. And it just got worse. I was so sore, it was all I could do to just keep running. I was ready to quit at 6 laps, then Sybil, damn her! said I could do 2 miles. Then the bitch said that if I finished two miles I should at least do 2 more laps to make this run a little longer, which was the purpose of the run. Of course, at 2.5 miles I might as well finish. On the last lap, I chanted "Running Without my Body" and it worked. I finished the lap in a record 3:11. I felt great!!!!
Well, I felt great to have finished and to have pushed myself to do a run that I wouldn't normally have taken on. I am still sore, and will be sore even tomorrow.
The good news is that I'm feeling great. We are sticking very strictly to the diet and enjoying more energy already. You'll soon be be hearing more about how the weight is coming off and how the running is going, but for now, I'm thrilled.
Sixpack Chopra
Your Leader
P.S. Thanks Amy for the last comment. It was very encouraging to hear that your husband had been so successful.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
1:38 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
12-Steps and my Body-For-Life
It's strange to say, but I/we are getting very excited for the beginning the Body-For-Life program. This is going to seem a little bit like a 12 step program, but I want you all to know about it, so that there is plenty of accountability. You know that part during AA where you have to apologize to all your friends, etc. Well, this is kind of like that.
I'm not exactly sure what I expect from the program, but here are my goals:
1) As of this writing I weight 200 lbs. (I just weighed myself) and have 22% bodyfat. Clearly, I would like that to be a little lower. I'm not wanting to look like Arnold, but would be happy to drop my bodyfat by about 10 points, and lower my weight to something under 190.
2) Feel better on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bad most days, but there are some when I just feel sluggish and worn out. I don't think that will happen after a few weeks on the program.
3) Get stronger. I'm in the weightlifting class, and will incorporate BFL into that class.
4) Get ready for the marathon. I'm pretty sure the plan will accomodate my training, but I will be monitoring it closely as the miles are added on. I may need to up some calories later on, but I'll see how that goes.
5) Enjoy life!
As a further point, I'm giving you the opportunity to see my before pictures, before there is an after. it also fulfills my promise to submit speedo pictures, although at this point in the game they aren't great. If it weren't the most humiliating thing I think I've done, and therefore the most motivating, I wouldn't even be posting them here. But a promise is a promise. WARNING: If you have never seen a German in a Speedo, you might consider skipping the next section.
So there you have it. That is the body that I hope to get rid of over the next 12 weeks. I know I can count on your support, and my BFL updates will become part of my running posts for the next 12 weeks or more.
Now on to running:
I ran the full 6 miles my program calls for this week. I didn't run the two miles yesterday that I was supposed to, but I did put them on today, which was great. I had a nice run right here by the house. It's a little hilly for week one, but it was good. I'm feeling good, leg/back pain is not bad. Very minor, and I assume this will work itself out as I lose a little weight. We'll see.
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 43:06
Average Mile: 10:45 / mile
Overall Impression: Hey, Who's That Riding On My Back? (HWTROMB?)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:13 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Quack Quack Quack
Well, after 6 weeks I finally went to see the PM&R doctor. I'll spare you the lecture he gave me about my IT Band, which took way too long, I knew was not the answer, and which he himself admitted was about 30% likely to have been the source of my problem.
The other 70% is what the PT told me months ago: I more than likely have a bulging disk in the L4, L5 area and that is putting pressure on the Sciatic nerve. Glad I waited 6 weeks for a Dr. to tell me that. He also said there is not much that can be done to treat it. Things like ice, pain killers, and accupuncture can help with the symptoms, but recovery has to happen on its own. So, I'm going to try accupuncture and see what that does. He gave me a referral. At the very least I would like to have some time without pain. Oh, and my favorite line: If you are still in pain in 6 weeks, come back to see me. Which means I'll be seen 6 weeks from then. Ugh. I hope this just works itself out on its own.
Running/training news. Many of you know that my partner Steve could use to lose a little weight. He's been telling me for five years that his diet will start next week. Well, next week is Monday. We've taken a look at the Body-for-Life program and it works for us [I'm too lazy to figure out the hyperlink right now, but check it out at]. It's a lot of exercise, which he and I both need, and the meals are doable. I'll be eating some crow as part of my Body-For-Life, as I have spent the past 3 years making fun of Rob and the fact that we all have our Body For Life, I mean isn't that the definition of Life? I'm even using Rob's extra copy of the book. I won't even get into the fact that Rob had two copies.
But, we need to do something pretty drastic, really strict, and with good guidelines so we can get Steve on track. The hardest thing is going to be scheduling meals around Steve's burger tasting, but I'll be working on that. I'm really looking forward to the program, especially the exercise. The major change I will be making is that instead of following his Cardio workout, I'll be training for the race. Otherwise, you'll be finding me lifting weights 3 days a week, and running 3 days a week. I'm psyched.
