Saturday, May 02, 2009

Ran 3 Today!

Yay!!!! It's all coming along. The hardest part of getting back into running is being in the middle of a torturous 3-mile run and thinking to yourself, "I used to run marathons!" It's a blow to the psyche. I'm telling you.

That said, it was a good run overall. I went to run with the Madison Front Runners, but no one showed. Evidently they moved their meeting location and failed to update the website. Not very professional if you ask me.

It is a beautiful sunny morning so I was not upset with a run alone. The meeting point was actually along the route of the Madison Marathon so I got to relive some memories of that as I ran the 1.5 miles out and back.

Aches, pains and complaints seem to be minimizing, of which I am quite excited. I've had to start stretching the IT Band a little, but that should be done anyway.

I felt like my time was really slow, but I ended up with an average of 9:36, so I'm not complaining.

Keep on keepin on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A run is a run regardless of your pace. I am glad you are not complaining. You will have the opportunity to build base slowly.