Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ice, Ice, Baby!!

Ice is my new best friend. As you are aware, I went for a 20 mile run on Sunday. Now, 20 miles is never easy. Not when training for a marathon. Maybe one day, when running more marathons makes the later stages of training a little more routine, they will get better. For now, 20 MILES SUCKS!!!!

  This time, though I decided it was time to go for an ice bath after the run. A few conversations with Forrest when I was in Wisconsin convinced me that it might be a good idea. It was simple enough to prepare. Start a bath with lukewarm water. Not hot, but not so cold that you can't get in. Have a seat, and turn the water on cold.* When the tub is full and you are chilling nicely, dump in a bunch of ice. We have an ice maker so it's not hard for us to come by.
  It was amazing. I was a little sore on Monday. In the past, however, I've been darn near incapacitated for days after a long run. Tuesday I managed another 5 miles, albeit slowly. That's one day of rest after 20 miles and then right back into the fire. On top of all that, I've run another 10 miles since then. I'm feeling great and looking forward to the rest of the week and Sunday's ice bath!!!!

* For the record, I took this week's ice bath in a kneeling position. After all, the boys don't care much for cold water. The kneeling allowed for the icing of most of my legs, without ending up with a mangina.  This week, however, I will try the above mentioned technique in hopes that the slow chilling of the body will eliminate some of the shock.

1 comment:

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

I might really need to try this. The ice packs haven't been doing much. I have an appointment with an orthopedist on Tues. Cross your fingers he gives me good news. In the meantime, I'd better go scrub the tub (sounds dirty, doesn't it?) and prepare an ice bath. Thanks for giving the details of how to do it. I had been considering asking Forrest. BTW, the thought of you with a mangina makes me wanna fall over with laughter ;)