I haven't run yet today, but will be putting in two miles. I'm headed to the RSF after a few meetings. I'll update later this week with results.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:15 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm Back, Man!
It's the second week of weightlifting and now is the time to continue my progress from last week. I went online and ran some numbers for my training over the next 17 weeks or so, and got some good encouragement. I only have to run 6 miles in the first week of training. Not bad. I'm going to start slow, even though all I want to do is to be out there running, running, running. I think the hardest part will be keeping the distance down so that my knees can recover, but that is essential.
I did pretty well. I was psyched really. There were no moments of pain and never a moment when I thought I wouldn't be able to maintain the pace. It was awesome!!!! So, I have run 2 miles this week and couldn't be happier.
I wish I had a cute little story about the drama I encountered on my run, but there's no drama to be had when you are running on a treadmill at the RSF. None, zip, zilch, Nada!
Runs scheduled on Wednesday and Saturday of this week. My weight lifting class is Monday and Wednesday, so I may need to move runs to Tuesday and Thursday, but for now, I'm going to leave them on Monday and Wednesday.
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 23:38
Pace: 11:49 / mile
Overall Impression: Oh How I Love That I Am Sweating Again! (OHILTIASA!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:40 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Dr. PP's Failed Experiment
Hey, Ginifer. Where the hell are you?
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
8:05 PM
Wine Drinking Endeavors
Sixpack would like to apologize for not returning Forest's phone call, mainly because he was in Lake Tahoe drunk off his own ass, and in the process of losing tons of money at the blackjack table.
To answer your question:
Merlot - not a bad choice, but it would take a strong merlot to stand up fully to a S'more. That's a lot of sugar to be balanced out, but Merlot does goe very well with chocolate.
Zinfandel - Not the WHITE variety, would also go very well with a S'more. It's strong fruit flavors, high alcohol content and usually balanced tannins would make it a nice pairing with a S'more. It should go down like raspberries dipped in chocolate.
Champagne - the drier the better. S'mores would go well with a nice Brut champagne. try a nice Korbel Brut - usually between $10-15 a bottle. It's excellent for the price.
Now thirsty, and feeling quite chastised, I shall leave you now, with one of my favorite Drunk Runner's stories that Dr. PP reminded me of yesterday.
After a 12 mile run following the path of the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon we, Dr. PP, Deetschei, two other runners and I, all went to Nicholson Ranch for a little wine tasting. We had a few samples, then all took a glass out onto the patio to enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the Sonoma valley. It was incredible. Sitting with friends, having just finished a run and enjoying the beauty that is Northern California was all just too much. So, I jokingly asked, "Doesn't everyone live like this?"
And I have never lived it down. It's a wonderful life, and moments like that make me appreciate all of it. The running, the wine, the friends, all are elements in a complex puzzle that make for good living.
This is strictly an alcohol question, I left Sixpack a message on it but no reply. He probably thought I was drunk. Wendy was wondering what kind of wine goes with Smore's, She was drinking a Merlot and thought it went pretty good together. She now has me drinking wine, but I'm still on white. I know this is sort of a redneck question, but we are what we are. I still like my beer but I'm branching out a little, please send me some good choices to try as well. I thank all my wine drinking Drunk runners in advance for the advice on my new drinking endeavor.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
3:53 PM
A Breakthrough!
I'm proud to announce that I ran One Mile today! Yes, one whole mile.
I've been struggling with back/leg pain since June, and unlike my brother, I have decided to wait until things feel good before I run. The leg pain, experienced mostly as a throbbing sensation in the right glut, or an occassional shooting pain in the knee/shin area of the right leg, has mostly subsided and I spend most of my day out of pain. However, it is still there. Despite the occasional pain, I decided to try a run today. I made the rule that if it hurt I would stop. Turning on the treadmill, I walked for a minute, then slowly increased my speed to a 9 minute mile, and ultimately an 8 minute mile. There were a few moments of leg pain, but if I clenched my abs it would immediately go away. Since it did go away, I decided it was ok. I finished the mile and was not in pain. This means a few things.
1) I might actually be able to start running again.
2) My body is slowly fixing itself
3) I need to do more ab work.
All very good things. I couldn't be happier to be back on the mill again. I'll take it very easy getting back into things here, as I'm still not completely in the clear. However, there's always a first step.
In other news, I've begun taking a weightlifting class and I'm really enjoying it. I've taken the class a few times before. Once in 1992, and once in 2005. So, it's been awhile since I've lifted regularly, and today's military press with 10 pound weights tells me that I have a lot of work to do. Holy Shit! Isn't picking up my laptop and the occasional 12 ounce curl enough to keep one in shape? But I'm now forced to do some cross-training. Something I've always been reluctant to do, as I'm very busy and I was already spending enough time with running, to make weightlifting out of the question.
