Thursday, April 24, 2008

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

I learned today that Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome is just one big, ol' fancy-pants way of saying "Shin Splints." Doesn't it sound so much more impressive and dire?

Well, after approximately 45 minutes in the waiting room, a few x-rays, and another 10-15 minutes waiting in an exam room, I learned this 5-Dollar phrase. I also learned that I am slightly knock-kneed, although the Dr. had another big word for that, too, which sounded less pitiful. I wish I could remember it.

In another twist of fate, the Dr. inquired about my ACL scars. For those of you not in the "know": I tore both ACLs on Texas A&M's sh*tty excuse for a playing field in college. Did I mention that I tore my left and right ACLs on the SAME field, at the SAME end of the field, in the SAME spot on the field, and what I suspect was the SAME hole in the field, two years apart? I swore A&M my lifelong enemy after that. So what is the twist of fate, you ask? Well, after telling him my story, I said "Tell me you didn't go to A&M!" [Imagine the sound of silence with only crickets chirping in the background.] He quietly admitted that he had, indeed, attended Texas A&M. But I decided to forgive him and let him continue the exam.

No visible fractures, breaks, bone spurs, bone chips, NADA on the x-ray. But then again I really didn't expect him to see any. However, unlike Sixpack, I was not sent for an MRI. Boooo! I really want to meet your Dr. someday. He sounds like a very, very thorough. Because my Dr. couldn't locate one specific area of soreness on my leg/ankle during the exam, he deduced that I had not yet developed a stress fracture. He did, however, read me the riot act about my knees (although those were not the painful body part in question) and seriously suggested I start taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin to stave off arthritis later in life. But that is another blog post entirely.

Needless to say, I was sent home with photocopies of stretches for shin splints, a prescription for an anti-inflammatory, the suggestion that I should buy some gel inserts for my shoes, and that I should wait until I can walk without pain before running again. However, I don't really have pain when walking (only the evening of/day after a long run). He also advised me to stop running if the pain persists and to VERY VERY SLOWLY work back up to distance running. At no time, I will have you know, even upon direct questioning, did the Dr. say that I could not run the marathon. Now, he also didn't say, "Hell ya, go out and kick that marathon's ass!" I also didn't ask him about the chances of longterm, serious injury if I ran the marathon in pain.... I think that was pretty much a no-brainer. He also suggested that I go for a short jog and see how my leg is feeling, since I haven't run on it since last Thursday. So, after I finish this post I am going to do some stretches with my little Theraband, slip on my shoes with my new inserts, and see what half a mile and maybe even a mile feels like. I will probably be testing the waters up until the day of the marathon before I make my final decision. Deetschei scared the hell out of me with the "you can break your leg if you run with severe shin splints." Yikes! So, depending on what happens and how I feel after the marathon, I might go back for a follow-up visit and talk orthodics with him. I gotsta fix these aching legs o' mine.

So, my friends, I feel a little better about the prospects of Sunday's marathon, but at the same time, and this is totally the Debbie Downer inside of me, I worry that he wasn't very thorough. He seemed to totally block out my complaints about my ankle hurting.... But then again, I am just a fake Dr. What do I know? ;)


dr. deetschei said...

sweet! you're running! i would assume that if the doctor wasn't very thorough, it is because you aren't as injured as you feared. besides, an MRI is kinda overkill for that sort of injury (and MRI's are extremely lame to go through and expensive anyway). so get out there and beat my time! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!

dr. deetschei said...

also, and i know i mentioned this in my last post: the culprit with shin issues is typically the shoes. i know you just bought yours and loved them for shorter distances, but it might just be that they cannot keep up with the longer distances like another brand might. i'm not made of money so i don't bring this up lightly, but after the marathon you might want to think about experimenting with a different shoe manufacturer that deals solely (ha ha!) or primarily in running. then again, i'm not even a fake doctor! what do i know?! ;)

Sixpack Chopra said...

Congratulations!!! It sounds like things are back on track, and if he didn't say NO then you are cleared for the marathon!
We are all hoping you aren't as injured as you think you are, and that you will fly through the race like a Hater on Speed!!!!!