Monday, November 19, 2007

Food, Part II

I meant to add something in my post about Sunday's post-race meal, but forgot. Since the Germans never made good with the Indians and would probably steal their corn to this very day, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in Germany. But since I am spoiled by my wonderful wife, I get to insist that we observe it. We are actually celebrating twice this year, and the first round was on Sunday. The whole nine miles I was counting the calories I was burning for lunch in advance! And I gorged myself in a way that no-one else at the table could understand. They just thought we were having a nice lunch. They didn't realize the rules state you had to have six portions of it.

As I was running it occurred to me that the average American consumes about 2100 calories in the Thanksgiving meal alone, which is more calories than some llamas take down in a month. The cool thing is, the three of us burn through that many extra calories every week! It pays off to be a drunk runner!!!


Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

being drunkrunners, i think you have to add a few hundred to maybe a thousand extra calories for alcohol intake during the week ;) unless you are drinking Zima or Light Beer ;0

Sixpack Chopra said...

As a DrunkRunner, I simply want to offer that no one under any circumstances should drink Zima unless all other beverages including Mezcal, Tequiza, wine coolers, MadDog, Midnight Train, etc. have been ravaged.