My boys are down. My girls are out.
Man, talk about the grind of running. To paraphrase George Burns (I know,I know...again):
Running is a hideous bitch goddess.
Here are my runs from the past week:
I pulled off nine miles on Sunday after about five beers on Sunday night. I was pretty proud, because I really wasn't feeling it and the sun was absolutely murder. I had a six miler and then two four milers after that. I'm trying to hover around 20 miles a week, but I don't want to run more than four times a week. So I...holy christ this is boring...okay...time to get sensationalist...
I ran by my Doppelgänger two weeks ago.
No, seriously. I was running by the canal that leads to the stadium, when I happened to chance a look up. This in itself is odd because my running posture usually dictates that my head is pointed straight down to the point I'm actually looking slightly behind me through my legs. I always have a great idea of where I just was.
Anyway, I saw this guy, and I swear to christ, He looked just like I look in pictures of me running. Same form, same gait...the guy was even wearing a tight bright yellow top and blue shorts...I mean come on, I'm the only straight guy on the continent that dresses like a swedish figure skater. Something was up.
Anyway, I sped up and I caught him, and even his face looked like mine. Well, it was perched on one hell of an adams apple and it had a nose...and I have a was uncanny, really...and it literally freaked me out a little. What does it mean? Is it a harbinger of my running doom? Is it a harbinger of your running doom?
Christ. I wish I didn't see me.
Anyway, two things of consequence:
First, I hope all of you who are injured and overwhelmed with real life get a breather soon and get a chance to lace up and get out there. I'm pulling for all of you.
Second, Tessa and I are moving to London soon. That means I'm going to be updating more frequently as I figure out where to run there, how to run there, and when to run there. It'll be a new adventure, and although it won't be as great as the "Wedding-Day-Something-Km.", it should make for an interesting Autumn.
Friday, June 22, 2007
A Jog by the Infirmary
Posted by
dr. deetschei
8:38 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Woe is Us!
Well, the Backman boys are on the sidelines at least for the short term. I'm pissed, but I too am having back pain. Can anyone say genetics? It started at the beginning of summer camp. Yes, I was a cabin leader, i.e. role model, and was the only guy in the cabin that had to have someone else lift his camper. With shooting pains down the back of my right leg, and constant pain in the right hip, I couldn't take the chance that I might injure something further. Add the pain to an insane schedule. In the span of 6 days I was able to take two 20-minute naps, and aside from a few moments snatched between 11:30 p.m. and lights out at 12 a.m. this amounted to my free-time for the week. needless to say there was no running. I wasn't sure how far or well I would run on 5 hours sleep anyway, so it's probably just as well.
Keep adding. I also manage to run my left leg into a wheel chair while playing Baseball on Thursday, leaving me with a cut on my ankle that I have to at least treat kindly, if not gingerly. This means I'm out through at least the weekend. I'll try to get back running on Monday, after the anti-inflammatories kick in and the ankle heals.
It did earn me another referral to physical therapy. Jesus, I just finished the last round. Is someone/something trying to tell me something? I mean, I have I brought down upon me the wrath of some deity? I mean, really! WTF?
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:07 AM
Labels: back pain, Backman boys, Baseball, cut, wheel chair
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
My P.T. put the smack down on me
You read it right. I went back for my first doctor prescribed P.T. appointment and after the new examination and some question and answer I got the news that made my heart sink. Mind you Wendy is some one I have the utmost respect for. Well the news was I have a choice to make. I can either keep my current job or keep running but I can't do both, My back won't take it. I put some serious thought to what she said, I am already back in school part time and as soon as I get admitted in Physical Therapy Assistant school I will be quiting my current job and finding a part time job. I absolutely can't stop running it does so much for me that the benefits from it out weigh the benefits of my job. It's time for me to keep my eyes peeled for a new one. I am off work for two weeks trying to give my back some rest, I will not run during this time adding to the fact that I was just back to running this last week and only got in two runs before the news. Well I am going absolutely insane, I want to run so bad I can't stand it. I bought a bike a week and a half ago but that doesn't quite cut it, I'm going to try swimming and see how that does until I can get back in the saddle. So I guess I'm on the sidelines with PP. Wish me luck in finding a job that's at least close to my income level and less lifting and twisting and turning. I raise a tear filled glass to those of you still running, I hope to join you all again soon.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
4:16 AM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Alive and Kicking but not Running
Hi. I suck. I suckity suck suck suck. If there was an award for the biggest and best sucker, I would win it hands down.