Distance: 1 mile
Time: 10 minutes
Overall impression: Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty, I'm Free at Last! (FAL! FAL! TGA, IFAL!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
2:23 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Short on time
My computer took a crap last week after a big storm, great timing I started A&P this week which has a lot of info study guides and the like that require a computer to use. Oh well, I'm psyched about the class(I get to play with dead people), now I will be able to name all the parts of my body that ache as I train for Houston. So far so good I'm up to four miles and feel good. After two months off I started back real slow, but I have to say that was just the miles. Well times were slow in the beginning as well, but I have to give my self a pat on the back I think I can now run with the likes of my fellow drunk runners and not make them carry a cooler so the beer doesn't get warm. The young lady I have been running with is a big part of the boost in speed. Once I helped Wendy a little with her form and got her to start out slow and finish strong she was kicking my ass. This caused me to pick up my speed so her times weren't making mine look so bad. We both started back running about the same time but she snapped back a lot quicker than I did, but I've been told that it comes back easier for younger people. I still couldn't let her beat my times run after run, Who new I was so competitive, certainly not me. In the beginning I was running my usual 10:30 pace but the last five runs have all been under 9:00, with one 3 miler at 8:17 and Sundays 4 miler at 8:45. I skipped last nights work out to go out for dinner but will make it up tonight after class. Between the run and the weights and a beer to relax I should make it to bed by eleven or so. I'm not sure if I can qualify for Boston in Houston but I will in Madison for sure.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
8:48 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
A.B.D. And all that Jazz!
Well, Y'all, it's true. I have passed the test. It was an ordeal of the highest order, and have giving myself a few days off to celebrate. Today: Coffee, Massage, Coffee, Manicure-Pedicure, Beer, Dinner, Beer. How's that for a day? I'm loving it!!!!!
On to running. My back is slowly promising to improve. I'm having less and less pain every day, which is encouraging. With the recent success, I'm ready to go out and see what's going to happen.
I've had Runners World design a program for me that basically starts back at square one. The first week is 3 2-mile runs. That should just about kill me, but I'll do them in the park or at the track so they aren't too bad.
Next, I've registered (in my A.B.D. status) for weight lifting at the gym. I'm looking forward to having the structure again. I took the class once before and then went right back to my old ways. The class, however, will coincide with the training for the marathon, keeping me in shape in the weeks leading up to the race, and hopefully helping me improve my times.
That's all I have for now. Just the eternal optimism that comes with having passed through such an ordeal as that f*&^%g exam, and the hope that a few days off will put me back in shape for the training that needs to be done in the next 16 weeks.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:09 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
This is not real post, but I just wanted to let everyone know that sixpack took his qualifying exams yesterday, and by now should be sleeping soundly knowing he has entered the crazy Zwischenwelt that is life as an ABD (All But Dissertated). For those of you lucky enough to not be anywhere near our "industry", just know that this is a very big step towards the PhD, and for that, the boy should be heartily congratulated. From one Drunkrunner to another, I say congrats (and welcome to the club), Donno!
Posted by
dr. deetschei
12:03 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
On the HTML Ghost and the state of Non-Socialized Medicine
That was me. The changes to the layout? They were mine. I was getting frustrated with scrolling, while my monitor had a patch of green on either side of posts large enough to start a small ranch. Congrats on getting the feet to match up, although, I for one always thought you had done it on purpose. It was kind of artsy.
The new city sounds great. Here I provide a list of other potentially exciting aspects of running in England (based on my own experiences):
1. STINGING NETTLES. Nothing beats them, and it appears that one need only leave that well-manicured path of yours to find them. Seriously, they are the running gift that keeps on giving. For 12 hours, nows that's a lasting memory.
2. TRAFFIC CIRCLES. If you get bored of that path of yours just try tackling a traffic circle above ground. That'll get your heart rate going. Yes, you'll be taking your life into your own hands, but isn't that why they have Socialized medicine?
3. BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Not many folks can wave at the Queen everytime they go on a weekly long run. And dodging the tourists is good for balance training, abdominals, and screaming "Get the f*!& outta my way!" in as many languages as one can think of. My jealousy is building.
4. THE UNDERGROUND. With its thorough coverage of the city, you can just plug in that iPod and head out. No matter where you collapse you are bound to be near an underground station. And then it's just a matter of time until you find your way home. All the while enjoying a 40 you bought at the train station, and commiserating with the locals.
OK, enough about you. I'm still not running, although I ran across the street yesterday and it didn't hurt too bad. The symptoms have mostly subsided at this point. Just a constant pain in the ass, literally. My right glute is in constant pain, except when I take the little blue pills. The pink ones don't help much, but the blue are amazing.
