Monday, November 19, 2007


I've been terrible the past few weeks, and I'm starting to feel bad about it. Someone cheer me up!

Two weeks in a row I did my Tuesday speed work, but then got sucked into the vortex of free time that is a long weekend. Although I had 4 days to get it done in, I never managed to get out for my long run. My bed was just too comfy in the mornings and it just wasn't worth getting up.

This puts me a little bit behind schedule for the marathon, but no so much that I'll die. I've got to get my ass in gear this week though. NO EXCUSES! I wish some or all of you were here to kick me in the ass!

1 comment:

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

I am now sending you a virtual kick in the can! Get out there and run!!! I won't have enough energy to schlepp us both across that finish line!!! :) But you know what, sometimes life happens and the cozy comfy bed is just the best place to be!