Hey You Drunkrunners!
Howzit goin'? I hope that the road has been treating you better than Scooter! My knees ache for you.
Speaking of roads, knees, and aches... I have a NPB (isn't that the fancy acronym you enthusiasts use?). Sunday marked the completion of my longest run to date: 16 miles. To make things easier, my dearest hubby agreed to be my waterboy and to accompany me on bicycle for the first ten miles. It was a warm, late-February Texas day, not the ideal conditions for a long run, but better than -30 wind chill and icy roads! So who am I to complain? I won't say it was easy, because it wasn't, but I got the job done. The attack of the chafing shorts made an early assault on my thighs around mile 9, which meant a stop at the house at mile 12 in order to reapply the nectar of the running gods (aka, Body Glide). I finished the run in 2:42:09 (a 10.07 pace). Still faster than my training pace, but that is fine, since I am not adhering to my speed work.
The excellent news, besides the fact that I actually finished the run without dying, is that running with an ankle, calf, shin, and knee might soon be a distant memory. After a trip to my (not-so-local) running store and forking over a load cash, I have brand new kicks. Honestly, going into it I was almost 100% certain I would come out with a pair of Brooks. I even told the salesgirl that. But, surprisingly, I fell in love with a pair of Nike. Who knew? I can only liken running in them to running on tasty blue-colored cotton candy clouds - and no, my shoes are not pink. The only slight drawback to these comfy little prancers are that they don't give back as much as my old pair of shoes. But hey, I needed to slow down anyway, right? In other running-apparel news, I thought I would show the DrunkRunners just how serious I was about my review of the running skirt. I submit exhibit A into evidence (note that I managed to work the new kicks into the pic too! how very efficient of me) :
Exhibit A*
Sooo, back to running. This week is my recovery week. Hubby and I ran a 6-miler together yesterday evening. Slow pace, good conversation. Just what I needed after Sunday's death march. This weekend I will run another 6-miler with Ginifer followed by tasty steak fajitas and margaritas. Yuuuuuum. All in a week's work, dear Drunkrunners (do we also have Drunkreaders?)
That is my story for the week and I am stickin' to it.
* I swear that is really a picture of me wearing the skirt. I know my face isn't in the picture, but I am unmistakable by the "sausages" attached to my feet! And before you ask, that is the dog's crate behind me.
I'm a drunk reader! The only running I do is chasing after a midget.
awesome kicks! and great skort ;) can't wait to have you kick my ass up and down nimitz (or golden gate park). been out of running for almost two weeks now, gotta get back on the street before i really embarrass myself :)
oh, and congrats on the 16 miles! i told you you can do it :) and way to go ben with the support!!!!
16 miles!!!!!!! Awesome. It's almost all down hill from here. Once you've done 16 it just gets easier. Well, not really, but it's just more of the same.
Awesome Skort and those are the sexiest sausages this side of the Mississippi!!!!!
That skirt and your sausages look awesome, so good I'm thinking of going out and buying one myself. Congrats on the 16 miles you've got this, it's all over but lactic acid following race day. But that pain is worn as a badge of honor!
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