Saturday, April 21, 2007

Fighting The Urge....

to run too much. I finally put in some realistic numbers to the Runners World Training Oracle, and it's telling me I should be running 6-8 miles a week right now. So, when I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. I had to seriously fight the urge to get out there and run 3 miles.
Instead, I chose to go for a bike ride. I bought a bike about a year ago with all of these hopes of cross training. NOT!!! I've been on it about 8 times. It's a decent bike, certainly gets me where I need to go, and it only cost me $50 bucks. The big hurdle is the hill. Everytime I get on it, I have to climb a massive hill, either to get away from home, or to get back home, or both. It's discouraging. But today I did it. 4 miles!!!!! I know it doesn't seem like much, but I'm working on it. The plan is to bike at least 2 days a week. That would mean cardio 5 days a week, which will help me get in shape for the race a little faster.
Running is going well. 2 miles at a clip, and I'm getting better. A little faster, and the legs/knees are hurting a lot less. My biggest challenge right now, is holding back. It's hard for me, and the reason for most of my injuries over the past year. I'm tired of injuries, so I've decided to take it slow and build up. It's the wise thing to do, and since two a days just don't work for me, it's the only option.

Week's summary:

Miles: 4

Time: 37:31

Average: 9:23/mile.

Overall Impression: I So Wish This New Bike Had a Banana Seat! (ISWTNBHABS)


Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

I am totally going to get you streamers for the handlebars!

Clyde S. Dale said...

I'm looking to purchase a bike myself for cross training and as far as pushing yourself, I don't think I'd have the troubles I have right now if I would have stretched things out a little more. good luck.

Sixpack Chopra said...

Yep. Taking it easy. 2 miles again tomorrow, and then bike on Wednesday.

I so want those streamers!!!!

stroller motor said...

Wanna send some of that ambition my way!?