Monday, September 24, 2007

New Nike+ Chip

I've had to replace my old chip. I think it just decided to stop working because I shoved it in a drawer for 2 months. In fact, it probably still works, but my 2 hours of attempts to fix it, means a trip to the apple store, which I seem to be doing far too often anyway. Instead, I just bought a new one, and it is primed and ready to go for tomorrow!!!!!!

I'll be running 3 times this week, so look for my times and my distances right here. It presently has my last run as 7/3/07, because I didn't run with a chip for the last two weeks. I'll just hand those runs over to the gods, without recording them!


Mike+ said...

well, at least you got it to work... you could use to add your runs that you are missing.

Sixpack Chopra said...

Thanks, Mike. I'll check it out.