With Forest having shattered the Drunkrunner Marathon world record, it's time to get down to business. Julie and I have begun training for the Houston Marathon, and this is the official call out to all of you to join us in this. Over the next 34 weeks we will complete an 18-week 1/2 marathon training, and a 16-week marathon training. Don't ask me why it takes two more weeks to train for 1/2 the distance, but the gods at Runners World say so. I'll be following the FIRST programs at Runners World. I'll post the schedule if anyone is interested. It involves only 3 runs per week, with cross training on two other days. In the meantime this means dusting the cobwebs off my bicycle. I"ve ridden this morning to the coffee shop and will venture to Noe Valley soon.
Yesterdays training run was already intense. 7 miles! And that was the speed work. It's gonna be a long training, but I'm hoping that doing the two will encourage less strain and less injury. In an ideal world, I will qualify for Boston in Houston, which will mean another trip for a marathon, shucks. But my real goal is to kick Forest's ass!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Training Begins
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
6:49 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
It was a long hard road but I made it!
Sunday was a great day for a marathon. Allow me to take you thru the paces.
Saturday night The American Cancer Society had a dinner for the charity runners, Pasta and chicken with a video which was really inspiring and a few speakers. I was home plenty early 8:30, which gave me time to put the chip on my shoe put my bib on my shorts and washed the marathon finisher shirt I had gotten when I picked up the bib and chip. Now when I packed my clothes to change into I packed that shirt, but I also packed another shirt because I knew if I didn't finish that I could never where the shirt.
Sunday morning I got up at the butt crack of dawn that's around 4:00 am showered, had my breakfast and left for Madison about 5:00. I got to the finish line about 5:30 and looked it over, then I stretched and left for a quick mile run and then stretched out again which was the advice of my PT. I was feeling good when I boarded the shuttle for the Capitol which was the start of the race. We kicked off at 7:10, it was a little chilly, 52 with a slight breeze which is actually perfect running weather. I jumped in with the 4:30 pace group figuring I could always drop out if I started to feel fatigue coming on to soon. The pace felt a little slow so I went out in front which turned out to be good. When I stopped to pee they were coming by when I got back out to the road so I could just pick back up with them and work my way back out front. At the half way point my back was giving me trouble the nerve in my right side was pinching to a point that my leg was becoming useless. This forced me to stop and stretch out again I spent about 8 minutes getting myself ready for more. When I started running again I had to stop within a half mile to stretch again not near as long this time, but this time I felt good and it carried me thru to the end, well that and some codeine. I have found in the last few races that hills are my strong point, this is where I do most of my passing. I found yet again though that I waited to long to take in my first nutrition (PP My suggestion is start early and consume often) I played catch up for the next hour but finally got back on track and was feeling better. My plan was to start before the race and continue taking my Cliff blocks every three miles or thirty minutes which is what my pace was. But it was mile six and I was already feeling really hungry. As I said I got back on track and kept my plan the rest of the race with a pack of sport beans as my last nutrition pack, which is like eating pure sugar. It's a quick pick me up but it only lasts a few miles.
At mile twenty-two I felt like someone had switched my shoes with cement slippers HEAVY YET COMFORTABLE. My legs were on auto pilot at least that's what it felt like. At mile twenty-four finally saw a person I knew I yelled to him and he jumped up reached into his cooler grabbed a beer and cracked it open. I of course stopped and slammed half of it thanked him for the carbs and took off again. I was actually feeling good I was the annoying person telling everyone I passed from this point on ( which really wasn't many) that they were doing great and had come to far to quit or to even walk, that they could finish just dig deep down and go. As I did the last small hill Into the Coliseum parking lot I was thinking how great this was, how I had pissed and moaned about the weather all winter about how good it felt as I conquered each long run. Even how good it felt to hit a wall during a long run and dig that much harder all week to make up for it and get it done. And about all the encouragement I got from my fellow drunk runners, you were all great and made my first marathon possible. I also looked at all the friends I have made in the last six months because of my running and how it has changed my life for the better. As I rounded the corner I saw someone holding a run forest run sign but I was starting my final kick and didn't take time to see who it was. When I saw the finish line I felt like I was in an all out sprint, I know I really wasn't but I did still have some kick left. I finished the 200 meters without letting anyone pass me, but I have to admit one woman came close. The feeling of crossing the finish line was like no other. It felt like I had won the race, which I did, I won the race with myself and I beat all those that doubted me. That is a feeling I will never forget. Sixpack thanks for planting the seed.
