Sunday, April 05, 2009

Motivational speaker

Well I could never be one of them because my motivation has been really low. The desire to run has been their but turning the desire into reality hasn't been an easy thing to do. I did however get out this morning and did a 3 miler which is good but unlike DR.PP I'm going to have to concentrate on miles not time. While running this morning I decided to not look at the Garmin until I was about midway on an out and back and then at the end. I was running and it was feeling good and that is all that matters. I felt like I was making pretty good time felt like a 9:30 pace or so and for me that is good especially after almost a year off from injuries and surgery AGAIN! When I got to the end and checked my time I found out I wasn't as quick as I thought but I'll take it it's a start. I know my time will get better as I get into shape, I'm glad some more of you are getting out as well. It made things so much better sharing the good and the bad and hearing how you all were doing, so I will try and post on a regular basis and will read yours for encouragement. So as they say "WADDLE ON RUNNERS WADDLE ON"!


Unknown said...

Looks like you are making nice progress. Slow and steady is the way to go. Keep it up.

Sixpack Chopra said...

Thanks, Ted. It's been a hard struggle getting the shoes back on after being injured for so long. Any and all encouragement helps.