I'm testing things out today. The Marathon Training has hit a critical point. Clyde and I both need to get running or we are getting into dangerous territory where we start skipping runs to catch up and then end up injuring ourselves. So, With a few runs done I wanted to see how this Garmin thing works.
You may remember I purchased the Garmin before leaving for Berlin, but it took Garmin almost a year to develop the software for the mac, so I was stuck. Now I've got it and I'm ready to explore it's possibilities.
Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Untitled
My runs are short right now. Yesterday was 25 minutes, but they'll be growing the training program I have been looking at for the warm-up period is a slow build up. Week 1: 10 min Tuesday run, 15 min Thursday run, 20 min Friday run. Week 2: 15 min Tuesday run, 20 min Thursday run, 25 min Friday run, etc. It's pretty good for building up to the big mileage. My biggest fear is the treadmill. I'm not sure how 6 miles on a treadmill is going to work. I'm definitely going to need to run in the winter cold. It's going to suck!!
Starting next week I'll be doing a lot of treadmill running, because I'll be in a hotel for 7 weeks. Thank God they all have at least a treadmill. Wish me luck!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Untitled
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:03 PM
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Updates On All Fronts
First, Janet's cancer has been confirmed. She has a tumor about 1.75 inches in diameter. The wise doctor knew that he was not capable of deciding if it was operable, so she is going to be visiting University Hospital in Wisconsin (one of the best) to see what can be done. I'm afraid I don't have many of the details, but I'm trying to stay informed. The good news is that the cancer has not metastasized. It's my understanding that this greatly improves the prognosis.
We all gathered at her home last week for a family reunion of sorts. They're easy to do with the McClards because everyone lives pretty close to one another. In fact, I'm one of the furthest away, and I only had a two hour drive. It was great to be around family, and the gathering was beneficial for everyone there. It seemed to help Janet to have everyone around and try to take her mind off things for a few minutes.
BTW, please let me know if you would rather not hear all of this other news. I'm feeling that the blog is a good place to rethink some of the things that have been happening, and I know that most of you would like to hear what is happening. However, if I'm wrong, just chime in, and I'll stick to running.
Which is where we are now. I've survived the first week of training, and must say it was much easier than I had expected. My biggest concern was that I am still working 7 days a week, most days are 10-12 hours. All of this time is on my feet. What I'm learning is that this has already strengthened my quads beyond belief. Yep, you read that right. Want to get in shape? Leave academia!!!! My legs have taken to the extra running quite well, and I'm really glad to know that.
I'm also sleeping much better. With the opening of the sushi bars, I stopped sleeping well. I mean really stopped sleeping well. Last night was the first night since July 20 that I have gone to bed and slept the whole night. There were many many nights when I was awake for an hour or more. When you have to get up at 5:30, it's not good to lie awake at night. Not good at all. So, I'm hoping last night was the beginning of a trend.
Last weeks miles totaled about 4. I have to doublecheck the figures and start my training journal today, so I'll be back with better figures next week. What I do know is that right out of the gate, my first 2-mile run was at a pace of 10:04. Not bad!!! I'm pretty psyched!
It's also time to announce that there has been a slight change in the plans. As it turns out, Green Bay and Madison are not a week apart, but two weeks apart. I'm actually a little nervous about this, I'm worried about how tired my legs might be that second week, instead of just being able to ride some momentum and some adrenaline to the next week. I'll need to do some reading before race day about how to recover a little more quickly for the next race. If we decide that two weeks apart is going to work, we'll actually probably run the Rockford Marathon (where Janet and all the cousins live). This would actually create a nice family gathering, with several people running different levels of the race. We're hoping that this will happen, because it would be fantastic to have everyone working together to help raise money for cancer and to show this support to Janet. Chris has already said that she wants to do something, T.J. has offered to run one of the marathons, Scooter may do something, and I'm sure there will be more.
With all of the work I've put in over the years with running, it would be so amazing to see so many family members taking part in such a positive and healthy way!
