Thursday, March 13, 2008

Beer, Pancakes, Beer, Pizza. Rinse and Repeat!

I'd like to open by answering one of Dr. PP's questions in her last post:

It is the kind of soreness reminiscent of doing 100 leg presses with 50 lb. weights or lots of uphill sprinting. I don't quite know to what I should attribute this. Suggestions?

Now that that is taken care of, I can get down to business. I've been battling more bugs than a housewife at a Lady Bug Picnic and I'm getting downright frustrated. Heartened, but frustrated. After the flu that lasted for 2 weeks, I still haven't fully cleared my sinuses which puts me at almost 3 weeks. Since Monday I've had what I'm quite certain is a DrunkRunner Inducted Stomachache. There are other potential explanations, but I'm pretty sure that marshmallows and pumpkin pancakes thrown into a stomach that is still struggling to digest last night's round of beers is not a good thing. To follow that then with another 12 pack and several slices "Meat Special" pizza, you have the eating/drinking habits of just one of the days of the DrunkRunner reunion.
  In spite of my ill health, I have been able to run a little bit. My two miles yesterday were wonderful! Unremarkable in time, speed or energy, but phenomenal in that I was back out on the road. I attempted to follow that today with 7 miles of speed work. At mile 2.5 my stomachache reared it's ugly head. I decided to pack it in when my attempt to run through it increased the pain. Therefore, I sit here now writing not having run the full 7 I was supposed to do.
  In light of this months events, I'm happy to have run 5.5 miles this week, and will try to do another 3 tomorrow to catch up. Then it is rest on Saturday, in hopes of surviving the 14 scheduled for Sunday.

Drink on DrunkRunners, and keep us posted! Where are you all at?  Scooter? Kojac? What Up???

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