Tuesday, February 27, 2007

eatin' well

here is an NYTimes article about eating well, which i thought some of you would find interesting/ helpful.

now i have to find a way to motivate my arse to get out the door and run... when it is windy with slushy rain that is going almost horizontally. i mean, i know for you cheeseheads that sounds like a lovely summer day, but for the rest of us who have come to expect somewhat reasonable weather, it plain sucks.

my training is still going okay. my "long" run on sunday really sucked– i felt like i had cinder blocks tied to my legs for the entire 5 miles and my pace suffered as a result (increasing it by a minute/mile).

total miles last week: 10

total time: you want me to do math!?!

pace: around 10min/mile

overall impression: Why Does Mother Nature Hate Me And Always Make It Rain On My Run Days? (WDMNHMAAMIROMRD)


Sixpack Chopra said...

You can do it CinderGirla. A minute a mile is not too bad of an add on. There are good days and bad days. The trick? Realizing when a bad day is worth doing without. If it really, really sucks, sometimes your better off just heading home and trying again tomorrow.

Editorial note: Cheesehead (one word).

Signing off from a rainy west coast.

Clyde S. Dale said...

Lets face it crappy weather is crappy weather. Let's just say it's all relative.
The great thing about cinder blocks..... hit em in the right spot and they bust like a saltine cracker. Find the sweet spot and swing.
I want to say thanks for the cd, I got it to downloaded to my computer but I found I need to upgrade to windows xp to up load it to my mp3. Looking forward to along run with new music. Thanks again.
as I said to PP buy a rain suit. For the slush you may want to get some rubbers. Disclaimer the use of shoe rubbers will not protect you from the spread of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES. Run at your own risk.