Thursday, September 06, 2007

Wine Drinking Endeavors

Sixpack would like to apologize for not returning Forest's phone call, mainly because he was in Lake Tahoe drunk off his own ass, and in the process of losing tons of money at the blackjack table.

To answer your question:

Merlot - not a bad choice, but it would take a strong merlot to stand up fully to a S'more. That's a lot of sugar to be balanced out, but Merlot does goe very well with chocolate.

Zinfandel - Not the WHITE variety, would also go very well with a S'more. It's strong fruit flavors, high alcohol content and usually balanced tannins would make it a nice pairing with a S'more. It should go down like raspberries dipped in chocolate.

Champagne - the drier the better. S'mores would go well with a nice Brut champagne. try a nice Korbel Brut - usually between $10-15 a bottle. It's excellent for the price.

Now thirsty, and feeling quite chastised, I shall leave you now, with one of my favorite Drunk Runner's stories that Dr. PP reminded me of yesterday.

After a 12 mile run following the path of the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon we, Dr. PP, Deetschei, two other runners and I, all went to Nicholson Ranch for a little wine tasting. We had a few samples, then all took a glass out onto the patio to enjoy a glass of wine while overlooking the Sonoma valley. It was incredible. Sitting with friends, having just finished a run and enjoying the beauty that is Northern California was all just too much. So, I jokingly asked, "Doesn't everyone live like this?"
And I have never lived it down. It's a wonderful life, and moments like that make me appreciate all of it. The running, the wine, the friends, all are elements in a complex puzzle that make for good living.

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