That's all for now, I'll probably be back next week with another report. Until then, drink on, DrunkRunners, drink on!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:24 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Finding the Reason to Run
First the bad news. Last week our aunt was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It's unclear as of right now what the full prognosis is, but we are hoping for the best. Until then, it's time to fight!! I can't speak for Clyde, but this has been some very tough news for me to deal with. She's the aunt that has been most supportive, to me at least, over the years. When I told my family of my "condition" she never batted an eye and gave me a great big hug. I'm so angry that this has happened to her, and I have to do something!! Clyde has run and raised money for the American Cancer Society several times, and you may remember that we ran the Madison Marathon together, raising a few thousand dollars in support of them. I don't want to steal his thunder here, but I need to post when I can find an onramp to the interwebs. He has decided to run both the Green Bay Marathon and the Madison Marathon. Because I'm younger and very competitive, I couldn't let him do this on his own. I've decided that, despite my sevendayaweek job that I can find the time to train for and raise money for these two marathons. Because of my schedule it is going to be difficult to do anything else for our aunt, so at the very least I can show some support in this manner.
Clyde tells me that they are only a week apart, which is going to be the big challenge. Running one marathon is, when said and done, not impossible. Running two is going to be difficult. And that's an understatement. What may make it even more interesting, is that I have decided (sorry Clyde if I'm copying you again) that if I raise $3000 I will run both marathons in a dress.Yes, it's been worn before, but I've never actually run in it. Finding a pair of panties may be an issue, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. And I promise to deck it out with some rhinestones.
Now on to the running: The plan is quite simple. I'll be working my way back in to things. I need to take it slow, because being on my feet all day leaves me with little opportunity to be lazy because I hurt my knew. I've started a 5K in % weeks plan and will follow that until I can actually run 3.5 miles again. Then depending on how the calendar looks, I'll work up to a 10K before starting marathon training, which I'm pretty sure I have time for.
Today was the first run and it went really well. How far did I go? 10 minutes! That's how far. It felt good and I felt like a million bucks afterward. I was so excited I had to jump in the car and come tell you all.
So that's it. Clyde and I will be attempting something none of us thought we would ever do. 2 marathons in seven days. Yes, we'll be asking you for money, and we may even ask you to support in other ways. Anyone need a scarf? I may be selling them.
Until we meet again. Keep up the running and thank you in advance for your support!!!!
Sixpack Chopra
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:25 PM
Friday, June 05, 2009
Complain More Often!
After writing my plea for support the other day, I was able to go out and run 2 miles. It was great. Really slow but great. I am still incredibly sore and will try to run tomorrow.
I'm thinking I might need to whine to you all more often, because it seems to motivate me. That's all.
Drink On, Drunkrunners! Drink On!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
6:10 PM
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Looking for Support
Hey folks,
I've fallen off one wagon and gotten on another. It's been a month since I started my job as a bartender and I haven't run once. I'm finding it quite physically taxing and have been working on ways to make it less so. My body, it seems, simply isn't used to a life that involves standing for more than 10 minutes--running aside. Add to this the frequent occurrence of back to back shifts, i.e. 9:30-2 a.m. followed by 3:30-9:30 p.m., and you have one tired man. It sounds a little wussy to be whining about a work shift that starts at 3:30, but working two shifts and 11 hours within a 24 hour period is quite taxing. I continue to search for ways in which to fit running into this schedule.
This brings me to the wagon I have gotten on to. For the next two weeks I will not be drinking. At this age one would think I would understand the ways in which alcohol consumption effects motivation. A) running with a hangover is not fun, B) it IS a depressant, and that don't help either. So, I'm going on the wagon. For now it's a two-week hay ride. However, I'm seriously contemplating becoming a rather tea-totalling Drunkrunner. Note: I said "rather." I'm not joining AA, but I'm looking at severely limiting consumption. This is also helpful as I work in a bar. It's way too easy to get off work at 9:30 and step to the other side of the bar.
So, I'm writing to ask for advice. I need motivation. Any tips for running around what is a pretty f'ed up schedule? Forest, do you want to get together for some runs? Maybe twice a week? I know the commitment would really help me get out and at least log the miles.
Any advice anyone has would help.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:33 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I'm A Corporate Gym Sellout and I LOVE it!
Just so you don't think I am all talk and no action, I am once again a proud member of a gym membership. Well, proud is still questionable. Today was my first real day in the gym and there are four particularly good things about the gym I have chosen: 1) an ass-load of treadmills; 2) due to the quantity of treadmills, exceeding the 30 min. time limit doesn't seem to be a problem YET ; 3) lots of windows AND 4) AIR CONDITIONING - even the treadmills have little fans that chuff out cool air.
