Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well folks like my brother sixpack I'm still sidelined. I went out for an all out walk last week (quick tempo using the arms like when ya run) and had to stop at a mile because I was having back pain. Not a lot just a little tickle of it but I've learned when I start to feel it, stop immediately and tell Sibel to f!*k off. I can't stand this, when I was speed walking all I wanted to do was run, I wanted to take off and just go until like PP I let my last meal come up to say hello to the world again!Tomorrow the 24TH in the morning I go to see the Neurosurgeon, I plan to tell him if the knife is what it takes to run again then start cutting. Dee you and PP have to keep up the great work, I promise as soon as I can run I'm pulling the brand new Brooks out of the closet plugging in the Nike+ and running until I just can't take another step or I can't spit on myself which ever comes first. Keep up the great work you keep Sixpack and I motivated to get back out. I believe it's true for both of us, but I know for me that I have been bouncing off the walls. who new that the man I was last year would turn into a man that wanted to run just for pure enjoyment of it and that's all. I'll post the results from my appointment tomorrow.


Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

Try speedwalking without the arm swinging. It isn't half as comical-looking, but it might be easier on your back! :) As for losing my lunch, I don't know where DJ got that. I have yet to puke while running! So there. Stay with it, you will be "back" in no time. Ha ha. Very punny.

Sixpack Chopra said...

No, Punny would be: I can't wait until you are "Back", Man!

Where do the Karmic gods stand on making fun of your own last name? I have a feeling it's not a good thing.

dr. deetschei said...

dude. man. that was bad. ;)
keep your chin up forest! can't wait to hear about you breaking in the new shoes.