In an attempt to
a) finish my dissertation by the summer deadline
b) finish it by the deadline so I don't have to pay between $4-10,000 that I don't have
c) avoid being disowned by everyone in my family, who spent their hard earned money to travel to CA to watch me walk across the stage at graduation
I have had to hunker down and have placed myself in a self-imposed, Paris-Hilton-style lockdown (minus the orange jumpsuit and having to take out my weave) until July 1st. That means there has been no all-night partying on the Vegas strip, no getting paid thousands of dollars to show up at parties and clubs, no catfights with other celebrity rehab sluts, and the greatest tragedy: no running.
I know what you are all going to say, and I know that you believe what you are saying. But it ain't happening. I simply can't justify taking an hour or even half-hour out of my day right now to run (because as we all know, it isn't really just the actual time it takes to run. You have the warm up, the run, the cool down, the lie around until your brain starts functioning again, and then the shower). Big production.
I am in super overdrive mode right now, which consists of 4 hrs of sleep and pots (plural!!!!) of coffee. Shiiiiiit, I can't even drink my regular pint-sized vodka tonic right now because if I do, I go sleepy sleep! That is to give you an idea of just how bad the situation is.
Okay, enough sob story. The point is that I haven't been posting because there is nothing to post. I have run a few short (3 mi, and 1.5 mi) runs, and I would totally post about them, but it would sound something like this: "I HATE TEXAS IN THE SUMMER!!!! If I wanted to feel like I was running through warm, sticky mollases at 8pm at night, then I would f*cking fill my bathtub with warm, sticky mollases, etc." But since I do not want to be a big complainer, I haven't posted.
Starting in July, I will be back on the road, starting from the beginning and trying to get back to where I was a month ago. (I hate that). But, it is a challenge and it is a challenge that I welcome right now. I miss running. I do. Who knew? But I really do! Stupid advanced degrees and stupid swimming pools. I am pretty sure that I can attribute this month of hell to the fact that I spent all last summer lying by the pool getting a gorgeous tan and "reading" for my dissertation.
Anyway. That is it for now. Keep your eyes peeled for my posts next month. In the meantime, KEEP TRUCKIN' people!!!! If anything, reading about your successes only makes me want to get out on the road even more. I need that! So keep posting.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
4:58 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Playing with Nike + (again)
So it looks like Nike+ has developed widgets you can embed into your blog in order to show people your running progress. Shall we test? I concur:
Look at that! Now you all can see the little-green-line-that-is-my-run! For my last five runs! And by restricting the swoosh to the top right corner, we're only providing Nike with moderate free advertising. Except for the fact that I'm dedicating the title of this post to them. Again.
(But seriously kids, that Nike+ sure is something.)
The week has been pretty chill, as you can see by my times. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere, just happy to log me some miles without the effort of going fast. I figure I'll work on speed again soon enough, but I'm not interested in burning out right now. I realized in my quest to reach those sub-7 minute miles that I wasn't enjoying my runs as much as I used to. I didn't have the time to reflect on my day, or organize my thoughts about work. I also couldn't rehearse catty comments I might have used in certain past situations, just in case similar opportunities to be passive aggressive arrive in the future...and I love doing that, it's why my delivery is so good. In short, all focus on breathing and footwork, but no zen.
I've basically been running about four times a week, trying to hover around 20 per week, and trying to just stay ahead of wherever Don might be while he's running circles around his camp. ("This one time, at band camp, I went so fast that I ran into my own spit!") BUT, as I have no idea where he is, this race to 100 might already be decided and I'll be polishing my silver medal with my tears.