And while I am exceedingly pleased with this, I also felt a sense of mourning as I completed a 6 mi. run on said treadmill. I am sure it is fleeting and I'll get over missing my outdoor run through tree-lined, hilly streets with glimpses of deer feeding in people's yards... Sigh. Oh well, with 90%+ humidity and rain every single day this week, I can get over that sense of nostalgia really quickly. Or better yet, I'll keep it and look forward to returning to it in October, just as the leaves are changing.
So, with today's run, that already puts me up to 18.5 for the week with an average pace of 9 min/mi, and I am planning another run either tomorrow or Saturday. Looks like I will make my 21 this week. I must say, the thought of paying money for a membership is probably one of the biggest motivators and I intend to get my money's worth!
Tag, you guys are it. Deetschei - How is the Big Smoke treating your running lungs? Did you buy one of those stylin' aerodynamic running strollers to take Iz along? Sixpack, how is the job schedule treating you? Consider doing calf flexes while you are standing behind the bar. Forest, how is the running and the training of other runners going?
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
7:24 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009
I've been a naughty Drunk Runner
Well folks, I've been bad. I have been running and not telling you about it. In the grand scheme of things, it could be a lot worse. I could not be running and telling you about it or not running and not telling you about it, in which case you would be shooting me evil blogger glares.
A while back I believe I blogged something about running a certain number of miles a week. Well, that didn't happen. I have been running but haven't been consistent in terms of distance/week. Now that the semester is over, I am hoping that this will change. I have managed to at least keep one long run (7 mi.) a week in the schedule. The other run tends to be a 3.5 or 5.5 mi depending on how tired I am/how hot it is that day. Blah! What ever happened to that marathon training I did religiously. Maybe I need to slap together a training plan and post it to the fridge like I did for the marathon. That way, I cross off the runs and feel a sense of accomplishment and when I think about skipping a run, I am confronted with a horrible feeling of failure that guilts me into running. Ah, yes. That sounds like a plan.
However, since I don't have any big race to train for, I have reverted back to my old weight loss running plan of 7-7-7, ideally at a 10 min pace. The rationale being that the longer I run, the more calories I burn. It worked once, not sure it is really "tried and true." I only completed 21 miles once and the rest of the weeks have been, as I said above, about 7-3.5 or 7-5.5 kinds of weeks with a faster pace between 8:55-9:20. So really, I totally suck at sticking to my original plan. I need to find a running buddy to keep me in check.
Anyway, that is really all that I have to share. I am still running. I am planning on running with much more regularity now that it is summer. After yesterday's hot/humid run, I am also strongly considering a gym membership for an air conditioned treadmill... I'll keep you posted.
Run on drunk runners/stumblers/couch potatoes. Run on.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
5:35 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Chiming in Again
I started a new job two weeks ago, and it has kept me off the roads. I know I sound like a wuss, but I swear my legs have been really tired. Basically, aside from running I've done nothing very physical for years. I've been behind a desk. That's it. So, when I started working as a bartender and put in an 11 hour shift on my second day, it kind of wiped me out.
I managed, despite the difficulties, to go for a three mile run today. It was beautiful. I've discovered the joy of having your partner ride along with you. Three miles isn't a very long bike ride for him, but it is a good run for me. It was sunny, it was a little breezy, and it was all around awesome!!!!
I couldn't find my running watch, so I don't have figures about pace and actual distance. I ran for 30 minutes knowing that my pace would be 10 minutes or better.
That's all for now! Drink on Runners!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:53 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
2 miles for Clyde
That's what I'm back up to. I know that's not much but after 8 months off I think it's great. I finally found my mojo and it turns out it was in a the bottom of a battle of New Glarus brew "Coffee Stout". Who new????? Turns out I wasn't looking in the right spot. One night I got in and put on my shorts and shoes and was ready for a run but still couldn't get my butt out the door. I got pissed at myself and cracked the top on a delicious Stout. After I drank that I had the desire to run so I did, only a mile but I ran, I celebrated with a another stout and that folks is where my MOJO is. I am only running 3-4 days a week but I will get my mileage up in away that won't injure me again. I am going to concentrate on building a good base then speed. No marathons for me this year but I am thinking of doing 2 half's in late summer early fall. Today I will be doing my first 3 miler in a while..... well one that will be worth talking about any how. So what does this all tell you? Don't under estimate the POWER OF BEER!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
6:43 PM
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Ran 3 Today!
