Monday, March 16, 2009

I Love Running

I'm only a few runs back in to it, but I'm starting to realize how much I DO enjoy it. It was less than easy to get myself out running today. I don't really know why, except that I was just having a lazy day. A little packing, a little cleaning, but not too much of either.

I finally put on the shoes and headed out the door for two miles. It went really, really well. I ran the same path I always do which takes me along the Berlin Landwehr Canal. It's a nice quiet path and my nearest run in was with a 4 year old on a bike. She almost ran directly into me. Oh well, welcome to running in the city.

My legs are feeling great. There's no knee pain to speak of, and I'm keeping an eye on that. I did buy a brace, but I only want to use it if I have to. The best part is that I'm already getting a little faster. I know, I know. I promised not to use that word that starts S, sounds like peed, and ends in work, and I swear I'm not. However, we all know that we naturally pick up speed when we listen to our bodies. Just by running below the threshold where you start gasping for air, you train your body to perform better, thus increasing speed. My average mile today was 9:56. Not bad.

I've decided to stop telling you all when I plan to run and to post only after I have run. I've found that telling you is not a motivator for me. However, if I reward myself with a post to the blog I might actually get myself out there more.

Carry on Drunk Runners, Carry On!

1 comment:

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Excellent, Sixpack! Glad to hear that you are enjoying your runs. It always takes me a week or so before I actually enjoy it again. :) Take a run through the Tiergarten before you leave!