Ok folks I'm not sure if I deserve to be a drunk runner now. I was going to post after my run on sunday but I didn't run and I was just to tired to type. I think I'm getting old 15 years ago I would have been up and going no problem. Well Here is how the week went Tuesday I had a good 5 mile run...Thursday I went to give blood and then was going to run my 7 miles. When I was just about to get in the chair someone came up and asked if I would mind givibg two units instead of one because of my blood type. They hooked me up to a machine kind of like the ones at the plasma centers( I know all of you drunk runners no what that is) but instead it pulled out my red blood cells and pumped the plasma back in. They said they needed it because vacation season was coming and My blood is precious...being the concerned citizen I did it even thought they told me no running that night. Friday I had early plans for dinner and then rest for an 8k on Saturday. Up at 6:00 AM met some friends at 7:30 and headed to Madison. When I lined up for the start....they did it wave style.... at 10:00 I met a very nice and pretty lady turns out she has a boyfriend but we ran together anyhow. Finished the race in 45 min 23 sec and like all Crazy leg races you get two free beers at the end. I drank them while waiting for the rest of my party to finish then we headed right to the bar. I was givin free beer for most of the time I was at the first bar (3hours) reason some young kids or college students asked if any one had ever told me I looked like Nicholas Cage? I responded look like I am him just call me Nick about three pitchers and 20 autographs later we went to the next bar to make a long story short I got home at 2:00 AM not sure who drove me home didn't know what time I got home until I talked to kyle. I guess I drank a few 22 year olds under the table or to the fence and didn't want to quit but they made me go. Thank god. Woke up at 7:00AM and thought I'll waite and go running this afternoon well it never came to that. I didn't really have a hang over just tired. So I figure If I can drink all day and night but can't get up and run 8 miles the next day then I don't deserve the drunk runner name.
My overall impression: I know Dee would have got up and ran so why couldn't I....Huh!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Crazy legs
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
10:57 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
The Good, The Bad and the Desperate
I'm now two weeks into my training program in which I'm sticking to the mileage Runners World gave me, and to the advice of all trainers -- never increase mileage by more than 10% a week. It's going very well. I ran 3 miles today. Up and over Twin Peaks from the house. I had a great time.
I'm still having very minor pains, my pain tolerance being so high that I'm sure this is nothing more than my own neurosies. However, this is the reason for caution. I did have a very strange situation from mile 2.25 - mile 2.75. My right leg was cramping up. Not just the quad, but the hamstring as well. My entire thigh seemed to be working on revolt. I think my IT Band joined in just for fun as well. The irony is that mile 2.25 is where the route actually levels off Anyone ever have this happen? What did you do? By following the advice of all the people I've asked for advice, then well, I should be back on the road logging lots of miles in no time.
Which brings me to the Good, the bad and the desperate. THE GOOD: running 3 miles with almost no pain is amazing. It was a glorious time this morning being on the top of San Francisco as the sun rose over downtown. It was warm and gorgeous. Adding to the greatness of it all is the fact that I am speeding up. In the past few weeks I've been able to cut 2 seconds off my average pace. I'm down to 9'34!!!!! (This average includes 60 miles logged while training for the marathon.)
THE BAD: I have to say that the most defeating and difficult thing about running at this stage is coming to terms with the fact that 3 miles is a great run and a great distance! Once you've trained for and run a marathon, it's hard to accept anything short of 8 miles as worth even leaving the house. I think this was part of the slowness in getting back on track for me. I often had that thought that it just wasn't worth getting dressed if I was going to be out there running for 20 minutes. In the end I've conquered it, but be aware, should this happen to you.
THE DESPERATE: The recent success has me very excited about running again, and I'm looking forward to sneeking a jog with DJ on the morning of the wedding. He'll kick my ass, but that doesn't matter. I'm starting to look at the possibility of training for another marathon. This time, slowly and with lots of speedwork. Did someone say BOSTON?
Week in Review:
Miles: 5
Time: 46:42
Average: 9:20
Overall Impression: Believe It Or Not I'm Walking On Air. I Never Thought I Could Feel So Free! (BIONIWOA. INTICFSF!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
6:11 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
300 Miles!!!!
A shout out to DJ who has very quietly run 300 miles already this year! Everyone give him his due props!