Yay!!!! It's all coming along. The hardest part of getting back into running is being in the middle of a torturous 3-mile run and thinking to yourself, "I used to run marathons!" It's a blow to the psyche. I'm telling you.
That said, it was a good run overall. I went to run with the Madison Front Runners, but no one showed. Evidently they moved their meeting location and failed to update the website. Not very professional if you ask me.
It is a beautiful sunny morning so I was not upset with a run alone. The meeting point was actually along the route of the Madison Marathon so I got to relive some memories of that as I ran the 1.5 miles out and back.
Aches, pains and complaints seem to be minimizing, of which I am quite excited. I've had to start stretching the IT Band a little, but that should be done anyway.
I felt like my time was really slow, but I ended up with an average of 9:36, so I'm not complaining.
Keep on keepin on!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:13 PM
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Finally Reached The Elusive 6
Well, after months of planning I finally did it. 6 miles in one week. In some respects I'm really disappointed that it took this long. In another respect I'm quite proud.
1) The two miles felt good. I ran it at the Dodgeville High School track, which is at a considerable elevation (1211 feet compared to Madison's 863 feet.) I was a little lightheaded but I did well.
2) I'm feeling no pain. That knee pain I've been complaining about for months seems to be working its way out if I build up mileage slowly. So that is exactly what I will do.
3) If I ran 6 miles this week I can do it again next week. Next Saturday I'll be in Madison and I'll run with the FrontRunners. It will be nice to get back into running with a group again. The last year all on my own has been tough. Having a group at least once a week helps keep me motivated. Just like the early DrunkRunner days when we would meet after school.
That's all for the week. There was nothing particularly notable about the runs, except for their mere existence!!!
Week's Data:
Miles: 6.07
Time: 55:46
Average Pace: 9:11 / mile
Overall Impression: I Can Finally Hold My Head Up High As I Call Myself A Drunk Runner! (ICFHMHUHAICMADR!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:42 PM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Running Playlist
I have avoided entering a running playlist until now, mostly because I don't run with one. I get very bored very quickly with the same song over and over. So, what I do is set the iPod on shuffle and hit the road. For your reading pleasure I will do that as I write here and enter the results. I'll also be doing what I would do on the road, i.e. Don't like the song? Skip it!
Format: Song Title - Artist, Album
1) I Don't Know What You Want But I Can't Give It Anymore - Pet Shop Boys, Nightlife
2) Some Kind of Miracle - Kelly Clarkson, Thankful
3) Mr. X - Ultravox, Vienna
4) Measure of a Man - Clay Aiken, Measure of a Man
5) The Rose of My Cologne, The Beautiful South, Superbi
6) Wind Beneath My Wings, Elizabeth Withers, It Can Happen to Anyone
7) How Many Words - Blake Lewis, Audio Day Dreams
8) What is Love - Haddaway, Haddaway
9) Mr. Brownstone - Gun N' Roses, Appetite for Destruction
10) I Like the Way You Werk It - Information Society, Synthesizer
11) Reach - Gloria Estefan, Destiny
12) Help Me Remember - Rascal Flatts, Still Feels Good
13) Americanos - Holly Johnson, Blast
14) I Wanna Be A Toy - Dead or Alive, Youthquake
15) Beer For My Horses - Toby Keith, Unleashed
16) Tits on the Radio - Scissor Sisters, Scissor Sisters
17) Stay With Me Tonight - Human League, The Best of Human League
18) Sexkeit - And One, Bodypop
19) Soldat_in oder Veteran - Gustav, Verlass die Stadt
20) Billie Jean - Michael Jackson, Thriller
Okay, those are a few. One more song that has brought inspiration when the run was tough is:
Till I Collapse - Eminem, The Eminem Show
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:39 PM
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Yep, I ran 4 whole miles last week. It's slow going, but I'm optimistic. Given the aches and pains I feel when I start to run I've decided I need to make sure to take it very easy.