The real running story in Cologne this week is Tessa. She finished three miles today in spite of a medley of maladies (ha ha, see what I did there?). I have to be honest. I thought she was going to puke by the first mile marker. But she always kept on going, puke free, while utilizing this cute little right-leg-swing running style that makes it look like she's running with an invisible Skip-It.
Basically, every time I would have fallen down, rolled over, and started sucking on mud for water and valuable earthwormy sustenance, she not only didn't fall down, but, um...kept going...
She's unstoppable when she decides she'll finish a certain distance. It's simply "how she rolls". So I'm saluting her for her dedication and also to remind her that when she started running earlier this year her goal was to be able to finish a 5K. Now she regularly runs four miles at a go and is looking squarely down the barrel at running not only five lousy kilometers, but 5 miles. How cool is that?
Posted by
dr. deetschei
1:44 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Two weeks off.....Time to RUN!!!!!!
Well folks it has been two weeks since the marathon, I had a few lingering effects but not bad. On the Monday after I could hardly walk, but by Tuesday I was 75% better ,Wednesday 95% and I stayed there for a while as I ended up with tendinitis in my left ankle. Kind of weird, when I would move my ankle it sounded like I was pooring milk into a bowl of Rice Krispies. PP I met your Dr on That Thursday. I went to the same clinic I always go but the docs I normally see were booked up so I said it was fine to put me with someone I'd never ever seen before. Well that was a waste of time; I went in he looked it over and told me I just needed to rest and that I should stop running, that it's bad for the human body and that if I continue I will have lasting effects for the rest of my life.
Well I said to him, "would those lasting effects be feeling better about yourself, Like being more confident than ever before.....a natural way to cope with depression.....more energy..... a longer life and better sexual stamina, cause that's what I've found so far!" The funny part, he got pissed and said I was one of those people that was hooked on running like some people are on drugs and that I was impossible. I told him thanks for nothing, told the people at the front desk that he was a QUACK and left. I went right from the Dr. clinic to the Physical therapy clinic. I walked into the office told the lady's my story, Wendy grabbed my foot took my shoe and sock off, examined it and told me it was tendinitis. She told me what to do for it, a few stretches and do some brisk walks or real short (1 mile) runs at a slow pace to get the circulation going good in the ankle. Within a week I was better. In the past year my most serious medical problems, a torn stomach muscle, a sciatic nerve problem and this tendinitis were diagnosed by PT's not Doctors! So what the hell? I think if you have the sniffles they should make an appt. with a doctor, if you have a muscle or joint problem make an appointment with a PT. But you have to waste your money with a doctor first so they can refer you to a PT. OK done whining, I just wanted PP to know the big quacks weren't just in Texas, Wisconsin has them as well.
Well back to good things, I have finished my last epidural in my back it was a series of three. Which are supposed to reduce the inflammation in my lower back. It has helped some, I can at least do my exercises for my back now without pain or as much pain, which will help to reduce the pain even more. Hopefully it will be gone for good.
I am going to take the summer and work on my speed. I have joined a miler training group which should help drop my times and help me with my form. In the mean time I will be training for a half in Milwaukee in the end of September. It's going to be tough to fit it all in with working a full time job and going to school in the evenings, but I'll make it work. I bought a bike on Friday for cross training and Wendy is going to teach me how to swim properly so I can use that as well. I never had swimming lessons as a kid, never thought I would need them as an adult, but I want the the cardio and upper body work that it gives. Plus I'm thinking about trying a few Tri's next summer if I can master the swimming .
Well today was the first day back in the sneakers since the 27Th of May. I went out for a short three mile run at a leisurely pace and it felt good to be running again. I got to the half way point and felt like I should just keep going further but I thought if I do that I'll go to the next road, then the next county, then the state line. Well we've all seen it before, the next thing you know I'd be drawing a crowd and running down a peer at the ocean, so I turned around at a mile and a half and headed home.
