I'll keep this brief. I've been in Wisconsin for the past 10 days (I'm flying home today) and it has been nothing short of crazy. It has snowed no fewer than 3 inches while I was here, and they got 6" the night before I arrived. Wisconsin in March, you gotta love it.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Snow, Dial-up and Sixteen Miles
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
4:57 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Practicing running for brats
Well on Saturday I went down to Rockford (Ill) to run with Kojak. (Scooter is having motivation problems, I think he's got to much on his plate and is burning out. I told him I thought he should drop to the half or the quarter. He still reads the posts just doesn't want to post because of the trouble, let's all let him know we've all been there and help give him the drive to keep going.)Back to the run, I got down to Rockford about 6:30 A.M. and had to get Kojak out of bed. In all fairness she had to Waite for me the last time we ran. We stretched and left on the run at 7:30, it was a nice morning for a 14 mile run. It was cloudy but warm,27 degrees. The course was mostly flat but we did endure a few hills but we made them. I have had a sinus problem like most of the rest of the drunk runners and I felt like a mucous factory, thank god for the farmers blow. Something I need to teach Kojak or she needs to carry a hankie. The first mile or so I wasn't sure how things were going to go but we settled into a comfortable pace and just rolled on. Kojak was a real trooper, she had to skip last weeks long run so this was her first run over 10 miles. I was impressed, she kept the whining down to a minimum and just pushed through. I'm not sure what she had to complain about though because all she was carrying was herself. I was the one carrying the nutrition and water, I felt like her pack mule. She continually complained about how terrible my choice nutrition tasted. She didn't want to take them so I had to take her by the head, stuff them in her mouth, hold her mouth shut and rub her throat until she swallowed. A little trick I learned growing up on a farm giving pills to stubborn animals. I swear she wasted more energy fighting the nutrition than she did running. We ran out 8 miles and then headed back, the reason for this was I didn't want to run up the enormous hills at the end of the run. Although it did make for a long two mile walk back to the house. Angel started to have a rough time starting at mile ten, she said she was hurting and exhausted. We stopped at mile 11 to stretch and see if that would help her.At mile 12 she was yelling at me because I would run ahead and then run back to her to give her some words of encouragement. She kept complaining about her leg but didn't want to stop. She was a real trooper, she put up with me and finished her first 14 mile run. We made our 2 mile walk back to the house where I made Kojak take an ice bath to help reduce the inflammation that would happen in her legs. I think she thought I was crazy but when she saw the difference in the way I moved around after mine she decided it was a good idea.When we were finished with all of our post run stuff Kojak's husband Kevin took the brats I had brought with off the grill for the final leg of the training. I have to say a brat is a great way to finish a run. When we finished eating we went to a running store and got her a new and properly fit pair of shoes. I think this week I'll have trouble keeping up with her because as we all know new shoes make you FAAAAAAAAAAST!!!!!
Mileage 22.8
average pace 11:08
over all impression: I'm not sure if that snail is getting faster or if I just feel like I am but he's always right with me. I guess I need to do more ice dance cross training. I know I'm fast just look at lexi's hair blow back!
P.S. Scooter we've all had to deal with Sybal. You want to run and she keeps telling you you can't. She tells you to just give up and walk home. When she says stop running you tell ehr screw you this is what I want and you are not the boss of me you psychotic bitch get off my back and leave me alone.
But Scooter don't do this outside while you are running people will think your nuts and call the cops and then we will all have to go to court and explain to them about how we all have a little Sybal in us. Well if they don't believe us at least you'll have company in the Loony Bin!!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
4:14 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
8 Down--How many more to go?
My posts always seem to be sister-guilt related, but sometimes I just need a reminder to post...(That and the fact that I can't read the blog at work anymore as our IT dept has caught on to the "drunk" part of the blog name and blocked me.)
I've gotten back on the trail/treadmill after February's nasty sinus business and finally did my 8 miles today. It wasn't as hard as I was expecting, although I did get the evil side-stitch at about mile 6.5 but I was able to keep moving and thankfully it went away. I also got my first passing car "shout-out". I don't know what they said, but it was mile 7.5 and I know it wasn't because I was looking all cute...
Thanks to some over-the-phone coaching from Ginifer and Dr. PP over the weekend, I managed to go farther and my average pace was a minute faster than my previous long runs (14:00--slower than a speeding bullet but faster than my speedwalking mother). Even mile 4, which is always uphill most of the way and against the wind, was faster than usual. Sorry, girls, it was still a little chilly for me to try to the birthday running skirt but I'll give it a try-out at the Y on Tuesday.