My times aren't bad. I'm averaging about 9:45 per mile, which is perfectly acceptable. Actually, just to satisfy my critics, any time is perfectly acceptable. I've been a speed demon in the past and it's hurt me. No more! I promise.
The runs have been along beautiful Lake Monona in Madison.One mile out and one mile back takes me almost to the point where this picture was taken and then I head home. In a few weeks, when I actually run a 3-mile run, I'll be running past this point. It's a great path. The sun has been shining, the wind has been relatively calm, and the path is pretty empty. I'm no longer dodging retired walkers, as I did in San Francisco.
Headed out today for another two miles. As soon as I can manage 6 miles in a week I'll start boosting the miles slowly. Until then, keep on Drinking, Runners!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:17 PM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Motivational speaker
Well I could never be one of them because my motivation has been really low. The desire to run has been their but turning the desire into reality hasn't been an easy thing to do. I did however get out this morning and did a 3 miler which is good but unlike DR.PP I'm going to have to concentrate on miles not time. While running this morning I decided to not look at the Garmin until I was about midway on an out and back and then at the end. I was running and it was feeling good and that is all that matters. I felt like I was making pretty good time felt like a 9:30 pace or so and for me that is good especially after almost a year off from injuries and surgery AGAIN! When I got to the end and checked my time I found out I wasn't as quick as I thought but I'll take it it's a start. I know my time will get better as I get into shape, I'm glad some more of you are getting out as well. It made things so much better sharing the good and the bad and hearing how you all were doing, so I will try and post on a regular basis and will read yours for encouragement. So as they say "WADDLE ON RUNNERS WADDLE ON"!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
7:38 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
BBC Article on Effects of the Economic Downturn in Kenya
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:18 AM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What's the Skinny?
Did somebody say skinny? Oh right, that was me. So, the skinny is that I have been running since I last posted. The whole 15 mi/week business was a great idea in theory, but I haven't been able to put it back into practice since my last post. Booo! However, there was a birthday in there, which required mostly drinking and only a little running. Then I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do - weight training on my lower body. I overdid it, per usual, and the soreness put me out for a couple of days. The last two weeks my total mileage has been LOW - let's just say, below 10 but above 5. Sigh. Although I am not running as much, my time is still really good, so I will tell myself I am working on speed over distance at the moment :)
Anyschmoo, I would much rather blog about today's fabulous 6 mile run. I finally braved Rock Creek Park - for those of you in need of an explanation for why I use the word "braved" think Chandra Levy. Enough said. However, it being a sunny, mid 60 degree, Sunday afternoon, I thought it would be the best time to give it a go. There were lots of families out biking, lots of runners and walkers, so I was able to relax and really enjoy the path, the trees, and the great weather. I took the dog along and besides constantly having to yank the leash to get him out of the middle of the path (which is giving my left bicep a great workout), we had a really great run coming in at a 8:58 pace. This park is massive, in Maryland alone the trail is something like 14 miles (not incl. the rest of the trail that leads into D.C.). This will definitely be a great place to train for a marathon and do longer distance runs.
Lastly, as I promised, I am posting my most current playlist of running music (in no particular order). And a shout out and thanks to our "lurker" ;) for sending me her list! Excellent selections that I intend to incorporate and that I have posted below for the rest of you. Now don't be selfish and post your lists! :)
Dr. Pavement Pounder's Running Tunes:
Around the Bend - The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Over and Over – Hot Chip
Shut up and Let me Go – The Ting Tings
Great DJ – The Ting Tings
Calabria 2007 – Enur
Paper Planes – M.I.A.