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:55 PM
Looks like I made it
I have now stepped into the wonderful world of electronic running; that's right I bought an I-pod and the Nike chip and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!On my twenty mile run this week I took off and ran willy nilly. I just went out until I hit 10 miles and then headed home. I think I need to calibrate it or my gate got really short the last half. My twenty miles finished about a half mile short of where I thought it should, so I shut it down and finished the last half mile. I had a little back pain from mile sixteen on but I got it done. Just a few more weeks to go and one more twenty mile run before the big one. We'll just keep pushing and pounding the pavement.
Distance: 20 miles
Time:3hrs 39mins 3secs
Pace:10mins 56secs
Overall Impression: I love the Nike+ and I love electric stimulation on my back after a run. So tell me again why do we run? (ILTN+AILESOMBAAR.STMAWDWR?)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
1:30 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
London Marathon - Take Note
That having been said, I admit that I totally skipped the last mile of my 10 mile run on Saturday because it was f*ckin' hot!!!! By 11 am (when I hit the last mile) it had to already have been somewhere in the 80s and not a cloud in the sky. [I know that for those from AZ this sounds ridiculous]. No idea what percentage humidity but let's say "medium gooey" on the StickyMeter. However, my sister and I did plant waterbottles along our route which was an enormous help (except for the sloshing in my stomach and the overwhelming need to pee while running).
Oh, remind me sometime to blog about the sports massage I got. Some people store their stress in their shoulders, apparently I have knots in my glutes that require a woman to place all of her bodyweight on her pointy, little elbows . Don't EVEN start with me, Don! I know I am going to regret sharing that tid-bit.
Stats for the Week
Time: 2:42:20
Distance: 19.1
Avg: 8:29
Observation: Water = Life (W=L).
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
8:02 AM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Fighting The Urge....
to run too much. I finally put in some realistic numbers to the Runners World Training Oracle, and it's telling me I should be running 6-8 miles a week right now. So, when I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. I had to seriously fight the urge to get out there and run 3 miles.
Instead, I chose to go for a bike ride. I bought a bike about a year ago with all of these hopes of cross training. NOT!!! I've been on it about 8 times. It's a decent bike, certainly gets me where I need to go, and it only cost me $50 bucks. The big hurdle is the hill. Everytime I get on it, I have to climb a massive hill, either to get away from home, or to get back home, or both. It's discouraging. But today I did it. 4 miles!!!!! I know it doesn't seem like much, but I'm working on it. The plan is to bike at least 2 days a week. That would mean cardio 5 days a week, which will help me get in shape for the race a little faster.
Running is going well. 2 miles at a clip, and I'm getting better. A little faster, and the legs/knees are hurting a lot less. My biggest challenge right now, is holding back. It's hard for me, and the reason for most of my injuries over the past year. I'm tired of injuries, so I've decided to take it slow and build up. It's the wise thing to do, and since two a days just don't work for me, it's the only option.
Week's summary:
Miles: 4
Time: 37:31
Average: 9:23/mile.
Overall Impression: I So Wish This New Bike Had a Banana Seat! (ISWTNBHABS)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
7:01 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Jet Lag Schmet Lag
I gave myself a day's rest before getting back into my running routine after a week of no exercise - except schlepping a 30 pound backpack through airports and Oxford. Last week's training should have been 21 miles and since this week is a "rest week" I am going to make up the 21 miles. This weekend my longest run will be 10 miles (haven't done a 10 miler since the infamous "FYJW Run").
Today's Run was a 5 miler. I expected to be a little slow, since I hadn't run in a week and I managed to run at the warmest time of the day. Oddly, had I run at 11am things would have been perfect. Who knew 4 pm would suck? Oh well, can't hate on the sunshine! My avg. pace was 8:07, so I wasn't as slow as I had anticipated. And Forest, you are absolutely correct, spitting cotton balls is HORRIBLE - especially when they hit you! Ugh. Second big goal - hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Deetschei's commitment to water is my new model to emulate.
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
12:10 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Big distance!
Well a few weeks ago, I came screaming out of the gates like some Drag Queen with her hair on fire, and managed to run 16 miles in the first week out. The following week I was on pace to make 18 miles when my leg said, "Uh Uh!" I went to the doc concerned that I had a stress fracture, but in the end its just shin splints. So I took a week off, did lots of ice, got lots of rest and am now ready to pick things back up. I'm going to be doing 2 miles a day, with one long run, and some speed work, over the next few weeks. This should help me recover my fitness without stressing the legs too much. If you have suggestions let me know.