Miles: 3
Time: 30 min 30 sec
Pace: 10:07
Overall impression: Some doctors need a running shoe in the ASS and an open hand in the back of the head. Oh and being back in my shoes felt good! (SDNARSITAAAOHITBOTH.AOBBIMSFG!)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
7:11 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
Lost Luggage. Be Told!!!
Yes, it's happened again. First Amie, now me. I had a really tight connection in Denver. In fact, I took my time getting off the plane and didn't dawdle, but was in no hurry to get to my gate. When I got to the gate, I realized I had forgotten to account for a one hour time change, which meant that my boarding started as soon as I got to the gate. Whereas I can cross the airport in 10 minutes, it seems that my bags couldn't. The last report I received was that my bags were in Chicago and that they are looking for them.
This means no shoes, no undies - Can you say Commando Vacation? - no running gear and no toiletries. Should be an interesting day or two hear. I dread the thought that camp would start without my bags.
I hope this doesn't happen to you!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:07 AM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Summer Hiatus
Alas, my dear friends, I wanted to post quickly to apologize in advance for my upcoming absence from the blog. I leave in a few minutes for the airport, and will have limited access to our blog until Saturday, at which point my access becomes non-existent for 6 days. Yes, there are places on earth where there is no internet!!!!
In my absence I hope you all have great runs, few run ins with the FTAS, and live happy and healthy lives. I'll be talking plenty of smack with people at Camp, so you needn't fear your leader will lose his edge while he is away.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:43 AM
The Race
No, I'm not counting this as one of my weekly posts. But, I wanted to let everyone in on a fantastic race Moose and I are waging right now in the cyber-crazy world of Nike+.
Basically, we are are running a 100 mile race against each other.
And, after about two weeks of Trans-Atlantic smack talk (actually, we're quite nurturing in our competitive ways...for now), a mere .5 miles separate the two of us! How intense is that?
Posted by
dr. deetschei
8:16 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Food Terror Alert System
Where does this fall on the FTAS? I was having dinner this evening in Berkeley, and look what I found on the menu. What does that mean exactly? Do we even serve free-range organic humans to our cannibals in Berkeley?
Just a thought!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
2:58 AM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Training: Week 1
Well the family left and left me an absolute wreck. After 10 days of constant alcohol I needed several days just to dry out. I'm not kidding when I say my body was retaining at least 40 pounds of excess water due to my alcohol consumption. Another reason I think the Kenyans are on to something. I mean think about it. Drink like a fish and eventually you become a camel and have all that extra water that can be used during the race. It's the best plan ever!
So after a week off, training began last Tuesday. The first training session was speed work. 12 x 400 with a 20 minute warm-up and a 10 minute cool-down. If you're counting that ends up at about 7 miles! So much for those short mid-week runs. They evidently won't be happening this time around. The workout went great. I had a goal pace of 2:00 per lap, and stayed under it for all but one of the laps. Not bad, not bad. And the 20 minute warm-up run to the track overlooking campus is always a nice strenuous one. Think a 1.5 miles straight up the side of the Empire State Building and you'll start to get an idea of how it feels sometimes.
Thursday was atomic meltdown. I'm totally on board with the Food Terror Alert System. Food Item: 6" Subway Turkey Sub with extra Turkey and with Pepperoncini. FTAS Rating: Red. I was to run a 6 mile run and I was in Berkeley. I headed out from the RSF to the Ohlone Greenway planning to run 3 out and 3 back. I was uncomfortable the entire time. I was so full of gas and rumble and burping that I could barely run. I was starting to feel light headed, sweaty (I know you're thinking, "Duh, you're running!" but it wasn't like that.) and overall crappy. I, in my Sixpack wisdom, decide to complete the 3 miles and see what it feels like. By mile 3 I'm seriously considering a visit to the land of bulimia and seeing what that finger down the throat really feels like. Instead I decided to just walk. So here I am, 3 miles from campus and I have to walk back. If you know the geography this puts me somewhere across the Albany border, but still shy of Sabrina's house. The walk back was a bit more enjoyable - less rumble, less gas, less cramps, but still chilly, sweaty, dizzy, and weak feeling.