Adrenaline – BauhausJoan of Arc – David Guetta
All Alone – Gorillaz
Handlebars – Flobots
Blind – Hercules and Love Affair
Sexy Hypnotist – Luscious Jackson
Dead Disco – Metric
Ça plane pour moi (Original 1977 Version) – Plastic Bertrand
Je ne te connais pas – Prototypes
Rosenrot – Rammstein
Out of Control – She Wants Revenge
Never Win – Fischerspooner
In the Morning – Junior Boys
That's not my Name - The Ting Tings
Backslider - Toadies
Drunkrunner Fan's Tunes:
Silver Lining (Recordist Mix)-Rilo Kiley
F**k you-Lily Allen
Just Dance-Lady Gaga
Poker Face-Lady Gaga
Come on Eilieen-Dexy's Midnight Runners
Eye of the Tiger-The Band
Video Killed the Radio Star-The Buggles
American Girl-Tom Petty
That's Not My Name-The Ting Tings
Untouched-The Veronics
What a Feeling-Peter Luts
Du bist den ganzen Weg gerannt-Tomte
You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb
St. Elmos Fire (Man In Motion)-John Parr
Portions for Foxes-Rilo Kiley
Gives You Hell-All American Rejects
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
7:56 PM
Monday, March 16, 2009
I Love Running
I'm only a few runs back in to it, but I'm starting to realize how much I DO enjoy it. It was less than easy to get myself out running today. I don't really know why, except that I was just having a lazy day. A little packing, a little cleaning, but not too much of either.
I finally put on the shoes and headed out the door for two miles. It went really, really well. I ran the same path I always do which takes me along the Berlin Landwehr Canal. It's a nice quiet path and my nearest run in was with a 4 year old on a bike. She almost ran directly into me. Oh well, welcome to running in the city.
My legs are feeling great. There's no knee pain to speak of, and I'm keeping an eye on that. I did buy a brace, but I only want to use it if I have to. The best part is that I'm already getting a little faster. I know, I know. I promised not to use that word that starts S, sounds like peed, and ends in work, and I swear I'm not. However, we all know that we naturally pick up speed when we listen to our bodies. Just by running below the threshold where you start gasping for air, you train your body to perform better, thus increasing speed. My average mile today was 9:56. Not bad.
I've decided to stop telling you all when I plan to run and to post only after I have run. I've found that telling you is not a motivator for me. However, if I reward myself with a post to the blog I might actually get myself out there more.
Carry on Drunk Runners, Carry On!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
2:59 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Yesterday's Run: An Update
I realized yesterday's post was less than emphatic, so I thought I'd correct that.
I'm very happy to be back running again, and if my legs today are any indication of what lays in store for me as I recover, well then I'm absolutely, positively, and pleasantly excited! I'm not sore. Well, not really. My quads are tired, but the soreness I felt in my ankles after the last run has not plagued me today. I attribute some of this to the fact that I stretched a lot more yesterday than I normally do. I also focused a lot on not letting my form deteriorate as the run went on. You know when you get tired and you start to schlepp along? I did my best not to do that.
This means I need to stretch more before running, and some added situps are definitely in order to help control the form. Abs! Not my favorite exercise.
So, I'm feeling good and ready for another run tomorrow!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:05 PM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Another Run
Yep, there's not been much to report since the last run, except a lot of soreness, and a bowling adventure that left me with an incredibly sore right buttock.
Today I ran another 2-miler and it felt good. I'm running slowly, focusing on form and working on recovering healthily. All very difficult tasks for me. So, my 20 minute 2 mile run was great. It was relaxing and beautiful.
Nothing more. I'll blog every time I run so that I keep track of when and how often I run, and to hopefully provide some motivation for the others on the blog. I would encourage you to do the same.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:42 PM
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Carry On My Wayward Drunk Runners
Hey there everybody. Long time, no hear. I know we have all been drinking but the question is whether any of us have been running. Thanks to Sixpack for the update. It is good to hear that he is taking to the streets again. I, too, have found my way back to the flock and will be posting more regularly. Until about two weeks ago, I hadn't really run with any regularity since Thanksgiving.
But I am back and back with a vengeance. I have recommitted myself to running. After all, short-sleeve weather is just around the corner and don't even get me started about swimsuit weather. Speaking of weather, yesterday's 3 miler was set against the backdrop of a brisk 27 degrees. I take great pride in the fact that I got my butt out to run in below freezing weather. Now I know I am going to hear from the Wisconsin contingency on this one and I already agree that you are way more bad-ass than me. I have decided that I prefer running in the cold over running in the heat and humidity. You can always add layers but rarely remove enough layers without running the risk of public indecency.
Last week I managed to put in 15 mi. (3-3 milers and 1-6 miler). Apparently, the dog prefers 6 miles over three as demonstrated by his frantic laps around the backyard after returning from our 3 mi. runs. I am sure that having four legs gives him only a slight edge over me.
