Sunday, May 10, 2009

2 miles for Clyde

That's what I'm back up to. I know that's not much but after 8 months off I think it's great. I finally found my mojo and it turns out it was in a the bottom of a battle of New Glarus brew "Coffee Stout". Who new????? Turns out I wasn't looking in the right spot. One night I got in and put on my shorts and shoes and was ready for a run but still couldn't get my butt out the door. I got pissed at myself and cracked the top on a delicious Stout. After I drank that I had the desire to run so I did, only a mile but I ran, I celebrated with a another stout and that folks is where my MOJO is. I am only running 3-4 days a week but I will get my mileage up in away that won't injure me again. I am going to concentrate on building a good base then speed. No marathons for me this year but I am thinking of doing 2 half's in late summer early fall. Today I will be doing my first 3 miler in a while..... well one that will be worth talking about any how. So what does this all tell you? Don't under estimate the POWER OF BEER!

So drink on runners drink on!

1 comment:

Sixpack Chopra said...

Awesome! You can do it, man! If it takes some Coffee Stout that's what it takes. I'm all for it.
I'm only jealous that I didn't think of it first.