Miles 26.2
Time 4 hrs 29 mins 51 secs
Pace 10 mins 18 secs
Overall impression:If I had known how good all this hard work would feel and how great finishing would be I would have done it years ago. (IIHKHGATHWWFAHGFWBIWHDIYA.)
P.S. PP I agree with Dee on the training group. I joined the ACS charity runners which gave us free training thru Fleet Feet. I had a group to run with on Thursday and the long runs on Sunday. I only went on the long runs and only made about half of them, all of the long mileage ones. They gave me a lot of advice and a ton of different nutrition packs to help find which one works best for me. If I ever had questions they had someone who could help me find the answer. The normal price they charge is 50.00 which I would have gladly paid. Well i would now knowing how valuable it was. With the hydration thing I found that drinking a can of V-8 daily and an extra after each workout kept my sodium level up which really helped me. I also found that and a bagel was something i could have before a long run that didn't want to come back up.
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
12:50 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Calling on Marathon Men for Advice
I set up a training plan with runnersworld - first training for a half-marathon & then training for a marathon - to prepare for Houston in January.
My first question: given my current pace, I find the pace set by the training plan, even for the short runs, to be a big step backwards (going from an 8 min. pace to a 10:54 min. pace). Will I increase my chance of injury or make it harder on myself by keeping my current pace for short runs? I find that I am too competative with myself to slow down. When I run longer distances (10+) and notice that my pace is "too fast" I have a hard time allowing myself to slow down. Any mental tricks or do I need to just have a talk with my competative side?
My second (and last) question: I may have lovely lady lumps (have I mentioned how much I hate that song?), but I am no camel. Help me with hydration tips. If it isn't coffee or alcohol, I am clueless. What can I do the night before a long run to ensure that I am hydrated but not having to pee every 15 mins. during my run? I am sure that I have followed the Kenyan method to the t: pint-sized Vodka tonics the night before a run (I am almost certain that is what the secret Kenyan running manual states). At what distance do you find gels necessary/most beneficial?
Ok, I am sure I will have more questions as I get further into my training. I trained for a half-marathon last year with Sixpack and Deetschei, but I wasn't in the shape then that I am now, so I feel like I could push myself harder than the training plan. HOWEVER, I want to minimize the potential for injury, since I am having some knee pain and I have been experiencing a shooting pain down my left calf and into my ankle (shin splints, no doubt).
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
2:30 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Bay 2 Breakers Weekend
The big challenge over the B2B weekend was taking it easy! That's the simplest way to put it. Here's the run down.
After Forest and Sandi's arrival on Thursday, we were all too tired to do any running so it was all put off until Friday. This meant the beer could flow like wine from a Jesus Jug on Thursday. I don't think one family has ever before single handedly filled the blue recycle bin, but we certainly gave it the ole collige try.
Friday morning Forest and I went out for a 5 mile run. From the hotel to Golden Gate Park and a little bit in, then turning around and coming back. Their hotel was 2 miles from the finish line, so it was a great location. We got to run the last 1/2 mile or more of the course before the actual day of the race. It was cool and foggy out and made for a great run.
