Thursday, September 06, 2007


This is strictly an alcohol question, I left Sixpack a message on it but no reply. He probably thought I was drunk. Wendy was wondering what kind of wine goes with Smore's, She was drinking a Merlot and thought it went pretty good together. She now has me drinking wine, but I'm still on white. I know this is sort of a redneck question, but we are what we are. I still like my beer but I'm branching out a little, please send me some good choices to try as well. I thank all my wine drinking Drunk runners in advance for the advice on my new drinking endeavor.


Sixpack Chopra said...

Don't feel like you ever have to switch your tastes for someone else. The biggest problem with Wine is that people think it's snobby. You need to enjoy what you enjoy. That's it. If White Zinfandel is your thing then Go For It and Enjoy It!

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

OOOOOH, I am a big fan of the Zinfandel. However, I am also known to guzzle a tasty bottle of Chardonnay - the oakier and buttery the better.

Clyde S. Dale said...

OK I have found that if I stay with low acidity wines I really enjoy them. Who would have thunked it. Any suggestions on what to look for and what to look out for.I tried a Pinot Noir Saturday night and enjoyed it. I will try the one Dr. PP suggested this weekend.