I am really pleased to see how quickly my conditioning is returning. My times are coming down quickly, perhaps too quickly. As usual, I need to pace myself and not get so caught up in what my Garmin tells me. However, I doubt I will ever reach enlightenment and free myself completely from my obsession with pace. I really admire Deetschei who, at least recently, was running sans watch. That is just far too radical for a control freak like me.
I also purchased an incline ab board and am LOVING it. I forgot just how much I love the pain that comes with sit ups and crunches. Seriously, I am an ab freak. I am holding off on any serious weight training for my legs, however, until they have gotten used to the running routine. I am a total wuss when it comes to soreness and don't want it to interfere with my running schedule.
So, there you have it. I am running again as well and looking forward to Sixpack's posts. Hopefully, Daddy Deetschei will soon find time to blog about his runs. I am also putting out a request to you drunk runners regarding your music playlists. Always in search for new running music, I am asking you to post your playlist for a 60 min. run. If you have your mp3 player set to random/shuffle, then please list whatever comes up. I will return the favor by posting my favs.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
6:07 PM
Gunnin' Fer a Sixpack!
I ran today! That's big news. I mean, it's huge news. I haven't run since before I went home for Christmas. By my calculation that's almost 3 months. That's a long time. In the meantime I'm hoping my cartilage and stuff did a lot of healing.
Today's run was a simple 2 miler. Just getting my sea legs and I don't want to push it. I took it slow and nice and relaxing. I promise as I try to work back in to things that I will not utter the word speed work for the next several months. Except for that one time right there.
Wish me luck as I get back on the road and try to take running back from it's dark abyss. My goal is 6 miles this week, which I will repeat again next week.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:03 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Back at it Sorta!
I feel a little inferior on here with all the Dr.'s. Oh well someone in the group has to be blue collar.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
2:23 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sixpack Hangs Up His Shoes?
Hey folks,
It's been awhile since my last update, and that is because I haven't run. I have been having knee problems again. This time the right knee. I don't notice it much unless I'm climbing stairs or running more than four miles. Which has been enough to kind of scare me.
Add this to a trip to Wisconsin where nice days did not have a threat of freezing rain, the first chance in months to sleep in (with someone else in the bed), and you start to get the picture. I got back to Berlin on Tuesday Jan 6, and have had continued knee troubles.
On Clyde/Forest's advice, I have started drinking ginger tea, and that seems to be helping. He suggested ginger as an anti-inflammatory. It seems to be working. A week in and my knees feel better. So far it's done an amazing job. Since I don't often eat at home I have begun making a ginger tea and it does the same thing. Climbing the stairs to my apartment is much easier than it was in December.
All of this said, though. I took a long walk yesterday and I think I still have some recovery time ahead. It was admittedly a long walk, 8 km, on ice, but I was in a lot of pain at the end. And that is the point. All of the running paths here are covered not in snow, but in ice. And it's so dangerous, let alone unstable to run on them that I don't think I want to risk it.
In fact, the instability had me so sore when I got home that it was all I could do to walk down the four steps I had to traverse to get to dinner, which BTW was at Ron Telesky Canadian Pizza.
I have decided to give my legs a rest and to work on other aspects of my body. When my financial aid comes in I'm going to buy a pilates DVD. I won't be running again until the streets here are clear which could be awhile. I've also decided that the Paavo Nurmi Marathon will not be run. With my work schedule this summer I have little hope of even being able to get the time off, let alone the time to train, so I'm cancelling all marathons in 2008, which is a harder decision to make than you might think. I have run a marathon every year since 2006. Not a huge feat in my mind, but then I think of all the marathons I ran in the previous 35 years. I've got a lot of life changes coming this year, and I think it's best if I give my body the chance to adjust. I'm goign to continue running as much as I can, but right now I need to focus on being healthy and getting back the mobility I had 10 years ago. Perhaps not possible, but I've never listened to anyone that said I was too old, or too young, to do anything. So, pilates and some running here I come. In the end I hope to enter 2010 in much better shape than I have been in for awhile.
I remain your fearless leader, and will support you all in your ventures. I am still a runner. That is for sure! However, I just need to lay off a little.
Sixpack Chopra
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:14 PM