so, after two weeks of (finally) GREAT runs, i was very excited and ready to come on here and post about how amazing and wonderful it has felt to be running regularly, and doing it well, finally. i am getting my runs in when i should be, my times have been improving and my body is responding superbly to the increased punishment (and my liver is hanging in there as well, in case you were wondering. i am starting beer-drinking conditioning in preparation for B2B Drunk Runners Celebration Party).
and then yesterday i had that inevitable hiccup that took the wind outta my sails. ah, yes, friday the 13th.
i have to preface this by saying that 13 is my lucky number and i have always enjoyed friday the 13th, so i didn't go into the day thinking that something bad was going to happen.
anyway, i left my apartment jazzed up and ready for a nice little 6 mile tempo run, after getting on my gear and lacing up my shoes. i had decided that i didn't need water or other such stuff for a relatively short run, so i left my belt and bottles and whatnot at home. since my running clothes didn't have any pockets, i securely tucked my house key into my shoe laces (as i have done MANY times before) and my shuffle into my sports bra (i have one of the older shuffles that is the size of a small pack of gum).
as i was securing my key in my shoe, i thought to myself "i should make sure this is nice and tight- that sure would suck to get locked out of the house with no cell phone or money and having to go to work in a few hours". nice way to jinx myself!
yes, i lost the key. about a mile and a half into my run, i glanced down and noticed that the key was no longer there. just gone. grrreeeeaaaat.
i stopped and immediately turned around, walking back to retrace my path exactly to see if i could find the key. the entire time i couldn't help but think about how i was going to break into my apartment or get my husband's key from him (with no cell phone and no money to take the bus to his work)... think about that and fume that my run was now ruined (there was no way i'd have time to head back out to complete the run).
i guess the day ended up being lucky after that glitch, because about 3/4 of the way back i found the key. just sitting there on the sidewalk, waiting for me. i jogged the rest of the way back and continued on with my day, thankful that no one had picked the key up and that the unlucky part of my day wasn't so bad after all.
so, anyway, my training for B2B is going well (i finally feel like i am THERE), my fundraising is going awesome (already raised $750- my father-in-law passed away 4 and a half years ago from leukemia, so it is a cause very near and dear to my family and friends), and i am excited about getting better and better the next few months.
the only question i have for everyone: how do you manage to get your "longer" week day runs in, with work and all? i know some people (sixpack being one) have a more flexible schedule with school... but i find that i have a hard time fitting in a 6 mile run on thursdays (my long weekend runs are easy to make happen), for example. i am worried about that getting more and more difficult once my miles start increasing for marathon training. thoughts? advice? admonishments (nick)?
oh, and Forest: is it too late to put in my cheese order? i'd like to ask for a sharp cheddar, please. anything from the great pacific northwest i can bring you in return?
week's stats
total distance: 16 miles (not including the 5 miles i was supposed to run yesterday that got cut off)
total time: not sure exactly... i haven't been keeping track of that (i really need to get a pedometer or something- any recommendations?)... but...
average pace: about 9:00 (THIS i am very excited about. my short 2 mile runs are closer to 8:30 and my longer runs i am right around 9:00/mile)
achievement of the week: finding my key and not getting locked out of my apartment
overall impression: See a Key? Let it Be! You Never Know Who's Coming Back For It. (SAKLIBYNKWCBFI)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
(un)lucky 13
Posted by
10:49 PM
Labels: friday the 13th, good runs, lost key
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Hey Tequila good to see you posting again. Glad to hear training is going well for you. I have your order marked down. That's Jack, Muenster and sharp cheddar.
With your question for the Thursday run... I'm not much help to you. I get up at 5:00 and am back home by 3:45 on my training days so I have all evening to do my run in.
Keep up the good work. It sort of looks like I'll be running alone unless I get my times back down.
Tequila, excellent times! Glad to hear that you are on track. Sorry about the sucky key incident, but everything happens for a reason, right? Well, maybe not. But you have a way better attitude than I do. I wish I had advice for the long, middle-of-the-week runs, but I don't. I find that a coffee around late afternoon gives me a little extra energy to run in the evenings... Maybe that would help (if it is a matter of being tired after a long day of work) Keep posting, sista!!!!
I know it doesn't work for many, but I found it key to get up a little earlier on my long mid-week run, and then I would get it in before breakfast and any commitments. It was awesome! Right now a long mid-week run for me is 2.5 miles, so that's not an issue!
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