Friday, October 20, 2006

Kicking Ass and Taking My Own Name!

Hey all,
Just an update thus far this week. It seems a bit less work this week, the schedule calls for 18 miles instead of last weeks 21. Which, I'm happy for. The gams were a bit tired after last weeks 4 runs and umpteen flights of stairs moving boxes on Friday. I was worked like some two bit whore with too high heels.
so far this week it was a four mile run at home. Up and over Twin Peaks again. What a beautiful run. I can't tell you how much I love the challenge of it and the view from the top. It's a great one. Tuesday was a great day all around. I decided I was going to skip my only class, sent him an e-mail claiming I was ill and took the day off. Spent the day working at a coffee shop and then got a massage. (Yes working at a coffee shop is a day off for me.)
Yesterday called for a 6 mile run. I decided to give the Ohlone greenway another try and it worked well. I mapped out 3 miles and headed out the door. I ran a 25 minute 3 mile split, but then slowed it up on the way back to end with a 54 minute round trip. That's 9 minute miles for 6 miles. I'm in better shape than I thought. I was sure it would be a 10 minute mile. I'm still having some shin issues, but those should resolve when I have them removed.
Cross your fingers and root for me as I attempt 8 miles tomorrow. I'll let you know how I did.

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