I ran two miles today and they went nicely. Nothing big to report. It was windy and cold, but I managed a decent pace of 9:25/mile.
In other news, I just wanted to share this picture with you all. It didn't make it into the papers, but we were very excited, nonetheless.
This is the reason I didn't get to run on Sunday. We got the chance to attend a fundraiser for Hillary, where Bill was the representative. It was great!!!!!!! And, not to brag, I've now shaken the hand of every democratic president in the past 30 years. Scratch that -- Every democratic president to have ruled during my lifetime!
OK, I'm done now.
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
5:02 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Wall
Not the one by Pink Floyd.....but the one brought to me by dehydration. Friday night I went to Rockford and drank with my freshly turned 21 year old niece. I told myself a month ago no more than two beers a night until after the marathon, well I didn't listen. Besides Bean's and I were having to much fun ribbing Sandi. Only slept about 3 hours that night and didn't drink enough fluids to replenish the system. I knew this when I got up this morning So I decided to post pone my run until this afternoon to try and hydrate.Well I ended up going and getting two loads of wood ( to those of you in the larger city's of CA. that's about 2500 dollars worth) while I drank water........... again not the smartest thing in the world. I left for my run at 2:30 did I mention that more than 3/4 of the first ten miles was running into a very stiff head wind. I didn't take enough fluids with me ( PP I understand wanting to be a camel now) or gel packs At mile ten where I could turn around and head back my legs were already wobbly I took my third gel pack and drank the last of my water. Did I mention it was a little chilly and I was running into the wind. Well nobody had to remind me my nipples did it for me. Cotton shirt not good..... rubs on hard nipples causing them to bleed...........can you say OOOOOOOOUCH? I did and still am I actually had blood coming thru my shirt on the right side again OUCH.
I walked about a hundred yards and went back to my pace. I had to keep telling myself I could make it while I held my shirt out to stop the pain. At mile 11 I talked even more telling myself I could make it mile twelve it was even harder ( yes my nipples as well) by mile 13.5 I couldn't go anymore. My legs were shot......I could barely walk and I had no water left. Thankfully I took my cell phone with. I called ma and had her pick me up. In the time it took her to drive the six miles to get me I was only able to walk another half mile and that took alot for me to do. I figure that was the wall I have heard people speak of but never experienced. Well I can't say that anymore. My first twenty mile run turned into a 13.5 mile run. I will complete it next Sunday though I'm determined to get it done I'll just have to modify my training schedule. I did my 13.5 in 2 hrs 19 min 28 sec. I was actually happy with the pace ...not so happy when I failed to complete. I'll get em next week.
Overall impression: I learned what it's like to be a runner today, to push until I have nothing left and still want to go on. Even with BLOODY NIPPLE'S!! (ILWILTBARTTPUIHNLASWTGO.EWBN!!)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
12:55 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Boston Rainathon
The Boston Marathon is today!!! They are expecting 5 inches of rain and severe danger of Hypothermia. Last reports were that they weren't sure what they were going to do. The gun is at 12 noon Boston time, I believe.
Check the link: "You Know You Want It" to the right to check on the race.
More later,
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:55 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
(un)lucky 13
so, after two weeks of (finally) GREAT runs, i was very excited and ready to come on here and post about how amazing and wonderful it has felt to be running regularly, and doing it well, finally. i am getting my runs in when i should be, my times have been improving and my body is responding superbly to the increased punishment (and my liver is hanging in there as well, in case you were wondering. i am starting beer-drinking conditioning in preparation for B2B Drunk Runners Celebration Party).
and then yesterday i had that inevitable hiccup that took the wind outta my sails. ah, yes, friday the 13th.
i have to preface this by saying that 13 is my lucky number and i have always enjoyed friday the 13th, so i didn't go into the day thinking that something bad was going to happen.
anyway, i left my apartment jazzed up and ready for a nice little 6 mile tempo run, after getting on my gear and lacing up my shoes. i had decided that i didn't need water or other such stuff for a relatively short run, so i left my belt and bottles and whatnot at home. since my running clothes didn't have any pockets, i securely tucked my house key into my shoe laces (as i have done MANY times before) and my shuffle into my sports bra (i have one of the older shuffles that is the size of a small pack of gum).
as i was securing my key in my shoe, i thought to myself "i should make sure this is nice and tight- that sure would suck to get locked out of the house with no cell phone or money and having to go to work in a few hours". nice way to jinx myself!