AFter that failure it took me some time to get the gumption to go back out, which I finally did this morning. The distance today was 8 miles. It was an intense one. The goal pace was 9:35, which I didn't quite hit. I'll blame it on the hills. The first two miles were ahead of pace, on account of the fact that they were entirely downhill. The uphill of miles 3,4,5,6 and 7 kind of blasted the pace. The whole run just felt bad, I have to say. My legs felt like bags of jello, kind of like my carnival fish somehow ended up in a bag of cherry jello and inexplicably attached to my hips to be used for conveyance. They were not cooperative. I didn't feel like I was even "enjoying" the run until I hit mile 6. Awful late in the game to be hitting my first wind. The good news is that I finished the whole thing. No knee pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FTAS Level: Green Food: 1/3 cup All-Bran, 2/3 cup Fruity Cheerios, 1 cup 2% milk. Went down easy, and ran 8 miles right afterward.
I'll be resting and bracing myself for a bike ride tomorrow and for more speed work on Tuesday. Wish me luck.
Miles: 18 run 3 walked
Overall time: 2:52:38
Average Pace: 9:28
Overall Impression: I'll Be Running Up That Road, Be Running Up That Hill, Be Running Up That Building, With No Problem. (IBRUTRBRUTHBRUTBWNP)
And I'll issue another call for everyone to check in here! Let us all know where you are at! Especially you Stroller. We're dying to hear how your training for the Marathon is coming along! You too P.P. Where you at?
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:08 PM
Labels: Camel, dizzy, Food Terror Alert System, Goldfish, Kenyans
Friday, June 01, 2007
Checking In
You know what I love about starting running again? The optimism. The blind faith that you can pick up exactly where you left off months before. It's especially acute when you read about the amazing accomplishments of other people (Hi, Forest!). Not only do you think you can run as fast as you could before, you somehow ball them into your dreams and assume you'll just run as fast as they do, too.
Needless to say, I'm slower.
It's not my fault though. When we got married, Tessa took my name (kinda) and I took two behemoth legs made of concrete because we couldn't find anything blue. If I had my old, svelte yet muscular calves, then I'm sure I could keep kicking ass. As it stands, I'm happy just to be logging miles. Which, I'm sure, is how it should be in the grander scheme of things.
BUT, I'm not logging them as quickly as I thought.
If you dial back to last week's post, you will note the aforementioned enthusiasm with which I claimed I would run 25+ miles a week starting, oh say, now. I even set up a goal to run 80 miles in four weeks! I figured if I could do it before I drank all of Italy's wine and ate all of their gnocchi while doing nothing else but nap, then I should be able to do it twice as easy afterwards. Bad math, I guess.
Anyway, I'm somewhere in the gray area now. I'm not at square one, but I'm not on whatever square I used to be on, either. I might not even be "on" a "square". I do know that I felt comfortable enough running today that I experimented with my food. After reading entries from both Don and Forest about eating more while running, I decided to eat a giant bratwurst covered in mustard before I ran five miles today. It was singularly amazing how quickly it turned into a cinder block. I have never felt my stomach really do that sort of thing before, and there aren't really words for it. If I could describe it in colors, it would be an orange kind of pain. But after the first couple of miles, I do admit I felt fresher. In fact, I got a lot faster as the run went on. This means that either A) It got easier to run because I stopped cramping, or B) The much-needed bratwursty nutrients passed through the sausage casing and straight into my quads, giving me the energy I needed to be the best runner I could be.
We all know I like to play loose and silly with the scientific method, but this was obviously a case for the latter.
Next test: Spaetzle covered in cheese with some Leibniz cracckers.
Posted by
dr. deetschei
6:11 PM
Labels: cinder blocks, mustard