Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We are having a heat wave right now, but with the heat wave we also have rain and fog because of the snow. It's been seventy minus thirty for highs here. I have to do my three mile run tonight and it will be dark and raining, but atleast it won't be cold. congrats on the run Moose. I checked out the uw training and will think about it. A question, I have been training seven days a week trying to bring my times down. Run three days and a row machine or excercise bike with some weight training the other four. is this to much or is it good for me to do to get my times down. I have brought the time down to 9min 42sec, but I want to get closer to a nine minute mile. Any pointers would be appreciated. Still working on the drinking, but I really don't want the calories fom it right now.

1 comment:

dr. deetschei said...

Hey man! I agree with Moose. You need time to recover. Also, work in tempo runs/sprints. Have one day of runs be at the track, and alternate between fast laps/slow laps, while slowly building up the frequency and speed of fast laps. Sounds to me like you're off to a great start!