Friday night we all had dinner at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Company. Wayne, Dad and I sat at the bar for a few hours before dinner having a few beers. We had a long dinner of fried fishes and various other fried foods. I so wished P.P. had been able to join us. At 6:15 it was time to head for the 6:40 boat to Alcatraz. We got out of the restaurant and off the wharf at about 6:30. We quickly learned that the boats no longer depart from Pier 39, but from Pier 33 - over a 1/4 mile away. Thus began the true Drunkrunner 400m Dash! We had 10 minutes to at least claim the tickets and we had no time to waste. Wheezing under the strain of 2 liters of beer and 1 pound of fried fish, we pulled up to the will-call booth with minutes to spare. As the rest of the family arrived Wayne and I were sober as preachers and wishing we were back at Bubba's!
Sunday morning we were at the starting line at 7 a.m. and enjoyed the sights and chatting while we waited for the whole race to begin. I was giddy like a school girl waiting with Tequila and Forest at the starting line! We had all put so much work into getting ready that it was great that it was finally here! We don't see many costumes up front, but there were a few.
At 8 a.m. the horn rang out and they were off. We did very well the first mile, clocking 9:01 together. Mile two was clocked at 9:25, but by the time I reached that mile marker I had had to leave the two of them behind. I felt bad, but I was seriously in danger of hurting my race by running it too slow -- you know how you tighten up if you run too far at a pace slower than your body is used to -- so I broke out ahead of them.
You can tell by my pace that the Hayes St. Hill was the worst part of the race (I played the Powersong twice to make it to the top). That's the dip in the pace there, ending at the top of the hill. The rest of the race went great. I ran an 8:00 mile 6 and I was totally psyched. I was even happier that my pace was picking up all the way through the last half of the race. Not bad.
You can also tell by the distance on the Nike+ that it's not so well calibrated. It was a little rough to have it telling me the race was over almost a 1/4 mile before the finish line, but I pushed through it. Finishing the race in 1:06:31 (official chip time).
That gave me an average pace of 8:55. I was aiming for 9:00, so I was more than happy with that. This was the longest distance I have run since January 21. Not bad. Not bad.
Sandi Patti sent me an SMS at 12:00 stating: Where are we? After some negotitations, I convinced her that naked men in San Francisco were not landmarks. She hung up and called back when she found something that was neither tree, nor lamppost, nor capable of moving from it's present position. We picked her and my niece and her girlfriend up at mile 5.25. Thus rescuing them. Sandi's inability to finish the race due to intoxication certainly earned her entrance into the Drunkrunner's Hall of Fame.
Official Results: 1:06:31, Place: 2309, Gender Place: 1890, Age Grade: 50%
Distance: 7.46 miles
Naked People: 5 (I must have run faster this year)
Paris Hilton costumes: 30+
Beers Consumed at the Beer Tent: Personally: 4, insgesamt: 12 or more.
Dead People: 1 (sadly a 53 year old man collapsed at the finish line)
Overall Impression: Sandi Patti, The First To Verge On Passing Out, Won The Drunkrunner Award!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
11:06 PM
Mea Culpa
It occured to me today that I haven't posted since February 14th, the night of the "infamous bike incident". This is entirely my fault, and I apologize. (I still love you all.) I had to finish a book review, an article, and work on my dissertation, which meant that whatever words I had remaining came in the single syllable variety and were used exclusively to provide myself with nourishment (Do you want more soup? "Yes"). Then I got married in England and went on honeymoon in Italy.
Quick Review of Events Since My Last Posting:
1) Winter turned to Spring, and there was much rejoicing.
2) London and Boston Marathons were run, and there was much stretching.
3) Bay to Breakers was run, and there was much nudity.
4) I ran a Personal Best mile in a run of three miles and longer- 6:59
5) I amassed over 300 miles by the second week of April.
6) I ran a Personal Best 5K- 21:53
7) Don and I contracted Foot and Mouth Disease (i.e. sheep herpes) when Nick took us on a cross country tour of the Essex countryside.
8) I explored the benefits of those "interwebs" and bought a pair of Brooks on-line. I now run in cyber shoes.
