Thursday, April 19, 2007

Jet Lag Schmet Lag

I have now set another goal for myself this year: I want to become the kind of runner that takes their running gear with them on trips and actually goes running. I just got back from Oxford (presented at a conference) and figured I wouldn't run, so I didn't bring my stuff. First, Oxford is abso-f*ckin'-lutely gorgeous. Beautiful. And the weather was unusually warm and sunny. Point being that I was disappointed that I hadn't brought my gear. In the past, I have packed running stuff with the good intention of running when I arrived somewhere, but ultimately the shoes never left the luggage and I was pissed that I had dragged it all the way with me for no reason. Sooo, my new promise to myself is to start running when I travel - even if it is just in the hotel gym.

I gave myself a day's rest before getting back into my running routine after a week of no exercise - except schlepping a 30 pound backpack through airports and Oxford. Last week's training should have been 21 miles and since this week is a "rest week" I am going to make up the 21 miles. This weekend my longest run will be 10 miles (haven't done a 10 miler since the infamous "FYJW Run").

Today's Run was a 5 miler. I expected to be a little slow, since I hadn't run in a week and I managed to run at the warmest time of the day. Oddly, had I run at 11am things would have been perfect. Who knew 4 pm would suck? Oh well, can't hate on the sunshine! My avg. pace was 8:07, so I wasn't as slow as I had anticipated. And Forest, you are absolutely correct, spitting cotton balls is HORRIBLE - especially when they hit you! Ugh. Second big goal - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Deetschei's commitment to water is my new model to emulate.


Sixpack Chopra said...

Has it really been since FYJW? Wow, that's been awhile. Kick his ass, PP. You can do it! sounds like training is going well, and you are keeping up the miles. Way to go! Sorry to hear the conference got in the way. I'm getting better at taking my running stuff, and actually using it. Never quite manage it in Napa, what with the hangover and all, but come to think of it, I have run twice in Napa. Not bad.

You're awesome, and I'm your biggest fan.

Clyde S. Dale said...

Hey PP that hydrate thing seems to be the topic of the week. I underestimated what water does for us. Never again! Keep up the awesome times and hit them long runs with your usual kick ass determination.If sixpack is fan club president then I'm his second in command