Sunday, October 14, 2007

Houston We Have a Problem!

It seems the Houston Marathon is falling apart and I need some help!! I'm determined to run this marathon, and to beat my personal record! As it looks with Forest out of the running (pun intended) and Dr. PP (Dr. PeePee?) seemingly lagging in the polls, we clearly need a boost here.
I'll be running the Houston Marathon, but it is going to be a stretch. Mind you the race is in 13 weeks or so, and I just had a 12 mile week. Unbelievable, but it can be done! I don't know what kind of support we need, but we need something. Forest, would you still consider being Snack Bitch? Or even walking it? Deetschei, any chance of a flight across the pond? How about you Tequila? Where have all my Drunkrunner friends gone?

I've had a decent week this week. I posted about my Tuesday run, so I'll skip to yesterday and today. I ran a 6 miler yesterday. Average pace just under 11 minutes, which is right on track for my training schedule. The first mile was 9:30. That was a mistake, but it was Golden Gate Park and it was all downhill. I ran with the gay boys, as I do, and it was an amusing run. I left with the gang at 9 a.m. and I was clearly the last place finisher coming in. Except they only have a 5 mile course, so as I was coming in last, I still had another mile to run. As I crossed the 5 mile mark it was clear they hadn't yet had the end of the run powwow, so I headed off hopeful I might make it to the powwow. However, by the time I was finished with my run they were all gone!! That's right, they left without me. I guess they couldn't wait for me to finish my snail's pace run.
The great news is that I ran 6 miles and I'm psyched. Lance Armstrong also spoke to me again, and I was very excited by that. Weigh in today at was 189.5 pounds. That's 10 pounds less than last month and the first time I've been under 190 in a couple years. I was a vegetarian the last time I was under 190.
So, things are moving on and I'm doing great. 2 more runs scheduled for this week and I'm feeling more confident about the race every day.


1 comment:

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Never fear my running guru, I have not forsaken you. I intend to try for a full, but I might have to settle for a half-marathon this year. It is a wait-and-see prognosis at the moment. Don't worry, I am going to blog about my two 5-milers last week :) I should be back on the road in a week or less, I hope. Yes, it is Dr. PP (only because Pavement Pounder is too long to type out!). Maybe I should be Dr. Lazy Bones...