Except for a two week gap though, I ran the whole time. Here's proof:
Basically, I had a nice seven week stretch of 20+ mile weeks going when my brother arrived in Cologne to "help" us "prepare" for the wedding. for those of you that don't speak Henderson, that translates roughly into "drink". I still maintained a good bit of running until I finally convinced him to acccompany me on a bike shortly before we left for London. About 4 miles into a 6 mile run, a large dog ran under the front tire of his bike, causing Steve to catapault over the handlebars like a cow over a castle wall. I was convinced he would be maimed and I would have to explain to my friends why one of my groomsmen didn't have a lower jaw. Luckily, however, he remembered our Gymkata training as children and rotated at the last second. His face was saved, but his shoulder turned into mincemeat. This is okay, because you can't see that in wedding pictures.
Needless to say, I was scared to run with him again, and seeing as how we were leaving for London anyway, I quietly put my shoes away and concentrated on other important stamina-building exercies, like spending my Bachelor Party on Brick Lane trying to prove I could eat the hottest curry on the East End. I stand by my choice.
As Don and Nick both already mentioned, the "Wedding Day Something-K" was a success. I had assumed that since Nick knew the entire 4 mile distance already, he had already run it the night before (my favorite line- "Now this part is cool. We're going to go through somebody's yard, but don't worry. It's a public footpath." He said this as he slowed down to open their gate). But it turns out that he had already run the entire distance that morning, then came back to pick us up.Then, after we were finished, he couldn't walk home with Don because he wanted to do another run! Simply awesome.
I picked back up last Wednesday and if it doesn't storm tonight, then I should log 19 miles for my first week back. I should be back in the mid-20s next week, and am hoping to log around 30 a week before I start training for something again. I'm still debating on whether I want to start getting really serious about anything right now, but P.P. might need some company in her quest, and I need to spend some quality time chatting with my cowgirl, anyway. I'm posting AT LEAST once a week now. It's my mid-May resolution.
PS: How was B2B?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
Posted by
dr. deetschei
8:03 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
One is the Loneliest Number
Seriously, it was great to be back with one-half of the original DrunkRunners - Pacemaker, you were sorely missed (especially because Don would much rather have looked at your ass than mine). In addition to our dirty, slutty run on Saturday, Don and I conquered Twin Peaks (no, not what you are thinking, although I can't blame you...) on Tuesday. It was totally Hounds of the Baskervilles with the fog but minus the hounds, Sherlock Holmes, and Watson.

Anyways, since I am all eji-micated and graj-iated I did very little running while in Berkeley. I should have taken advantage of the gorgeous weather. As it stands now, I have returned to the mid-80s/low-90s in Tejas and will have to either get up at 4am or wait until 7pm to run. Boo hoo. Whatever. Ain't gonna stop the Pavement Pounder! I've got a marathon to start training for.
Good luck to EVERYONE this weekend and enjoy the costumes, naked runners, Hayes Street, and most importantly the beer tent. Ginifer and I are scheduled to run it here, albeit without the hills and naked bodies [sigh].
Quick Stats
Total Time: 2:48:57
Avg. Pace: 8:32
Observations: Booo! I slowed down my pace by 14 secs. Grrr! (B!ISDMPB!@S.G!)
Total Time: 2:18:00????(runs got erased on my watch sometime during my flight (*@!#$***%)
Avg. Pace: 8:21
Observations: Enjoy the hills but they do nothing for my pace. That is why the Houston marathon is one of the fastest courses!!! (ETHBMDNFMP.TIWTHMIOOTFC!!!)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
7:39 AM
Labels: Hounds of the Baskervilles, Slutty Sixpack, Twin Peaks
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Drunkrunner Slut
Last week it was Braintree with Nick and Deetschei, this morning it was the Nimitz trail with the Pavement Pounder, next week it's the Bay to Breakers with Tequila, Forest, Sandi, Thirtypack, Mamaschu, and Mom. What can I say? I get around!
