Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Tentative Two

The first quarter of a mile was a little iffy, but things started to loosen up after that. While the pain did not completely disappear over my 2 miles, it lessened to a nagging dull ache. Now, a nagging dull ache for 2 miles is one thing, that same ache for another 24.2.... that is another matter entirely: a matter which I am excited about undertaking. Who knew someone could be so excited about a dull ache? I'm icing as I type this and will be vigilant with taking my anti-inflammatory. I hope to try another 2-3 either tomorrow or Friday. OKC, here I come!

1 comment:

dr. deetschei said...

Dull aches are a-ok. it is the sharp pain that makes you significantly alter your stride that you have to worry about. i hate to say this, but even if you were totally freesh, you wouldn't get out of this experience without A LOT of aches. but you can overcome them. YOU WILL FINISH!