I was referred to a specialist, and last week was given an appointment for the 13th of September. My plea of, "I've already been in pain for two months!" was met with a profound sense of apathetic empathy. Along the lines of, "I'm sorry, sir. I think?!? I mean they tell me to say I'm sorry, but really I'm just trying to get you off the phone so I can answer the next whiner on line 3." So, on September 13, I've got an appointment with a back specialist. I'll bring my duck call, since Forest thinks they are all quacks. If you hear something reminiscent of Norman Rockwell painting of a duck blind, you'll know I've disagreed with the quack and squawking bloody murder while dressed in a hospital gown.
I'll be taking a Phy. Ed. class at school this semester in an attempt to get something in shape. Not sure yet whether I want to do weightlifting or something cardio like swimming, but if I'm going to take one class I'm going to make it worth it. I register on Monday so I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, I'm doing my best to show PP how we roll in the Bay Area. Dinner tonight at Suppenküche will celebrate her finishing her doctorate yesterday. Everyone offer her a huge congratulations for running that 6 year marathon without ever faltering, and while managing to keep the rum, tequila and bourbon industries in the black.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
10:21 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
10 Things
I was thisclose to posting another blog about running in Cologne. It was going to be "Ten Things I'll Miss About Cologne", but quite frankly I'm tired of moaning about leaving. Instead of dwelling on the past, I've decided to look towards the future. So get ready for me to textually dry hump this brand new city:
5 Reasons I'm Excited About Running in London
5: The London Marathon
This is an obvious one, but I need to place it here anyway. It's one of the four newly designated "Major" Marathons and opportunities to run in it are pretty slim. The lottery system begins in August and closes in October. Lucky applicants are notified in December, but if you aren't picked then you can usually run through a charity. I believe I saw a "George Best Liver Cancer Fund" or something similar...that sounds pretty nice.
4: The East End Safari
Really, not enough can be said about running through the entire East End of London. I tried once. Tourists never come here, but Jarvis Cocker will sing songs about you know there's a decent chance you'll get stabbed. Besides, as I said before, there are EEL AND PIE SHOPS. Eel and Pie. Why not?
3: Parks
I currently run through either Valentines Park or Wanstead Park, but pretty much everywhere you turn has a path leading to another path that invariably sometimes might lead to a park. I tell you, they're everywhere. Hyde Park? Done and Done. Regents Park? Around the corner! For a town called the Big Smoke, London has a surprising amount of green in it and if you look closely, you may even spot a tree without fifty seven shopping bags in the branches. If you're lucky.
2: NHS
Three cheers to Nationalized Health! Basically, if I fall over tomorrow on a run and pierce my spleen with my iPod, then I can go to the hospital and have them not only repair it, but re-ligament my knee and give me a double shot of espresso for a grand total of fifty cents. Or so I think. Regardless, it beats the hell out of running uninsured or dealing with the witch-doctor-remedies you find in Germany (You got a bulging disc? Try some Peat Moss!).
1: Running Groups
I'm joining a running group next week. I found one that's pretty central and that does weekend long runs, Wednesday night runs, and track work on Tuesdays. They may even have spaghetti parties and watch Dirty Dancing during sleepovers. I have no idea, but we can all hope. Mostly, the prospect of running with people again sounds fantastic right now. I need something tangible to motivate me, and this sounds just about ideal. Plus, I get a free sixty dollar shirt when I join...which is a bargain.
So there you have it. Five reasons I'm excited about running in London (It started as ten, but I ran out of ideas at seven).
On to other things. You may have noticed that the blog received a birthday makeover. I updated the template, worked on font size and spacing between the posts, and modernized a few things behind the scenes, so changes should be easier for us to make in the future. Of course, right after I made the initial (mostly color) switch, the entire format changed, which proves the theory that strange things happen when multiple people have admin capabilities ;). I think the new format looks pretty good , and I like that we have more space for the posts themselves. I'm mostly proud that after playing with the HTML tonight, the feet and ankles in our banner actually connect for the first time ever. Small victories.
Last week's alarmist post about running and the effects of steak tartare was apparently a false alarm. I was just sick, and it kept me off my feet until yesterday. Well, illness combined with the VERY MANY trips up and down six flights of stairs required to move our things into the cellar. Apparently, the hundreds of miles I've run this year have been nothing more than training for the chance to, um, move out of my apartment without having my calves rip off the back of my leg.
I went on two short runs today and yesterday, but they're not really bloggable, unless you want to hear how pleased I am that NPR programming has finally switched from to regular iTunes podcasts, and I can now let the soothing banter of Fresh Air carry me as I sprint from eel shop to eel shop.
I didn't think so.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
6:27 PM