Wednesday, October 04, 2006

More Tapering

I know I have been bad about the posts (none for a week), but it is all part of the zen-like state I have reached in the last week before the marathon. I figure if I acheive something as easy as higher consciousness, then a marathon should be no problem. Running is going well. The times are levelling, and the legs are freshening. Nothing today, five tomorrow, and then two on Friday.
The posts will pick up either tomorrow or Friday, when I go to pick up my gear. Let's all think positive thoughts!

1 comment:

Sixpack Chopra said...

Glad to hear you are still human. We were getting worried about you. Keep up the resting and enjoy the race. Kick Some German Ass!!!! And never forget the mantra: FYJW!

Which plan do you want to hear more about is it the fundraising?
Steve says I shouldn't raise money for Boston and the Bay to Breakers. Whadda Ya'll think? It is asking a lot to be asking for donations all the time from people.

Can't wait to see you in SF. We need to go for a run when you get here. I will have ramped up miles a bit, but you should be recovered by then. I'll have a cold one waiting at the finish line. Then maybe we can fishing!!!!