Thursday, February 21, 2008

You Just Can't Take the Hate Outta the Girl

Disclaimer: The political opinions expressed in this blog posting do not reflect those of my fellow DrunkRunners.

In true Haterella fashion, I managed to hate on Ron Paul today during my six mile run in the L.J. This brush with not such greatness occurred not once, no no, dear friends, but twice in a six mile span. Actually, I almost feel kinda bad for muttering something catty under my lack of breath as I ran past him, given that he is, for all intents and purposes, out of the elections. However, if it redeems me at all and makes me less of a hater in your eyes, I don't think my sarcastic comment was even audible due to the fact that I had to breathe through my gills because of the 99% humidity.

It was a bit surreal to run past multiple 4ft x 5ft signs in support of Ron Paul as Ron Paul walking past them. I wondered if that was some kind of ego trip for him. Hmmm. Something to ponder. He didn't look cheerful (which again, made me feel kinda bad for him). Then I thought, shouldn't he be out kissing babies or inciting anarchy? Sorry, I have become biased due to too many run-ins with rabid LaRouche supporters on the UCB campus. I hope I haven't alienated any of you dear fellow DrunkRunners or any of our readers.

As for the run, it sucked. I did the tempo run and stayed on/faster than pace, but it didn't feel like an invigorating run. Maybe the hate was weighin' me down...


Sixpack Chopra said...

LOL. I can't believe you managed multiple Ron Paul sightings and a 6-mile run at the same time.
It is our opinion that the run probably sucked because of the humidity and lack of breath. The hate wasn't weighing you down. As Steve put it, "If it wouldn't have been Ron Paul, she would have been hatin' on somebody else." True?
Keep it going. If you can swim in that kind of humidity you are doing great.

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Ha ha ha. True. Very true.