yes, i lost the key. about a mile and a half into my run, i glanced down and noticed that the key was no longer there. just gone. grrreeeeaaaat.
i stopped and immediately turned around, walking back to retrace my path exactly to see if i could find the key. the entire time i couldn't help but think about how i was going to break into my apartment or get my husband's key from him (with no cell phone and no money to take the bus to his work)... think about that and fume that my run was now ruined (there was no way i'd have time to head back out to complete the run).
i guess the day ended up being lucky after that glitch, because about 3/4 of the way back i found the key. just sitting there on the sidewalk, waiting for me. i jogged the rest of the way back and continued on with my day, thankful that no one had picked the key up and that the unlucky part of my day wasn't so bad after all.
so, anyway, my training for B2B is going well (i finally feel like i am THERE), my fundraising is going awesome (already raised $750- my father-in-law passed away 4 and a half years ago from leukemia, so it is a cause very near and dear to my family and friends), and i am excited about getting better and better the next few months.
the only question i have for everyone: how do you manage to get your "longer" week day runs in, with work and all? i know some people (sixpack being one) have a more flexible schedule with school... but i find that i have a hard time fitting in a 6 mile run on thursdays (my long weekend runs are easy to make happen), for example. i am worried about that getting more and more difficult once my miles start increasing for marathon training. thoughts? advice? admonishments (nick)?
oh, and Forest: is it too late to put in my cheese order? i'd like to ask for a sharp cheddar, please. anything from the great pacific northwest i can bring you in return?
week's stats
total distance: 16 miles (not including the 5 miles i was supposed to run yesterday that got cut off)
total time: not sure exactly... i haven't been keeping track of that (i really need to get a pedometer or something- any recommendations?)... but...
average pace: about 9:00 (THIS i am very excited about. my short 2 mile runs are closer to 8:30 and my longer runs i am right around 9:00/mile)
achievement of the week: finding my key and not getting locked out of my apartment
overall impression: See a Key? Let it Be! You Never Know Who's Coming Back For It. (SAKLIBYNKWCBFI)
Posted by
10:49 PM
Labels: friday the 13th, good runs, lost key
Monday, April 09, 2007
I Wish I Were A Camel
As I mentioned in my comment to Forest's triumphant 17 mi. run, that is about the distance I manage in a week. This last week was a 19 mile kinda week. I would really like to be able to run a 30mile week, but that will all happen soon enough...
Not much to report, except that I am speeding my pace up on the long runs, which is good news. Even with musice, however, I have discovered that 9+ miles is pretty lonely. I have tried to talk Ben into pulling a Tessa and riding the bike alongside me and playing "water boy" but that was a no-go. Guess I will just have to come up with other ways to amuse myself as the distances increase. I have realized that I need to superhydrate the night before a run - and not my usual coffee/alcohol regimine :( I also need to locate water fountains (or bubblers for your weirdos) along my route, because I am not keen on running with a bottle.
I wish I had some fabulous insight to share with you all, but right now it is just about putting in the distance and keeping the times down.
Week's Stats
Total Distance: 19 mi.
Total Time: 2:39:45
Avg. Pace: 8:24
Achievement of the Week: 9.15 mi. in 1:15:21 (8:14 pace).
Overall Impression: Faster than a speeding bullet... well, almost. (FTASB...WA)
Posted by
Dr. Pavement Pounder
6:24 PM
I'm slow but I'm F*CKING BACK!!
I started out the weekend with no run on Friday, part of my new plan see post below. So I took Friday and Saturday off, On Saturday I decided to get a massage it felt great but I actually hurt worse after. Although upon awakening Sunday morning I felt great I got up had a few pieces of toast packed my things for my run stretched and took off.
