Not the one by Pink Floyd.....but the one brought to me by dehydration. Friday night I went to Rockford and drank with my freshly turned 21 year old niece. I told myself a month ago no more than two beers a night until after the marathon, well I didn't listen. Besides Bean's and I were having to much fun ribbing Sandi. Only slept about 3 hours that night and didn't drink enough fluids to replenish the system. I knew this when I got up this morning So I decided to post pone my run until this afternoon to try and hydrate.Well I ended up going and getting two loads of wood ( to those of you in the larger city's of CA. that's about 2500 dollars worth) while I drank water........... again not the smartest thing in the world. I left for my run at 2:30 did I mention that more than 3/4 of the first ten miles was running into a very stiff head wind. I didn't take enough fluids with me ( PP I understand wanting to be a camel now) or gel packs At mile ten where I could turn around and head back my legs were already wobbly I took my third gel pack and drank the last of my water. Did I mention it was a little chilly and I was running into the wind. Well nobody had to remind me my nipples did it for me. Cotton shirt not good..... rubs on hard nipples causing them to bleed...........can you say OOOOOOOOUCH? I did and still am I actually had blood coming thru my shirt on the right side again OUCH.
I walked about a hundred yards and went back to my pace. I had to keep telling myself I could make it while I held my shirt out to stop the pain. At mile 11 I talked even more telling myself I could make it mile twelve it was even harder ( yes my nipples as well) by mile 13.5 I couldn't go anymore. My legs were shot......I could barely walk and I had no water left. Thankfully I took my cell phone with. I called ma and had her pick me up. In the time it took her to drive the six miles to get me I was only able to walk another half mile and that took alot for me to do. I figure that was the wall I have heard people speak of but never experienced. Well I can't say that anymore. My first twenty mile run turned into a 13.5 mile run. I will complete it next Sunday though I'm determined to get it done I'll just have to modify my training schedule. I did my 13.5 in 2 hrs 19 min 28 sec. I was actually happy with the pace ...not so happy when I failed to complete. I'll get em next week.
Overall impression: I learned what it's like to be a runner today, to push until I have nothing left and still want to go on. Even with BLOODY NIPPLE'S!! (ILWILTBARTTPUIHNLASWTGO.EWBN!!)
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Wall
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
12:55 AM
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oh man, forest, that is INSANITY. can we just call you "the punisher" from now on? you must have an incredible will in order to keep yourself going even 13.5 miles in those conditions. i truly admire (and boggle) at that. oh, and i've seen the bloody nipples first hand... and it ain't pretty. did you know they make special glide stuff you can put on them so they don't get chaffed? and all else fails, that's what band-aids are for!
Thanks for the info I will be goign tommorrow after work to buy some of that wonderful stuff. one of the women at the clinic told me about that as well. I hope it never happens again. I thought of the band aid thing but after it was to late, my other thought was how long would they stay on with the sweat and all.
The answer: 26.2 miles and counting. If you buy Band-Aid Brand, they stay on forever. I wear them for any run over 10 miles, and have never regretted it.
For those other areas that you haven't yet found chafe, get yourself some Body Glide. Then, if you put it anywhere there is shade when standing naked in the sun, you should be just fine. Vaseline also works well, but is quite messy. They handed it out at my last marathon, and boy was I glad they did. Didn't know the shirt collar was going to chafe my neck.
Keep it going!!!!! You're doing great!
Forest, you are a real trooper. Your determination is amazing. I second Don. He also mentioned Body Glide to me after our 12 mile run in Napa (after which my inner thighs were raw). I put Body Glide on for anything over 4 miles. I have heard it is also good for the inner arms. Kick that 20 mile run's proverbial ass this weekend!!!!!!
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