Seriously, last weeks run in Braintree was great. Running through the brush and brambles of the English countryside made every moment of those nettles worthwhile! Forget the fact that I was still suffering from a Poison Oak like rash, at least I had the ointment with me to lessen the symptoms. It was awesome meeting Nick and seeing just how thoroughly he is capable of kicking my ass. We did a 4 mile run, but before we met, Nick had already run at least 2. When we were finished and I was ready to collapse, Nick went back out for a few more miles. Not bad.
Today, the day after Julie's graduation -- That's Dr. Pavement Pounder to you! -- we went for a run on the Nimitz trail. I hadn't run Nimitz since last year, and was surprised just how hilly it was. Her sister, Ginifer was with us, and I was glad to have someone there who was also hurting, because Jules was out front and I spent the entire 5 mile run looking at her ass. The weather was great, a little chilly and windy, but once we got moving I didn't notice much.
The Week's summary:
Miles: 12
Overall: 1:52:40
Average: 9:23
Impression: Need To Get A Running Partner! Where Have They All Gone? (NTGARP!WHTAG?)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
9:39 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I'm down with being the mean guy
So I just got back from a little trip across the pond to see Deetschei get hitched, and was informed by 6-pack that one of my mini-diatribes here caused a minor ruckus. Sweet! I'm sure my post was too harsh but I think it was ultimately well-intentioned. Or maybe I was having a bad day. Anyway I'm maybe kind of harsh in general when it comes to running advice, but the best coaches I've had haven't been the ones that have told me to take it easy when I'm not feeling good. So I'm glad to pass the meanness on. Really, it's for your own good. Also, being mean is fun.
Took a nice 4 mile run with Deetschei and 6-pack in the UK countryside on the wedding day. The plan was 9-minute miles but it was closer to 8 through the first 2 or 3 miles. I think we brought it back down near the end and ended up at 9s. I think we all could've hit 8s or better, and Deetschei was downright chomping at the bit, he's ready for 6s. Or maybe that was the wedding-day jitters. Maybe I'll plan to get married on Patriot's day so I can try using those jitters for a good Boston time. Thanks for the run guys, I think it was worth the itchiness from the stinging nettles. And congrats on that marriage thing Deetschei.
Posted by
5:08 AM
hey there DRs...
long time no post from me. was gone for 10 days in europe (fabulous time, thank you) and then got back... only to find that my luggage has been LOST by stoopid british airways (that is the nicest descriptor i have called them yet) and my new running shoes were in there. i have to wait until the 10 day mark until i can make a claim... so i have not been able to run since i got back (right after a vacation is not the best time to buy a new pair of shoes that may end up being redundant if they ever find my bag)... well, and the nasty cold i got towards the end of last week didn't help either.
so, i have no personal running stories to add... but do have two links i thought you'd all enjoy:
http://www.physorg.com/news95954919.html - Humans: hot, sweaty, natural-born runners (sounds like a delightful movie, if a porno, exercise video and natural-born killers were to have a love child).
http://mapmyrun.com/ - a way to map out your runs!
Posted by
12:26 AM
Labels: lost luggage, mapping runs, natural-born runners
Monday, May 07, 2007
Last 20 miler
Well folks I made it thru my last twenty miler now it's a coast to the big event. The last big run was on a great day lower sixty's with a wind that was strong at times but even that felt OK. I put more sodium in my diet and carb loaded two days prior which really helped. I ran with the training group I'm in actually I have only ran with them twice now but it's a nice change of pace to run with people. I think it actually helps your time. I ran the first 9 miles solo, then I stopped to stretch having a little back pain but not bad. The group of lady's behind me caught up and I ran with them the rest of the way, It was nice to talk while running. One of the lady's was invited out to run B2B but she declined because her sis wanted to run it naked......damn the luck, why does god hate me. I learned that walking thru the aids station will actually increase your time for the average person running because it gives the body time to rest, I agree with this and will practice it from here on out in my long (18 - 20) runs. Well after running and talking with one of the girls for 11 miles I decided I'd ask her to dinner... she runs ... the conversation was good what can I lose right. Turns out she's married ( again why does god hate me) I didn't see a wedding ring that was why I asked...she doesn't wear it when she runs. CRAP!!!!! Well back to the run The last 4 miles my back was killing me. I was grimacing in pain but I couldn't quit with only 4 miles to go, so I stuck it out and made it, my time suffered but I made it. It felt good to finish and I know if I can keep the pain down I can do 26.2 miles on the 27Th. I am actually going in for an MRI on wed. to see if they can find more of the problem. The x-ray shows I don't have much disc left on the fifth lumbar bottom actually it's bulging, but with all I've done It doesn't seem to want to go back into place. At least that explains the pain I've been having and not that I'm a hypochondriac LIKE MY LITTLE BROTHER.