I ran 3 miles and felt good so I kept running. People were gathering around running behind me and asking me for my advice on everything. One asked me "how do you know when it's time to stop, when you've run enough?" I replied a wise friend once said that if you spit and you run into the spit then you're NOT tired you haven't run far enough, that you can run two more miles. Next thing I knew everyone behind me was spitting some turned around some kept going. In the end I was the only one left running and then it dawned on me, I kept running into my spit because I was needing fluids, I was spitting what was the equivalent of cotton balls in to the wind. No wonder they kept hitting me! I decided it was time to turn around I ate a gel pack (they should package them in rice paper the foil ones are hard to swallow) drank some water while I walked a ways then hit the trails again. I did this one more time as well as a restroom break and two stops for stretching. The massage brought my pinched nerve back to what I remember them to be like. Instead of a dull shooting pain that if I grinned and bared the pain I could run with it, to a pain that would make my leg useless. Good news if I stopped stretched my back, sides, quads and hips I could run pain free again. This run felt good it wasn't fast But I was able to run 17.2 miles I needed to run 18 to be back on track. I didn't know how far I had gone until I was done and drove it with the truck. I let my body tell me when to turn around. I ran the 17.2 in 3 hrs 15 min 52 sec. I know I know slow BUT I F#CKING DID IT!!!!!!!!! I was pumped I felt like I had run the marathon. Afterward I took an ice bath, if anyone is wondering they do work but guys you'll have to pee sitting down for a few days until he decides to pop out again, POOR GUY!
Distance: 27.2 miles
Time: 4hrs 58mins 32secs
Pace: I really don't want to know I'm happy enough to be running again!
Overall impression: Any day you can run is a good day. No, a great day! (ADYCRIAGD.N,AGD!)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
2:24 AM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I Didn't Break My Leg!
I went to the Doctor on Friday and he says I didn't break my leg, but that I was having shin splints. Now I had felt something I thought was shin splints for years, but it turns out I hadn't quite felt it all yet. He says my 16 miles last week was a bit much and that I should cut it back and use lots of ice. Which is what I am doing. Oh, and he gave me an extra referral to Physical Therapy. If only I could pass it on to P.P. for her issues.
There will be no run today, I'll pick it back up on Tuesday and cut some of the miles back. I'm feeling much better today and I don't think this is going to slow me down too much.
Overall Impression: Birthday Is Over And I Love Fondue! (BIOAILF)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:31 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
I think I'm back, maybe
These last few weeks have been full of back and knee pain, ( can you tell that Sixpack and I are brothers, it seems we are always whining) thankfully I have found that they are related. (not Sixpack and my pain)My knee pain is coming from a transfer pain which is coming from my Sciatica. When I get it straightened out I'll be good as new. I'm going to use an old chiropractor I used to use, gonna get a few massages and keep seeing the PT. I saw my doctor yesterday, he gave me a new, stronger anti inflammatory and told me to take Tylenol arthritis at lunch or one hour before a run. Again nobody has told me not to run, just to let pain guide me. Tuesday I ran 4 miles but had to stop and stretch three times and had pain most of my run so I didn't do anymore. Thursday I went out to run 4 miles but after taking the drugs at the two mile point I still felt good so I went further. I ended up doing 6 miles total relatively pain free, the time wasn't the greatest but I am running again which is more important than time. I have decided to cut my training back from 4 days a week to 3 days. About the time I went to 4 and my mileage increased so much so did my pain. I will now be taking Fri. and Sat. off to try and get my long runs up to what they should be. I should be running 18 miles this week instead I'm going to try for 14 I may push for 16 if things feel good I'll try to go all the way but I won't push to much.I have to get back on track. Wish me luck.
NIIIIICK I'll bet your heads just a spinning right now.
P.S. Its time to put in your cheese order for B2B, remember good old cheeses none of that FU FU stuff.
Miles: I'll post on Sunday.
Overall impression: why do we push are selves when others are sitting on the couch eating
chips drinking beer and scratching? (WDWPASWOASOTCECDBAS?)
Posted by
Clyde S. Dale
8:22 PM
Of Birthdays and Injuries!
You heard it correctly, folks. It is my TWIN sister's birthday today!!!! A shout out to MamaSchu and a happy birthday. You can forward any gifts to her through me. She really likes the Pet Shop Boys, the Berlin Wall, and things that sparkle.
In honor of her birthday I have decided to take the day off today. I'm not only taking the day off we are going out with friends to celebrate my TWIN sister's birthday, by having Fondue at the Matterhorn in her honor. We'll be eating lots of cheese (Wisconsin, if they have it.); drinking some wine and somewhere we'll be getting a beer. That's all I know. I hope she appreciates the sacrifices we will be making for her birthday out here.
