Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mea Culpa

It occured to me today that I haven't posted since February 14th, the night of the "infamous bike incident". This is entirely my fault, and I apologize. (I still love you all.) I had to finish a book review, an article, and work on my dissertation, which meant that whatever words I had remaining came in the single syllable variety and were used exclusively to provide myself with nourishment (Do you want more soup? "Yes"). Then I got married in England and went on honeymoon in Italy.

Quick Review of Events Since My Last Posting:

1) Winter turned to Spring, and there was much rejoicing.
2) London and Boston Marathons were run, and there was much stretching.
3) Bay to Breakers was run, and there was much nudity.
4) I ran a Personal Best mile in a run of three miles and longer- 6:59
5) I amassed over 300 miles by the second week of April.
6) I ran a Personal Best 5K- 21:53
7) Don and I contracted Foot and Mouth Disease (i.e. sheep herpes) when Nick took us on a cross country tour of the Essex countryside.
8) I explored the benefits of those "interwebs" and bought a pair of Brooks on-line. I now run in cyber shoes.

Except for a two week gap though, I ran the whole time. Here's proof:

Basically, I had a nice seven week stretch of 20+ mile weeks going when my brother arrived in Cologne to "help" us "prepare" for the wedding. for those of you that don't speak Henderson, that translates roughly into "drink". I still maintained a good bit of running until I finally convinced him to acccompany me on a bike shortly before we left for London. About 4 miles into a 6 mile run, a large dog ran under the front tire of his bike, causing Steve to catapault over the handlebars like a cow over a castle wall. I was convinced he would be maimed and I would have to explain to my friends why one of my groomsmen didn't have a lower jaw. Luckily, however, he remembered our Gymkata training as children and rotated at the last second. His face was saved, but his shoulder turned into mincemeat. This is okay, because you can't see that in wedding pictures.

Needless to say, I was scared to run with him again, and seeing as how we were leaving for London anyway, I quietly put my shoes away and concentrated on other important stamina-building exercies, like spending my Bachelor Party on Brick Lane trying to prove I could eat the hottest curry on the East End. I stand by my choice.
As Don and Nick both already mentioned, the "Wedding Day Something-K" was a success. I had assumed that since Nick knew the entire 4 mile distance already, he had already run it the night before (my favorite line- "Now this part is cool. We're going to go through somebody's yard, but don't worry. It's a public footpath." He said this as he slowed down to open their gate). But it turns out that he had already run the entire distance that morning, then came back to pick us up.Then, after we were finished, he couldn't walk home with Don because he wanted to do another run! Simply awesome.

I picked back up last Wednesday and if it doesn't storm tonight, then I should log 19 miles for my first week back. I should be back in the mid-20s next week, and am hoping to log around 30 a week before I start training for something again. I'm still debating on whether I want to start getting really serious about anything right now, but P.P. might need some company in her quest, and I need to spend some quality time chatting with my cowgirl, anyway. I'm posting AT LEAST once a week now. It's my mid-May resolution.

PS: How was B2B?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?


Sixpack Chopra said...

very crafty including the wedding photo as your excuse for not running! Well played!

Good luck getting back into it all. You are kicking ass! Keep it up.

Dr. Pavement Pounder said...

I can't believe you went sub-seven on me. Damnit! Now I really have to kick off the training wills and haul some (fine lookin') ass. Geez. Aren't you suppose to get slower when you get married?