To be fair, I had been warned that 18 miles was nothing like 16 miles, but I simply couldn't fathom two miles making that big of a difference. Well, touché (or "tushy" as I like to pronounce it) veteran Drunkmarathoners, you are wise beyond your years.
While no running, but PLENTY of drinking, took place during the reunion of the 3 founding DrunkRunners, I felt properly chastised by my body when I returned to Texas and ran my 18 miler. One word: OOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHH! Funnily enough, what hurts the most in the days following that fateful run are not my knees, ankles, or calves; instead, my quads are absolutely killing me today. I suppose you could say that I am now running with quads. It is the kind of soreness reminiscent of doing 100 leg presses with 50 lb. weights or lots of uphill sprinting. I don't quite know to what I should attribute this. Suggestions?
I won't bore you with the details of my 18.29 miles (2:56:31). Needless to say, I got the job done. I need to slow my pace, because I am currently running a minute faster than pace (if you don't take into account stopping to drink, etc.). I think part of my soreness might be due to pace. I guess I will find out on Sunday when I have to run my longest training distance: 20 miles. And yes, Sixpack and Deetschei, I will take you at your word: 20 is gonna suck.
Here are some photos from our Drunkrunner Meeting of the Minds:
I know these pictures look like Sixpack and Deetschei saying, "If you take one more picture, I swear I will....." But when I look at it, I like to think they are saying, "Put down that camera and pick up that glass of wine, sista! We got some drinkin' to do!"
# of Miles Run in Berkeley: 0
# of DrunkRunner-Approved Beverages Consumed: If I could count 'em, I wasn't drinkin' enough of 'em.
Thanks for broadcasting that hugely unflattering photo!
Sounds like you are right on track for the marathon. There's nothing like the pain of 18 miles. Or 20, or 26.2.
Keep it up, Dr. You're doing awesomely!
Just be glad I didn't choose one of the other pics ;) Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am sorry our visit caused stomach issues, but you have to admit it was pretty fun!
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