I'm soooooo looking forward the massage I have scheduled for my day off tomorrow. :)
Posted by
9:10 PM
Born To Run 14 miles to the Taxi
It was a long run, but I was encouraged when I turned on my iPod and--on shuffle--it immediately began playing "Born to Run." I knew it was going to be a good day. The route was one of my favorites, over the hill to Golden Gate Park, out to the Golden Gate Bridge, through Chrissy Field then over the hill to Pier 39, along the Embarcadero to the Ferry Building and then up Market until I reached 14.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:11 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Beer, Pancakes, Beer, Pizza. Rinse and Repeat!
I'd like to open by answering one of Dr. PP's questions in her last post:
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:18 PM
"Dude, 18 and 20 are really horrible. No, seriously."
To be fair, I had been warned that 18 miles was nothing like 16 miles, but I simply couldn't fathom two miles making that big of a difference. Well, touché (or "tushy" as I like to pronounce it) veteran Drunkmarathoners, you are wise beyond your years.
While no running, but PLENTY of drinking, took place during the reunion of the 3 founding DrunkRunners, I felt properly chastised by my body when I returned to Texas and ran my 18 miler. One word: OOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHH! Funnily enough, what hurts the most in the days following that fateful run are not my knees, ankles, or calves; instead, my quads are absolutely killing me today. I suppose you could say that I am now running with quads. It is the kind of soreness reminiscent of doing 100 leg presses with 50 lb. weights or lots of uphill sprinting. I don't quite know to what I should attribute this. Suggestions?
I won't bore you with the details of my 18.29 miles (2:56:31). Needless to say, I got the job done. I need to slow my pace, because I am currently running a minute faster than pace (if you don't take into account stopping to drink, etc.). I think part of my soreness might be due to pace. I guess I will find out on Sunday when I have to run my longest training distance: 20 miles. And yes, Sixpack and Deetschei, I will take you at your word: 20 is gonna suck.
Here are some photos from our Drunkrunner Meeting of the Minds:
I know these pictures look like Sixpack and Deetschei saying, "If you take one more picture, I swear I will....." But when I look at it, I like to think they are saying, "Put down that camera and pick up that glass of wine, sista! We got some drinkin' to do!"
# of Miles Run in Berkeley: 0
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
3:42 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The whiner is still whining
Two weeks ago I woke up to do a 10 mile run and decided to postpone it due to rain and a mild hangover. When I awoke 2 hours later I had the flu. I don't know what happened in those two hours, but it was FUBAR! Now, two weeks and two days later, I'm still clearing out my lungs and sinuses. I put on 5 pounds and I'm sure I've lost a little fitness. I've also developed a little bit of an acid issue. I don't know how it starts or how it ends, but I've had it before. Just imagine a stomach ache that increases and encourages you to eat. Then you eat, and instead of getting better it gets worse. Needless to say, until I'm over it it will help me lose those 5 pounds. :-)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:17 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Never group run with your family!
If you do your sure to find out how much they like you. Saturday morning started out bad, I over slept. When I awoke I called Scotty and Not such angel Angel to let them know to take off with out me, they insisted they would waite, so I jumped in my truck and drove the 55 minute down to flat land to meet them. We took off and at first things were good, then Angel started to pull away ( I haven't been doing all my running, actually I've been really shorting myself so I'm out of shape) and I was pulling away from Scotty. Like a good group runner I slowed to make sure Scotty or Scooter was OK. Angel well she never looked back. Scooter was warn out so I gave him some magical sport beans and my magic water and set off to catch Angel. I had her in my sight but could never catch her. Did I mention I was in a strange place and wasn't sure of the route, well I wasn't. I had a car pull out in front of me and in that time I lost sight of Angel, I had an Idea of where to go and thought if I headed back towards a road I was just on I would find Scooter. Sure nice thought, I went to a road I had passed because I remembered Scooter and the Devil talking about the hill on it we had to climb. After a few miles I noticed a subdivision that looked familiar so I turned on it and kept running, did I mention we were supposed to be running 9 miles. I found out that the subdivision roads and houses were put in by a blind man. The roads were every where and all the houses look alike. I ran in the subdivision for about 45 min. before I found Scooters house again and I wasn't sure it was his because my truck was not in front of it.
I was going down to run with loved ones we were to do 9 and then I was going to go home and run my last 3 to get my 12 in, as it turns out I got my 12+ in and Scooter and not such an Angel got a good laugh.
Miles 12
Time about 135 min.
Pace I had a good conversation with a very cold and slow moving snail.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
10:18 PM