I've been out of commission this week with the flu, but thought I would check in here. I hate having the flu. All I can think of between episodes of Prison Break (9 yesterday alone) is how I'm not running.
Here's how it happened. Saturday night we went to a birthday party. When I say we I mean Steve, Don and Don's drunken alter-ego Heinrich went to the party. Sunday morning it was raining and I was tired having only had 6 hours of sleep when my alarm went off. So, I hit snooze and went back to bed. Unbeknownst to me my body was already working on getting sick. When I finally got out of bed at 8:30 I was sick. Sore throat, tired, congested, you name it. It only got worse. It is now Thursday and I'm pretty sure I am still running a fever although I'm here at work to teach my class this afternoon. I try to stay at the front of the room so no one get's breathed on. Not an easy task given my teaching style/method.
So, I'm hoping, but not entirely optimistic that I will be back out there Sunday running at least 5.

Runs: 0
Mileage: -20 miles
Prison Rape Death Count: 33 in 19 episodes. That's 1.7 per episode. And those are the one's I can verify. I think there were at least 3 more. These are the things I do when I'm sick. :-)
1 comment:
Ha ha ha! Too funny. But if you have to spend your time sick on the couch, then I know there is nothing else you would rather be watching. Hey, isn't that filmed in TX? Remind me why you haven't come to visit me yet? Feel better, we have a run to do next weekend!
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