As my TWIN sister turns 36, I thought it would be a good time to look back at the past year and assess where I've been and where I am. One year ago we were training for the Bay to Breakers. I don't think we had yet crossed the 12 mile run mark, which means that 365 days ago, I had never run further than 10 miles. What I has happened since then? Bay to Breakers was awesome. I only wish DJ had been there to ensure a party animal at the beer tent. PP's graduate student husband shut the party down early. Goddamned Master's Thesis! I've since completed 2 marathons and run over 500 miles. Not bad for a guy who 10 years ago could barely climb a flight of stairs. So, as my TWIN sister turns another year older, I have to say, I'm very happy with where I am. I may still be a whining perpetually injured runner that works nerves of that Bizarro Chopra (Nick), but in the end, I'm happy to be here.
Speaking of Nick. Now comes the bad news. I'm going to the doctor today to have him check out my ankle. It's been having funny pains for the past few days and I want to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong. All the online info I can find leads me to think I might have a stress fracture. Pray to Pope DJ that this is not the case. I'll of course be posting if I'm taken out of commission, but only after I celebrate MamaSchu's birthday today.
In summary:
Happy Birthday, MamaSchu!
Week's miles: 8
Time: 75:00
Average: 9:22
Overall Impression: Getting Faster! All I Need Is Some Soccer Practice! (GF!AINISSP!)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
3:23 PM
Labels: beer tent, birthday, stress fracture, twin
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
From One Training Plan to the Next
In the grand scheme of things, last week was a decent week. I managed to come back from my "slacker" week and put in 20.75 mi. (I know what you are thinking: why not finish off the last .25 to make a nice round number?) Times were okay. I know they can and will be faster. But my big triumph of the week was running 9 mi. (first time since August when I took the gorgeous run from UCB campus up to Wildcat Canyon and back down - see post from 08/21/06). However, this last 9 mi. wasn't quite as scenic, but it got the job done.
I've decided to add miles to my training, just 'cause. Additionally, I already printed up my marathon training plan which I will start after B2B training is finished. I'm feeling pretty good about it. Somehow 14-20 miles seems doable at 11min. miles., but then again, the furthest I have ever run is 12, so.... I could be setting myself up for a BIG surprise. However, I think it is a really good motivational tool to already have another race/training plan lined up so that I don't fall into my couch potato routine. While the Houston marathon isn't until January, I am sure I can find another one either in Austin or Dallas before then.
Week's Summary
Total Distance: 20.75
Total Time: 3:03:04
Avg. Pace: 8:49
Fastest Avg. Pace: 8:15 on a 7 mile run.
Overall Impression: "This wheel's on fire, Rolling down the road, Best notify next of kin, This wheel shall explode!" (TWOFRDTRBNNOKTWSE!) - Don't ask me why that Siouxsie & the Banshees song came into my head, except that I was thinking that my running is on fire this week... ;)
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Week In Review!
Before I tell you how the week went, I thought you might all want to know about today's celebrity sighting. While we were picking up some groceries at the Safeway near the house we noticed this chap in line behind us. This is Jamie from the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters. He was nonchalantly buying a buttload of Ginger Ale, some cheap vodka, and some amaretto. Either this guy has very strange taste in cocktails or his show is about to get really cool!!!! And yes, the moustache is just as bad in person.
Now on to the running news. I finished my long run today!!!!! That's 16 miles for the week and I feel great. When I ran the first 2 miles on Tuesday I thought I was never going to make it on the long run. Another reason to just run to the next lightpole. If you make that bargain with yourself and just keep making it, it can work. Today I started out and told myself that I could walk briefly at mile 2. Then I said, "Nah, you can make it to the halfway point." Then it was, "Well just run back to the car." So I did. The car was mile 4 and I took a short break to get some water, blow my nose and regroup a bit. Even with this my times on the last three miles still dragged, but I ended the day with an average of 9:46/mile. The goal was 9:26, so I was quite proud to be so close.
Next week it's 18 miles and I'm sure it will be a lot easier than this week. I'm feeling good and there is no pain to speak of. So, I think I might be healed. That said, I am also on the quest to lose a little bit of weight. The last two months have not been kind. I weighed in this morning at 198. I want to lose at least 10 pounds before the B2B, so the diet starts today. I'll keep you all posted as the weeks progress. 10 pounds by B2B means I need to lose 1.4 pounds per week. I think I can do that. Just cutting out french fries should do it. :-)
The Week in Review:
Total Miles: 16
Total time: 2:33:48
Average Pace: 9:37/mile
Projected B2B Finishing Time: 71:44
Overall Impression: When Does the Beer Tent Open Exactly? (WDTBTOE?)
Posted by
Sixpack Chopra
10:21 PM