Friday, July 04, 2008

Forest who???

I'd like to start this re introduction by congratulating  Dr. PP on her marathon, that was an awesome time you clocked. It truly is the best feeling in the world when you cross that line, sorry it took so long but GREAT JOB!!

One other thing I need to point out right off the bat, I was feeling good in the beginning of the marathon and could have definitely went out in front but CHOSE TO STAY WITH THE CLAN. After Six Pack stretched his legs I chose to stay back and make sure Kojak crossed that line before they stopped recording times.
I think I should have ran my race, cause I ended up with IT band syndrome. I you all noticing a pattern here, all I ever do is get on here and complain of injuries. Why do we do this people why. Sybil and I are not speaking at the moment, for once I won and have taken the last month off. Things are starting to settle down and I think I'm going to try running this weekend and see what happens. This time around I'm going to come back slow. I'll build a good base work my core and do weight training and see if I can kick this injury crap. I have scheduled a half marathon for Sept. I'll see how that goes and how the body feels, I may try to do Jacksonville in Feb and carry that through to Madison again. Well folks HAPPY RUNNING hope to see you in the funny papers.
Forest F. Gump

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