Distance: 20 miles
Time: 3 hrs 25 min 48 secs
Pace 10 min 20 secs
Overall Impression: I feeeeeeeeel good da na na na na na na na I new that I would da na na na na na na na. It's all a cake walk from here, til the big day when I become part of the 1% of Americans who have ran a MARATHON!!!!!!!
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
12:49 AM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Those Two Little Miles
Last week started out strong. I switched my long run to the beginning of the week just to change things up a bit. I ran 9 at a decent pace (8:30) considering I had run another 9 only three days earlier. The rest of the week consisted of a 4 and a 5 with paces hovering around 8:00. I had grand plans to run another 8 at the end of the week - which would have given me a marathon for the week - but wussed out. I decided to lay by the pool and turn myself into a pickled red beet egg as Ben dubbed me. (FYI, they look TOTALLY gross, and I have never brought myself to eat one, but Ben has some "festering" in the fridge right now):
Total Distance: 18
Total Time: 2:29:36
Avg. Pace: 8:18
Never fear, I am a professional. I hit the road this week with a "blistering" [ha ha] 11 miles. Who knew that those two little miles (from 9 to 11) could make so much of a painful difference? I haven't been sore from running for a good year now, but there was something about those 2 miles that broke me. I haven't run 11-12 miles since Napa (last spring), but I am happy to report that my time was MUCH better this year. This could explain, at least partially, why my knees and quads are screaming "You f*cking bitch!" when I go up and down the stairs. I will take today off and then slowly build the miles back up (making sure to run the Braintree 6.44k on Friday) and hopefully run another longer distance Sunday. Clearly I have abadoned following my training plan in the strictest sense... But I am trying to keep the total weekly miles the same.
Distance: 11 mi
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
4:11 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Chicago Marathon!
Somewhere I heard mention of the Chicago marathon. I think it was Forest. Just wanted to let everyone know the deal, as this is becoming quite common.
Unless you are a member of CARA (Chicago Area Running Association) you have to raise money for charity in order to run. Will there come a time when the only way to run a marathon is to raise $1000 and run a previous race, for which you also raised $1000, in under 3 hours?
I hope not. But anyone wanting to run Chicago had better get his/her ass in gear!
Check it out! I'm thinking of running. Must contemplate over the next week while consuming copious amounts of English ale.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
10:00 PM
The Braintree 6.44K
We leave tomorrow for Daytonio's Wedding in England, so I will be away from our little forum for 5 days. Not sure what I'm going to do without it, but I'll get along.
The Braintree 6.44k will be run this weekend. We have planned for sometime to go for a run on the wedding day, and this is our chance for the first international-cyber drunkrunner event. To participate all you need do is run 4 miles on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Post your time to Drunkrunners. The winner will get a special prize from England.
So lace up those shoes, get out that iPod containing Chariots of Fire and hit the road.
My own stats:
Runs: 6 miles
Time: 55:30
Average: 9:15
Impression: You Said The Pub Was Right Around The Corner! Why Am I Still Running? (YSTPWRATC!WAISR?)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:04 PM