Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sistas Are Doin' It For Themselves

For perhaps the first time in my life, at least as far as I can remember, my oldest sister and I actually went running "together." This wasn't the kind of running in which the oldest sibling "chases" the youngest sibling around the house threatening to punch her. No no, this was real running. We did a nice 4 miler today in the L. J. While everyone else was at church, we took over the streets.

I know one should not immulate spiritual leaders or deities, but following in Sixpack's footsteps I have encouraged my sister to start training for B2B (even though we might not be running it with you in SF). I figured that we Okie Girls could provide a nice balance to the Wisco Supremacy. I have extended an invitation to her to join Drunk Runners. Hopefully we will soon be 10, so keep your eyes open and give "Ginifer" (she was born to be a Drunk Runner) a hardy welcome when she finally joins.

Inspired by DJ and Forest's distances, I have decided to up my "long runs" - I am ahead of my training schedule in terms of pace, so I figure I can extend the runs on the weekend to challenge myself and to catch up with the boys! So look over your shoulders occassionally, you just might see me coming up behind you :)


Clyde S. Dale said...

It's kind of a good feeling, when you run with a sibling other than chasing them thru the house. Although I enjoyed that as well. I enjoyed it when Sixpack and I ran together a few times and I'm looking forward to a few runs with Sandi. I'll be looking for her post. You're going to work on the distance and I need to work on time. Any pointers?

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Ha ha ha! Sadly Forest, I am not the spiritual leader. I am not sure any of my pointers would help :) The best advice I can say is do the speedwork/tempo runs that the training plan lays out for you (have I mentioned 40 times how much I hate them but how effective they are?) Besides, your training plan for the marathon looks a lot different than my training plan for the 12k I am pretty sure. I have a feeling you are already on the right track!

Sixpack Chopra said...

I second PP on that one!! Take a look at the speedwork. They aren't always fun to do, because you are pushing yourself and your limits. But they realy do help.

Can't wait to hear from Giniffer!