Monday, August 21, 2006

Is this long distance?

After two weeks of physical therapy, I laced up the shoes today and headed out for a run. It was going to be a good long run, maybe even 3 miles, but I was being optimistic. I did my exercises, stretched and did everything I am supposed to do, even took some aleve to counteract the dehydration from last night's training efforts at the pool hall.

Total Stretch/prep time: 20 minutes

Stepped out the door and decided to do a 5 minute warm up walk, which is part of my normal home running routine. Helps me get used to moving and head out without hurting anything.

Total Warm-up Time: 5 minutes

Then I'm off. Heading down the street at a nice slow pace, checking my knee every step to see if there are complaints. I'm really covering some ground here. I'm flying. And then my knee starts to hurt. I have to make the choice: Risk injury or give it a rest and walk the rest of the way home. I decide to walk and head pack head on my chest, crushed at not having completed the 3 miles.

Total Running Time: 1.5 minutes.
Total Distance: 300 yards.

Well, it's better than nothing. A week ago I couldn't do a step. So it goes to show this rest is getting me somewhere, but it is really starting to kill me not being able to run. I never quite believed all those people that said I would get addicted. Now I know they are right. I'm feeling like I would pimp myself out if it meant I could run again. Either that or I'm just looking for an excuse to stem the rose.

Best of luck to both of you. Congrats Julie on the run that is awesome!!! And Dayton take it easy on the legs, get some rest if you need it, don't push it too hard.


dr. deetschei said...

hey dude, that sounds like progress. i think congratulations are in order. have you tried running on a dirt track to see if it would help some of the pain? of course, you need to get TO a dirt track...
just don't sweat the rest! it's doing ou good, and you'll be less out of shape than you think when you get back (so don't overtrain ;)) fact, after more than seven months of training, you should still be in AMAZING shape.

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Donno! You really can't be disappointed. You are still recovering from an amazing 26.2 miles!!!! That puts ever distance I have ever run to shame. Look at it this way, you now have a starting point and can slowly work your distance up. I am still proud of you for not pushing it. I know how tempting it would be to keep going, but then you would have no knees and I would be forced to call you Stubby. ;)